Thursday, June 21, 2018

First Lines Friday ~ 6/22/18

Today's "First Lines" are from:

How in the world had rain earned such a romantic rep?

Kate Walker tipped the collar of her jacket and burrowed her chin against the chilly afternoon's heavy breathing.  Chicago's usual sticky late-August warmth had gone into hiding--saggy clouds and a veil of gray creating the perfect backdrop for the swoon-worthy embrace playing out in front of her.

The dashing hero holding tight to his girl in the middle of the park, swinging her in a circle as she laughed with abandon.  Oblivious to the rainfall, the both of them.  And then...the most magic moment of all.

The kiss.

Also linking up to:


  1. Happy Friday!๐Ÿ˜Š

    My FLF comes from Claiming Her Cowboy by Tina Radcliffe

    If Lucy Maxwell had learned one thing, it was that when life appeared to be going smoothly, it was time to listen closely for the other boot to drop!

    Have a great weekend and happy reading!๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ˜Ž

  2. Over on my blog, I'm sharing the first line from Karen Witemeyer's More Than Meets the Eye. There is also a giveaway running on the Author Interview post with Karen on my blog. Please stop by and enter to win an author autographed print copy!

  3. Melissa Tagg knows how to write a great romance!

    Here's the first line of The Road to Magnolia Glen by Pam Hillman (I hope to finish this one this weekend):

    The Lady Gallant in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean - January 1792
    "Keep your brother away from my sister!"

    Happy Friday!

  4. I love that opening and makes me love Melissa Tagg even more. :D

    I'm sharing about "Just Let Go" by Courtney Walsh on my blog today, but I have "The Hawaiian Discovery" by Wanda Brunstetter and Jean Brunstetter waiting for me to read next.

    Middlebury, Indiana

    Ellen Lambright finished sweeping the kitchen floor and paused from her work to brew a cup of tea.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Colletta!

    Such a cute, romantic cover! A lovely choice for Summer reading. ;)

    Here is mine this week:

    Have a lovely weekend! x

  6. This looks like fun though I am a bit stuck on the idea of wearing a jacket in August!

  7. Happy Friday!!!

    Today on my blog, I'm sharing the first line from As The Tide Comes In by Cindy and Erin Woodsmall. Here I will share the first line from a short story I'm currently reading. It's called "A Lady of Scandal" by Heather B. Moore. It's very good.

    "Hugh couldn't help but think of his biggest question about Anthony and Lady Bridget. Why had Anthony offered to marry her?"

    Hope you have an excellent weekend filled with good reading time!

    1. Sounds like a regency and I love a good regency romance!

  8. Lovely first lines! Thanks for including more than just the first line. :) Happy Friday and happy reading!

  9. Sounds as though it would be a good book! I do love to read!!

  10. It was going to be a fine day. Behold, Here's Poison by Georgette Heyer

  11. Happy Friday!
    The book I'm sharing this week is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte but I'll share here the book I'm currently reading which is Blind Spot by Dani Pettrey: "Luke crouched behind an orange shipping container, dreading to think what it held." Have a great weekend and happy reading!

    1. I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Oh, man, I love Melissa Tagg! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. Sounds like a sweet romance. :) Thanks for stopping to visit my blog.

  14. Happy Friday! My first line is from Light My Fire by Susan May Warren:

    "His knee had turned into a melon, achy and soft, and Tucker Newman's entire body throbbed, right down to the marrow."

    1. Wow! That is so descriptive! thanks for stopping by :)

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Reading!

  16. I like the beginning. It seems like a good Beach read.

  17. One of my favourite romance authors! Enjoy!

  18. I just finished reading The Love Letter by Rachel Hauck today...

    You see, love stories never worked for her. She never got the guy.

    Happy reading!

  19. I'm a few days late to the party, but I'm so glad you featured this book. I LOVE all of Melissa Tagg's stories. :)

    1. I really enjoyed reading it! Thanks for stopping by!


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