Thursday, August 29, 2024

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 8/30/2024

All things bookish!

What I Read:

I've been staying up-to-date on my daily Bible reading and devotion time using "Five Minutes of Grace".


What I'm Reading:

I received this book from JustRead Publicity Tours.  My review will be posted on September 27th.


A killer on the loose. A K-9 keeping watch. Police constable Izzy Tremblay knows her father’s death was no accident, so when she finally discovers a lead and is immediately attacked, her suspicions are confirmed. The ambush leaves her in the hospital with three hours of crucial memory missing, which she knows hold the key to finding her father’s murderer. For protection, she takes refuge with her ex-partner, Austin Murray, on his K-9 ranch while she races to uncover the truth. But with danger still lurking, can they stay alive long enough to take down a killer?

First Lines:

The computer screen flashed white and turned black.

56%/Page 56

Izzy had blamed him.  At first.


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


A Beauty and the Beast retelling…

A woman with a secret, a recluse, and a marriage of convenience.

For over a year Isabeau Daniels lived in fear of a stalker. Now, with him in jail, she’s ready to start fresh in Dallas as a housekeeper for Rowan Masters—a well known lawyer and recluse.

A car accident left Rowan Masters burned—both physically and emotionally. He’s spent the last twelve years hiding in his family home—and now, to keep his home he’s forced to marry.

Isabeau loves the feeling of safety that Rowan’s mansion offers, and he needs a wife. When a marriage of convenience turns into something more, can they leave behind the nightmare of the past and find the beauty in loving each other?


Book Haul:


Book Blogger Hop:

Q. Are you a member of any book clubs, and if so, what has been your most memorable book to discuss with them? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A. I just wrote on my Happy Homemaker Monday blog post that I would love to join a book club!  I used to co-host a Facebook book club that we called Kindred Readers Book Club.  Then I went back to work full-time and it was just too much to keep up with.  I now work part-time and would love to get back into all things book club.  Any recommendations?

BTW, my most memorable book we discussed was The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel.  It was amazing!


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/26/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

The first week of Laken's Senior Year is in the books!  I feel kind of old.

I was looking at all the obligatory first day of school pictures that everyone was posting on Facebook.  There were a lot of Seniors and even College students but I also saw lots of little ones getting on the school bus or outside their school for the first time.

I guess I've just always seen myself as a young mom.  I have to come to the realization that I'm old enough (more than old enough) to be a ,,,  GRANDMOTHER!  Settle down!  No one is pregnant.  (to my knowledge ).  I have to move on or I'm going to get super depressed about my babies being grown!

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

Summer is back.  That is all.

On today's to-do list:

I'm off work at my job today so I get to be a Happy Homemaker all day!  I got most of my to-do list done on Friday, my last day off as I had to work both Saturday and Sunday.  My list for today will be to wash my work shirts, fold laundry, take Laken to and from school, practice driving with Laken in the afternoon, alter a few dresses I got at the thrift shop and anything else that comes my way.  I might even take a nap.  Wouldn't that be glorious!?!

Happening this week:

I work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.  I work the early shift which is good for taking Laken to school in the mornings.

I have hopes of it being a fairly quiet week with just the normal activities.  We don't have any appointments this week which is a good thing.

Currently reading:

Only my devotional and Bible.

I just watched a movie about a Book Club (more about that later) and it really has me missing the Kindred Readers Book Club that I used to co-host on Facebook.  Does anyone belong to a good Book Club that you could point me to?  I need a REALLY good book to get me hooked and back in to reading.

Listening to:



My babies grow up!  Here is the First Day of Kindergarten Picture next to the First Day of Senior Year picture.


As I mentioned above, we watched "Blind Date Book Club" and it was so cute!  It was about a bookstore owner who hosted a "mystery" book club by wrapping the books with paper and just putting a blurb on the front to intrigue people into reading the book.  If they liked the book (or not) they could come share their thoughts on the book.  Erin Krakow was the leading lady and I really enjoy her movies.  Let me know if you saw it or if you're going to go watch it now that you've heard about the movie :)

I've also been watching some new YouTube channels featuring "sewists" which have me itching to get my sewing machine out!

In the Kitchen:

Friday I had supper in the oven and decided while the oven was hot to try a second variation of the cinnamon roll "cobbler".  A few week ago I made one with apple pie filling and it was SO very good!

This time I had picked chocolate chips and pecans!

I cut the cinnamon rolls in fours, melted a stick of butter, added brown sugar and cinnamon plus about half a bag of chocolate chips and stirred it all together.

I only put the pecans on half the cobbler because not everyone in the house likes them (Laken).  It turned out so delicious!  I might have over-done it with the stick of butter because there was a lot of oeey gooey goodness.  I was going to wipe it off the plate to make the picture look more professional but decided to leave it as is to show the yumminess!

I haven't decided what to make this week.  Any suggestions?

In the Craft Basket:

I'm e...v...e...r so slowly working on Japanese Fields blocks.

I also want to alter a few dresses I got at the thrift store as I mentioned above.  The first dress is just too big and shapeless.  I think I'll take the sides in and maybe add a belt.  The second dress has straps and peekaboo shoulders that hand WAY too low on my shoulders.  I'm thinking of just cutting off the peekaboo shoulders and wearing a shrug over top of it as I wouldn't feel comfortable without one.  

Picture from the Camera

Prayer Request

Please keep my work situation in your prayers.  I absolutely do not like having to work on Sunday morning but it seems like they keep scheduling me to work then.

Laken is now taking 4 college courses.  Please pray that she does well with them and that she stays healthy.

As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all those going back to school.

Bible Verse

"First of all then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity."  I Timothy 2: 1-2  NASB

Have a great week!


Monday, August 19, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/19/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

I almost missed posting today!  I usually will sit down on Sunday evening and type up my Happy Homemaker post but I was just too tired yesterday.  I decided that a nap was what was needed for that moment.

Then today, Monday, I was busy working from 10a-4p and then this evening we had Laken's very last High School Open House.  She was just going to go with her friends but we (the hubby and I) have been to every single one of her open houses and decided we weren't going to miss this one either.

There is officially one more day of Summer Vacation here in our house then the school year begins.  Where has the time gone?  I feel like I ask this question all the time but it seriously feels like the weeks fly by.  Fall is in the air!

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

This morning when I went outside to go to work, it definitely felt like the beginnings of  Fall.  It was warm but the breeze was cool.  I think the highest the temperature got today was 73F.  Tomorrow looks to be even cooler but then it gets a bit warmer toward the end of the week.  We've been getting rain here and there but on Sunday afternoon it absolutely dumped the rain.  It was as if someone were pouring the rain out of a bucket instead of being raindrops!  At least the grass has gotten green again :)

On today's to-do list: 

I had to work 10a-4p.  I keep telling myself that when I work this shift, I will get up early and get something accomplished before heading out the door.  Inevitably, I end up sleeping until I absolutely HAVE to get up to get ready.

As I mentioned above, this evening we had Laken's Senior Open House.  When we got home I jumped in the shower and then sat down at my desk to have my devotion time and now type this post.

Happening this week:

Counting today, I work 4 days in a row this week: M-TH.  I have Friday off but then work Saturday 7a-1p and Sunday 9a-2p.  My work schedule is really strange next week.  I'm also not happy about work on Sunday again  :(

Tuesday should be a fairly relaxing evening unless Laken decides that she needs last-minute items for school.  Other than that I have nothing planned.

Wednesday is the first day of school.  I need to make sure to get up early enough to get first day pictures.  I have the name "necklace" that Laken made on her first day of Kindergarten and I want to get a picture of her with it on.

Currently reading:

Only my devotional and Bible.

I do want to take a moment to mention a new blog I've been reading.  My oldest daughter, Kaylee, has started a brand new blog called Rants, Rambles and Reviews.  I would really appreciate it if you could go check it out and give her some blog-land love!

Listening to:

I really want to see TWISTERS!  Enjoy :)


I managed to catch the last half of the Steelers preseason game against the Bills on Saturday evening.  We lost.  I ended up falling asleep for the last 10 or so minutes.

We watched a cute Christmas movie the other evening.  Now I'm not one to watch Christmas movies in the Summer, but I wanted to spend time with the hubby and he was already watching it.  The movie was about a "scroogette" who gets stuck in a Christmas movie.  A bit predictable, but aren't they all?   :)

In the Kitchen:

I was off last Friday, so I spent the day homemaking :)  One of my favorite things to do is bake.  I finally got a chance to make Zucchini Walnut Chocolate Chip Muffins,  Yummy!  They were actually better the second day :)  If you'd like to check out the recipe you can click HERE.

In the Craft Basket:

I didn't even pick up my hook this week.  Please give me your opinion on whether to outline in Hot Rose or stay Ivory.

Picture from the Camera

Quackers getting a much needed bath :)

Prayer Request

My brother's surgery went well and he is on the mend.  Thank you for the prayers.

Please pray that Laken has a wonderful, healthy, fun and educational Senior Year!  She has had a rough go of it the past few years with being sick and having surgery.  We're really praying for an uneventful year!

Bible Verse

"God is the one I am trying to please."  Galatians 1:10 ERV

Have a great week!


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Rambles and Reviews ~ A New Blog :)

 Just popping by quickly to mention that my oldest daughter, Kaylee, has started a blog!

CLICK HERE to go give RAMBLES AND REVIEWS some love  :)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and I'll see back here soon for Happy Homemaker Monday!



Sunday, August 11, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/12/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

I'm actually typing this post on Sunday evening when I have a bit of time to sit down and reflect on the week ahead.  Monday is actually going to be very busy even though I don't have to go to work.  I'll tell you a bit more about that later in the post.

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

We finally got the much needed rain!  And we got a lot of it from good old Hurricane Debby.  Here in the mountains of Pennsylvania, we usually only get the rain and a bit of wind when hurricanes go up the east coast.  It absolutely poured and now the temperatures are much more comfortable.  It was actually a bit cool this morning when I left the house around 9am.

On today's to-do list: 

Monday's to-do are:

I'm off work Monday but like I mentioned above, I have lots to do.  

~We have a meeting at 9:30am to make sure everything is situated for Laken's enrollment in her college classes for the fall.  I think I mentioned before that she is doing what is called "Senior Challenge".  It basically means she'll be taking 2 high school classes and a few college classes in the mornings and then be able to leave school before lunchtime.  The college classes start on August 19th (next Monday!) so we have got to get this set up and find out exactly what she will need to complete her classes.

~Clean out my car
~Wash work clothes and hang up to dry

Happening this week:

This week I'm off Monday and  Friday and Sunday.  The rest of the days I work 7am-1pm.

Tuesday Laken has an appointment to get her Senior Pictures taken for the year book at 3:00pm.  Then Kaylee's work is having a Back-to-School Night that she invited us to come to.  It is 4pm-7pm and we get to take a tour of her work so I'm excited to see her office area.  Then at 6:30pm we have our Ladies' Class Meeting at Church.  So it will be a very busy day.

Wednesday is Kaylee and Shawn's 3rd Anniversary and Kona's (our chocolate lab) birthday :)

Thursday is pretty normal.

Friday (my day off) is once again filled to the brim.  Some items on the list are laundry, groceries, bills, bank and my usual daily to-dos.

Currently reading:

I didn't even touch "Living Slower" this week :(  I only have a few more chapters to go.  Hopefully I'll finish it soon.

Listening to:

Raise the battle cry and take back what the enemy stole!  Enjoy :)


I tied to watch the Steeler preseason football game on Friday evening but it was on Prime.  We have Prime but the game was blacked out.  Apparently we live too close :(  argghh!  They lost anyway so I guess I didn't miss much...

Instead of the game, we watched a movie on Freevee about a wedding photographer at a family owned venue who falls in love with the movie-star best man/brother of the couple getting married.  I forget the name of it but it was really good.

I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on why/how women are returning to wearing dresses/skirts.  One YouTuber (from Heavenly Minded Home) challenged her subscribers to wear a dress/skirt for 7 days in a row to really give it a try.  I've decided to take her up on it and this is my fourth day of wearing a dress except for while I'm at work. I even ordered a few new dresses because my wardrobe will be very limited if I continue to wear only dresses/skirts.

In the Kitchen:

I didn't make the Butterscotch Zucchini Bread this week but I did bake!  I made what I'd like to call "Cinnamon Roll Apple Cobbler" and it was so easy and VERY delicious.

You basically take cut up Cinnamon rolls, apple pie filling, brown sugar and cinnamon and mix it all together and bake it.  If you'd like a more formal recipe go check out this ONE at Olives & Thyme.

In the Craft Basket:

I've been working on the Japanese Fields blocks a bit each evening (well most evenings) but I'm just not sure what to do about the edges of the blocks.  The bottom block is with the Ivory outer round and the top block is with a single crochet of the Hot Rose.  Should I do a round of the Hot Rose on all the block and then join with either the Hot Rose or the Ivory?  Should I just keep it with the Ivory and then join with the Hot Rose?  Should I keep the last round Ivory and then join with Ivory?  I just can't decide!  I think I'll continue to work on just the main block for now and then decide later.  Please give me your opinion!

Picture from the Camera

You've got to give "Cinnamon Roll Apple Cobbler" a try!  The best was just out of the oven but it was also delicious the next morning for breakfast.  I put it the microwave for 20-30 seconds and it was warm and gooey and almost as good as fresh from the oven :)

Prayer Request

My brother, Danny, is having surgery Monday morning to remove his gallbladder. He is almost 48 year old (his birthday is Saturday) and he's never had surgery of any kind before. Not even a broken bone. Please keep him and his doctors in your prayers that all goes well. Also, please pray for my Mom as she's very nervous about her "Baby Boy" having surgery.

Bible Verse

"Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, "Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them!  For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children."  Luke 18:16 NLT

Have a great week!


Monday, August 5, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/5/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

I can't believe it is August 5th already!  Only a little over 2 weeks until school starts for Laken's Senior Year.  It will be Fall before we know it!  In a way I'm looking forward to Fall.  Then I start thinking that Winter follows Fall and I'm not quite so ready.  

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

It has been as hot as ever but at least we did get a few rain showers this past week.  Today was in the 90's and when I got into my car after work it was actually hard to breathe until the AC started kicking in.  After today, it is supposed to start cooling off and we're to get some much needed rain.

On today's to-do list: 

Monday's to-do are:

~Work 10am-4pm
~Fold and put away laundry

I try to keep the days I work with a minimum of to-do's.  That way I feel like I've accomplished my "list" and can always add on to it if I feel like it.  If I don't feel like adding anything, I can relax and just spend time with the family.

I did want to color my hair this evening, but when it came time to actually do it I didn't feel like dealing with the mess I usually make.  I think I'll move it to tomorrow's list and see if my Aunt Donna will apply the color for me.  Less mess that way!

Happening this week:

I work Monday 10-4pm; Tuesday 10-4pm; Wednesday 10-4pm, Thursday 10-4pm; Friday Off; Saturday 10-4pm and Sunday off.

Friday, even though I'm off work, will be a busy day.  Laken has an appointment in Altoona in the morning and then we have to be back to meet with her guidance counselor at 2pm.  I also want to go grocery shopping so that I can get that done on my day off.

I'm really liking the fact that I've had Sunday off the past few weeks.  I'm hoping that trend continues.

Currently reading:

I didn't even touch "Living Slower" this week :(  I only have a few more chapters to go.  Hopefully I'll finish it soon.

Listening to:

I heard this song by Lauren Daigle and Ellie Holcomb for the first time on my way home this afternoon.  I love both of these artists and LOVE that they have teamed up for this song.  The words and music are so pretty.  I hope you enjoy!


I started watching a movie on Freevee called "Fabric of Christmas" at my hubby's recommendation.  (Yes, he loves these movies!)  I usually don't enjoy watching Christmas movies in the summer, but this one is centered around fabric, quilting and being creative so I decided to give it a go.  I should NOT be watching a movie where they are fabric shopping and adding to their "stash"!  It made me want to buy fabric!

I have also been watching a lot of YouTube videos.  I came across "Wills Mountain Homestead" through a friend and am so excited!  Wendy, the creator, lives within 10-15 minutes from me and I had no idea that she had a YouTube channel.  I watched a few of her videos and can't wait to take some time to go back and watch more!  I hope you'll check out Wendy's channel and give her some love :)

In the Kitchen:

I decided to switch up the title of this section to "In the Kitchen" instead of just being about what is for supper.  I REALLY want to get back into the kitchen and create some deliciousness.

I was talking to a very nice woman today at work who was buying ingredients to make Butterscotch Zucchini Bread including Butterscotch pudding!  I told her I have made regular Zucchini Bread and Chocolate Zucchini Bread but I'd never heard of Butterscotch Zucchini Bread.  I did a quick search and found THIS RECIPE that I'd like to try.

Have you even made Butterscotch Zucchini Bread?  If so do you have a favorite recipe?

In the Craft Basket:

I bought yarn...  When we went school shopping on Saturday I made the "mistake" of popping into Hobby Lobby to just "look".   I came across this beautiful skein of variegated yarn called "Japanese Fields" and fell in love.  I decided to use the variegated yarn as color inspiration for an afghan.  I pulled the ivory, light sage and hot rose colors and bought 3 skeins of each one!

I decided to use the Primavera Flowers Granny Square and am loving how the light sage looks like leaves around the flower petals.  I'm trying to decide if I should border each square in the hot rose color before joining them.  What do you think?

Picture from the Camera

Kaylee wants to learn a second language and wants company so we bought this Spanish workbook.  I actually had 2 years of Spanish in high school as it was a requirement way back when.   I'm remembering more than I thought I would but it is going to take some work to actually be able to "speak" the language.  I don't get to spend much time with Kaylee anymore so I'm glad to be working on a project together.

Bible Verse

"Set a guard O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips."  Psalm 141:3 NKJV

Have a great week!
