Thursday, January 30, 2025

Book Review ~ The Librarian of Boone's Hollow by Kim Vogel Sawyer ~ 1/30/2025


Title:   "The Librarian of Boone's Hollow by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Series:  The Librarian of Boone's Hollow Book 1
Format:  AudioBook
Narrator:  Kate Forbes
Length:  12 hours 32 minutes
Date Published:  October 13, 2020
Publisher:   Recorded Book Inc.
Stars: *****


During the Great Depression, Addie Cowherd dreams of being a novelist and offering readers the escape that books gave her during her tragic childhood. When her adoptive father loses his job, she is forced to leave college and take the only employment she can find--delivering books on horseback to poor coal mining families in the hills of Kentucky.

The small community of Boone's Hollow is suspicious of outsiders and steeped in superstitions that leave Addie feeling rejected and indignant. Although she finds an unexpected friend in an elderly outcast, the other horseback librarians scorn her determination to befriend Nanny Fay.

Emmett Tharp grew up in the tiny mountain hamlet where most men either work in the coal mine or run moonshine. He's the first in the community to earn a college degree, and he has big dreams, but witnesses the Depression robbing many young men of their future.

Then someone sets out to sabotage the library program, going so far as to destroy Addie's novel in progress. Will the saboteur chase Addie and the other librarians away, or will knowledge emerge victorious over prejudice? Is Emmett the local ally that Addie needs--and might their friendship lead to something more?

Inspired by the real WPA program that sent librarians on horseback to deliver books to hill families in Kentucky, Kim Vogel Sawyer immersed herself in Appalachian history to tell this captivating story.

My Thoughts:

Where to begin?

I guess I'll start by saying that this was my first ever audiobook!  I never ever thought I'd be an audiobook-er but I think I'm hooked!  I can only hope that all narrators are as good as Kate Forbes.  I enjoyed her voice(s) immensely.

I don't know that I would have picked this book up by myself, but it was the January selection for the "Good for the Soul Women's Book Club".  (We actually JUST got done with our Zoom book discussion about 30 minutes ago.)  I'll even admit that I didn't vote for this book in the selection process.  However, I'm so glad it won out!

I honestly don't know where to start reviewing this story so I'll just jump in.


At first, though, I was a bit hesitant because the story seemed to be unfolding rather slowly.  As I continued on, I can now see that it was necessary so that the main picture could evolve.

I would say that there were actually 4 main characters in this book.  Emmett, Addie, Bettina, and Nanny Fay.  Nanny Fay was actually my favorite character in the whole book!  She was so wise and full of faith and trust in the LORD even after her rather hard life story.

The main theme of this book was not romance, at least in my opinion.  (In fact, there was very little romance until the Epilogue.  Definitely a slow burn kind of book.)  Instead it was about relationships.  And I loved it!

It was so interesting to read bout the library initiative during the Great Depression.  Books open a person up to a whole world that otherwise would have never been experienced and I feel like "The Librarian of Boone's Hollow' did just that for me.

Kim Vogel Sawyer masterfully wove a community of characters that will stay with me for quite some time.  

Onto the next book :)



I decided to make a fun game for myself out of the 2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge.  Instead of seeing how many books I can read for each prompt, I'm going to see how many prompts I can fill with each book I read/listen to.

"The Librarian of Boone's Hollow" by Kim Vogel Sawyer fills the following prompts:

1.  Mode of Transportation  - Mule
2.  Bookish Elements - Books
3.  Silhouette or Shadow - Silhouette of horse and rider
4.  Proper Noun in the title or design - Boone's Hollow

That brings the tally to:


prompts filled in just one book!

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