Hello and Happy Monday!!!!!
Are you well and truly settled in for 2025? I think I've finally got my mind wrapped around the fact that we're in a new year. It took me longer this year than it usually does. I've been using my new (paper) planner and am getting used to the format of it as it is a little bit different than the ones I've used in the past. Do you use a paper planner/calendar or do you rely on your phone to keep your to-do list organized?
Let's get this show on the road :)
The weather outside is:
STILL freezing and wintery! There's been snow on the ground for weeks and I'm over it! I thought I could just ignore the impending doom of winter but I felt some seasonal depression setting in. The struggle is real but don't worry, I already talked to my PCP about it so I'm hopeful that it will be short lived. Time for some self-care.
On today's to-do list:
**I'm typing this on Sunday afternoon/evening (for reference).**
I work 10a-5p today. I've been working on a morning routine that makes me feel more productive about the days I work outside the home. The main goal is to GET OUT OF BED well before I have to get ready to leave for work. I felt myself getting into the habit of sleeping in until 8am and then not having time to do anything but get ready and leave. My new routine has me getting out of bed as close to 6am when my alarm goes off as I can. That will give me a good two hours to be productive at home and to get up and moving my body. Wish me luck!
Laken has been back in school since January 2nd but her Spring semester classes start tomorrow. Nate is headed back to college today as well.
The hubby is working 10 hour days this week so he will be going in at 9pm each night. I worry about him getting enough sleep but he seems OK running on a few hours sleep a day. I, myself, need a lot more sleep than that.
Happening this week:
Tuesday evening is our ladies' Harvester Class meeting at Church. I am in charge of the main dish this month so I'll be prepping and baking Stuffed Shells. I also lead devotions this month at the meeting, so I still have to figure out what I'll be doing. No pressure!
Thursday afternoon I have an eye appointment. Last year at my appointment, my eye doctor and I discussed...readers :( I wear contacts for distance but each year my up-close vision is getting worse. I did pick up a pair of cheap readers at the dollar store but I haven't needed to really use them. I have a feeling I will before too much longer. I don't want to give up my contacts (even though they are sometimes a pain in the patootie). I just don't know if I'm ready to go full-on bifocals/progressive glasses. I know I'm probably headed there at some point though. If you've gone through vision changes, how have you handled the transition?
On Saturday we're planning a Family Game Night at Kaylee and Shawn's. We'd like to make it a point to spend more time together with family. Planning the time is key. We're thinking that at least once a month to do something together as a family such as play games, go to a movie, at-home movie nights etc.
After I've made the Mabels, I want to make some more loaf cats, sea turtles, axolotls, bees and bunnies (peeps). If I get them done in time, I might make some crochet flowers per Laken request.
Currently reading:
"When the Day Comes" by Gabrielle Meyer. I haven't taken the time to pick it up yet but I'm hoping to this week. My new morning routine should give me time to read for at least 30 minutes before bed. I've even added reading to my planner's habit tracker. My kindle is charged and ready to go. I just need to make it a priority.
Listening to:
While typing this post, I have KLOVE playing in the background. When I got to this prompt, "Fighting for Me" by Riley Clemmons was playing. It is a great reminder that we don't fight our battles alone and God will never stop fighting for me.
ARGHHH! No more Steelers football this season. They lost the wildcard game against the Ravens which makes it even worse! I will probably still watch some of the playoff games and definitely the Super Bowl.
We have one more episode of "Cross" left to watch for the first season. I've seen preview for a few new shows that are coming on that I might try. What are some of your "must watch" shows?
In the Kitchen:
Just the basics, really. I did make homemade pizza on Saturday before the football game and I will be making the Stuffed Shells on Tuesday.
In the Craft Basket:
Laken has talked me into giving a craft show another try. This will be my third attempt and either "third time's a charm" or "three strikes I'm out"! The show I signed up for is in the beginning of April and is a Spring Fling show. It in a much larger "city" with lots more vendors so I'm...semi-hopeful... I type that hesitantly! I've paid the booth fee and have made a list of additional items that I'd like to get made by then.
First on the list are about 10-12 Mabel Chickens. So far I've made a few white and a few speckled. The white are currently in a bin, but the speckled Mabel Chicken is sitting right beside me in a basket so I grabbed a quick picture.
Picture(s) from the Camera
Prayer Requests
~Winter traveling safety.
~I need to get into a good routine of work, home and self-care. I've been a bit scattered lately and need to find my self-discipline again. Pray for me as I work on this. (continued)
~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids. (continued)
~Our Country, our Leaders. (continued)
Bible Verse
"For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Galatians 3:26-28
Have a great week!
I'm loving your schedule! Since we have reson to get up early - we don't! But I do love spending an hour in bed 'waking up.' I pray and check my phone and just enjoy the hour before starting my day.
ReplyDeleteI love your chicken!
Snow! we don't have much here this year, it feels almost like spring instead of the very cold weather we are used to at this time of the year. I would like to do somethings when I wake up early in the mornings but don't want to wake up dh so it means I am not as productive as I'd like to be. Hope it works out for you. Have a great week
ReplyDeleteWow, you have a lot of snow there as well. Thankfully, once our cars were cleared, they've stayed that way since no more snow for us, just cold. Making good use of the autostarter my husband installed for me last Christmas. Sorry about your Steelers, I was cheering them. Hope you have a great week!