
Katie Singleton, a partner with the Elite Guardians Protection Agency, stumbles upon her next assignment quite by accident. Spotting blue lights at a familiar restaurant, she stops to investigate, only to discover that owner Daniel Matthews has become the target of someone who will go to any lengths to put him out of business.
Daniel might be concerned, but he's not convinced that a bodyguard--and a female one at that--is necessary. A new attack and his niece's urgings are enough to make him reconsider. He and Katie must figure out who's behind the intimidation and threats--before a would-be killer strikes again.
My Thoughts:
This is the second book of the "Elite Guardians" series but I don't think it is necessary to have read the first book of the series to enjoy this one.
This was a very fast-paced book with many twists and turns.
I had an inkling of who the culprit might have been but then the author lead me away from that character with very good writing. I think you'll be surprised with the outcome.
I thoroughly enjoyed Daniel's character and Katie was such a strong leading lady. Their romance in the midst of such chaos was very intriguing.
I really like the premise of an all female bodyguard company. The ladies are all interesting and strong. I look forward to reading more of this series.
Sounds like a good book!