Head over to Tuesday's Place for the questions and to visit everyone's answers!
1. Do you have a favorite flower? Yes! My absolute favorite flower is the lilac. The smell of lilacs on a gentle breeze is my favorite scent in the whole world :)
2. Do you know your birth flower? How about your state's flower? I didn't know the answer to the first question so I did some research. The birth flower for March is the daffodil. I thought I knew the Pennsylvania State flower but wanted to verify that is in fact Mountain Laurel :)
3. Is there a plant that you love having in the house or garden? I have to go back to my favorite of lilacs. I also love roses but they come in a close second.
4. If you could plant a dream garden what would you place in it? Other than flowers of all types...it would have to have a swing. I love sitting on my swing to read, crochet or just bask in the fresh air. I would definitely need a swing.
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