Thursday, December 29, 2022

Weekly Weigh-In ~ 12/29/2022 ~ Baseline Week #0

Here I go again!  I'm back with health, fitness and weight goals!

If you've followed my blog for long, you've heard it all before so I won't bore you.  At least not today :)

Needless to say, I'm "starting" once again.  I decided to do a baseline weigh-in on Monday.  Yes, the day after Christmas is when I decided it would be a good time to kick start my "Journey".

My plan is to do my actual weigh-in on Monday mornings and then post my results each Wednesday.

With no further a-do, here's my baseline:

Weigh in #0:

Highest Weight ~ 300.0 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 12/26/2022 ~ 287.8 lbs.

This Week's Total:   -----

Grand Total: -12.2 lbs

Please let me know in the comments if you are on your own weight loss journey!  I'd love to follow along :)


  1. I am also beginning (again) my weight loss journey. I will be weighing in officially on New Year's Day morning and then going from there. I hope to be blogging about it regularly and would love to have an accountability partner.

  2. I'm starting over with multiple "goals" in 2023 as well...follow me if you'd like

  3. Same here. Will be checking in on you to see how well you are doing!


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