Friday, January 3, 2025

Happy New Year and 2025 Goals ~ 1/3/2025

First of all, I can't even believe that I'm typing 2-0-2-5!  Where have the years gone?  Time is truly flying which is proven by the fact that I'm just now getting time to sit down and think about some goals for the year.

Better get to it while I have a few free minutes!

1.  Daily Devotional Time ~ Spending some time each day with the LORD is something I've been striving to do for many years.  I don't always succeed.  In fact, I feel like a failure sometimes.  I'm going to give myself some grace and do my very best to be persistent and consistent.  My study plan is based on 5 days a week with 2 days to "catch-up" if needed.  I am hopeful that I can complete the study by the end of 2025!

2.  Weigh Myself Daily ~ Every year I make plans to  exercise and lose weight.  In 2025, my goal is to just weigh myself daily and mark it in my planner.  I'm hoping that being mindful of my weight will inspire me to try to be healthier.

3.  Blog Weekly ~ I remember, back in the day, when I would publish multiple posts a DAY here on my blog.  Now I struggle to post once a week!  I'm going to accept that only posting once a week is OK for where I am in my life right now.  Most likely I'll focus on writing a Happy Homemaker Monday post each week.  More than that will just be a bonus :)

4.  Read 26 Books ~ I ended up reading a total of 20 books in 2024 so I was 6 books shy of my 2024 Goodreads Goal.  Once again, I'm setting my goal at 26 books for the year.  I'm not really going to stress over this goal.  In fact, my goal is to read for pleasure and not force my reading time.

5.  Be Creative ~ Whether this be crochet, sewing, or some new-to-me craftiness, I just want to be creative.  

6.  CELEBRATE! ~ We've got some major milestones coming up in 2025!  In February, Laken turns 18 years old and then graduates High School in May!  June 20th will be my parents' 50th Anniversary and September 17th will be our 25th Anniversary.  I'm sure there will be lots of other great things to celebrate in 2025 as well :)

7. THRIVE ~ Ultimately, in 2025, I want to do more than survive.  I want to THRIVE!

Seven goals for the New Year seems like a good number for now.  I think I'll stop there before I overwhelm myself!

Did you set any goals for 2025?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments :)


1 comment:

  1. Great goals! I'm working on getting workouts in, more water, 50 books for the year, creativity, and found my phrase for the year 'I do my best'


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