Monday, April 1, 2013

It's Monday! What Am I Reading? ~ 4/1/13


The book I am currently reading is:

Sweet Sanctuary

Lydia Eldredge longs to provide a sanctuary for her son, Nicky. But a constant threat comes from Nicky's drug-addicted father, who wants the boy and seems willing to do whatever it takes to get him. 

Dr. Micah Hatcher serves the immigrant population in Queens, but under cover of darkness he provides another service that must not be discovered lest his and his brother's lives be in danger. 

When Lydia and Micah's paths cross, they are suddenly wrapped up in each other's callings. Through unforeseen twists and turns, they seek a refuge of safety--for Nicky, for themselves, and for the needy people God unexpectedly puts in their lives.


I'm just getting ready to start this book.  I finished my previous book last night before bed.  I look forward to digging into it today.  After I get through the pile of dishes that stacked up over the weekend :(

Also Hoping to Reading This Week:
Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund
Undeniably Yours by Becky Wade (expected arrival this week)

What are you reading today?

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