Wednesday, January 15, 2025

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge

I usually only join in the Goodreads Reading Challenge but I saw the 2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge hosted by Susan at Bloggin' 'Bout Books and couldn't resist!  I'll admit that the cover is usually the first thing that intrigues me about a book so I think it will be lots of fun!

(Many thanks to Cindy's Book Corner for sharing the Challenge!)

Here's how it will work:

1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.

2. Since this isn't a competition and we're just playing for fun, not prizes or even acclaim, books of any length count (as long as they fit one of the prompts). All genres and formats are allowed. 

3. Don't overthink or stress out about the prompts. If a book fits-ish a prompt, that's totally fine, but a book should only be used once (unless you're going rogue and just doing things your own way). I'm all about being flexible and laid back!

4. 50 prompts can be overwhelming, so let's break it down:

Level One: 1-10 books

Level Two: 11-20 books

Level Three: 21-30 books

Level Four: 31-40 books

Level Five: 41-50 books

You can sign up at any level you'd like and even change levels mid-challenge if you need to.

Easy peasy, right? 

Here are the prompts... 

Read a book with a cover that includes:

1. your favorite color

2. headwear of some kind (hat, helmet, yarmulke, hijab, etc.)

3. a mode of transportation

4. bookish elements

5. an author that has a common name spelled in an uncommon way (i.e. Stephenie Meyer, Kelley Armstrong, etc.)

6. an illustrated scene

7. a design that is in desperate need of a makeover

8. a wintry scene

9. a summery scene

10. food

11. a skeleton, bones, or a skull and crossbones

12. floral elements

13. sports equipment

14. a title and/or scene that makes you laugh

15. something you might see in a hospital (medicine bottles, IV stand, stethoscope, doctor, etc.)

16. someone wearing period clothing

17. a famous structure or landmark (man-made or natural)

18. a frame-worthy design

19. at least one person of color (POC)

20. someone partly or fully submerged in water

21. a lighted window

22. a bird

23. a futuristic scene

24. a weapon

25. the name of and/or a depiction of a famous person

26. a number in the title or design (numeral or spelled out)

27. a backpack or piece of luggage

28. the words "light" and/or "dark" in the title

29. a foggy/stormy scene

30. a television or movie screen

31. no people

32. an object that is broken

33. a silhouette or shadow

34. a piece of jewelry

35. a sunrise or sunset

36. a cityscape

37. an aquatic animal

38. a light source that can be held in the hand (flashlight, torch, lantern, etc.)

39. the name of one of the four seasons in the title, design, or author's name

40. a depiction of something that has been spilled (milk, paint, blood, etc.)

41. eyewear of some kind (sunglasses, goggles, eyepatch, etc.)

42. a spooky scene

43. something you might find in a child's bedroom (teddy bear, nightlight, crib, etc.)

44. a key and/or a keyhole

45. a real, historical photograph

46. a proper noun in the title or design

47. something that is plaid

48. outdated technology (typewriter, film camera, rotary telephone, etc.)

49. the name of a month in the title, design, or author's name

50. a flag, pennant, or banner

I'm hoping this challenge will encourage me to read and not be a stressor so I'm going to stick to "LEVEL One" for now and strive for 1-10 books that fit the prompts.

Bookishly yours,


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 1/13/2025

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and Happy Monday!!!!!

Are you well and truly settled in for 2025?  I think I've finally got my mind wrapped around the fact that we're in a new year.  It took me longer this year than it usually does.  I've been using my new (paper) planner and am getting used to the format of it as it is a little bit different than the ones I've used in the past.  Do you use a paper planner/calendar or do you rely on your phone to keep your to-do list organized?

Let's get this show on the road :)

The weather outside is:

STILL freezing and wintery!  There's been snow on the ground for weeks and I'm over it!  I thought I could just ignore the impending doom of winter but I felt some seasonal depression setting in.  The struggle is real but don't worry, I already talked to my PCP about it so I'm hopeful that it will be short lived.  Time for some self-care.

On today's to-do list:

**I'm typing this on Sunday afternoon/evening (for reference).**

I work 10a-5p today.  I've been working on a morning routine that makes me feel more productive about the days I work outside the home.  The main goal is to GET OUT OF BED well before I have to get ready to leave for work.  I felt myself getting into the habit of sleeping in until 8am and then not having time to do anything but get ready and leave.  My new routine has me getting out of bed as close to 6am when my alarm goes off as I can.  That will give me a good two hours to be productive at home and to get up and moving my body.  Wish me luck!

Laken has been back in school since January 2nd but her Spring semester classes start tomorrow.  Nate is headed back to college today as well.

The hubby is working 10 hour days this week so he will be going in at 9pm each night.  I worry about him getting enough sleep but he seems OK running on a few hours sleep a day.  I, myself, need a lot more sleep than that.  

Happening this week:

I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10a-5p.  It will be the first "regular" work week since before Christmas.  I look forward to getting back into a work routine.

Tuesday evening is our ladies' Harvester Class meeting at Church.  I am in charge of the main dish this month so I'll be prepping and baking Stuffed Shells.  I also lead devotions this month at the meeting, so I still have to figure out what I'll be doing.  No pressure!

Thursday afternoon I have an eye appointment.  Last year at my appointment, my eye doctor and I discussed...readers :(  I wear contacts for distance but each year my up-close vision is getting worse.  I did pick up a pair of cheap readers at the dollar store but I haven't needed to really use them.  I have a feeling I will before too much longer.  I don't want to give up my contacts (even though they are sometimes a pain in the patootie).  I just don't know if I'm ready to go full-on bifocals/progressive glasses.  I know I'm probably headed there at some point though.  If you've gone through vision changes, how have you handled the transition?   

On Saturday we're planning a Family Game Night at Kaylee and Shawn's.  We'd like to make it a point to spend more time together with family.  Planning the time is key.  We're thinking that at least once a month to do something together as a family such as play games, go to a movie, at-home movie nights etc.

Currently reading:

"When the Day Comes" by Gabrielle Meyer.  I haven't taken the time to pick it up yet but I'm hoping to this week.  My new morning routine should give me time to read for at least 30 minutes before bed.  I've even added reading to my planner's habit tracker.  My kindle is charged and ready to go.  I just need to make it a priority.

Listening to:

While typing this post, I have KLOVE playing in the background.  When I got to this prompt, "Fighting for Me" by Riley Clemmons was playing.  It is a great reminder that we don't fight our battles alone and God will never stop fighting for me.


ARGHHH!  No more Steelers football this season.  They lost the wildcard game against the Ravens which makes it even worse!  I will probably still watch some of the playoff games and definitely the Super Bowl.

We have one more episode of "Cross" left to watch for the first season.  I've seen preview for a few new shows that are coming on that I might try.  What are some of your "must watch" shows?

In the Kitchen:

Just the basics, really.  I did make homemade pizza on Saturday before the football game and I will be making the Stuffed Shells on Tuesday.

In the Craft Basket:

Laken has talked me into giving a craft show another try.  This will be my third attempt and either "third time's a charm" or "three strikes I'm out"!  The show I signed up for is in the beginning of April and is a Spring Fling show.  It in a much larger "city" with lots more vendors so I'm...semi-hopeful...  I type that hesitantly!  I've paid the booth fee and have made a list of additional items that I'd like to get made by then.

First on the list are about 10-12 Mabel Chickens.  So far I've made a few white and a few speckled.  The white are currently in a bin, but the speckled Mabel Chicken is sitting right beside me in a basket so I grabbed a quick picture.

After I've made the Mabels, I want to make some more loaf cats, sea turtles, axolotls, bees and bunnies (peeps).  If I get them done in time, I might make some crochet flowers per Laken request.

Picture(s) from the Camera

I have such a good hubby!  He cleans my car off for me almost every day :)

Prayer Requests

~Winter traveling safety.

~I need to get into a good routine of work, home and self-care.  I've been a bit scattered lately and need to find my self-discipline again.  Pray for me as I work on this.  (continued)

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Galatians 3:26-28

Have a great week!


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 1/6/2025

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and Happy Monday!!!!!

On this first Monday of 2025, I want to take a minute to wish all my readers the very best of the New Year.  I pray you all prosper and flourish each and every day :)

(If you'd like to read about some of my "goals" for the year, you can check out THIS POST )

Let's get this show on the road :)

The weather outside is:

Freezing and wintery!  I don't like it :(  I'm ready for Spring, but alas, I might as well settle in for the Pennsylvania Winter.  Right now I'm sitting beside a little heater with a nice thick sweater on.  I got a chill while at Church and now I'm just plain cold.

The forecast is calling for 8-12 inches of snow to fall between 10pm Sunday and 10pm Monday.  We're right in the dark purple on this map.  The hubby goes back to work tonight and I'm not thrilled thinking about him driving home in the morning in a mess of snow.  Prayers for safety would be appreciated!

On today's to-do list:

I'm typing this on Sunday afternoon/evening (for reference).  I'm supposed to work on Monday 10am-5pm.  If the State shuts offices then I don't have to go in.  If there is a "liberal leave" then I do have to try to go in because I'm considered "essential personnel".  They are supposed to have even worse weather where I work, so I'm really hoping we're closed for the day.  **UPDATE:  my office is CLOSED!**

If I don't have to travel to work, I'll probably just have a nice relaxing snow day.  I have a feeling Laken's school will be cancelled, so maybe we'll watch some shows, work on a puzzle or play games.  **UPDATE:  Laken now has a "virtual day" on Monday**

Happening this week:

I have a list of phone calls I need to make.  Dental appointments, hair appointments, ordering contacts, etc.

A lot is going to depend on Monday.  If I'm off Monday, I'll probably work on Tuesday to make up those hours.  I also will be working on Wednesday and Friday (my normal days to work).  Thursday will be spent on laundry, groceries, housework and anything else that needs my attention.

Currently reading:

"When the Day Comes" by Gabrielle Meyer is the book kicking off my 2025 reading list with.  I have heard nothing but great reviews of the entire "Timeless" series and can't wait to immerse myself in this book.

Listening to:

I love this song by Cody Johnson and Carrie Underwood.  I think the melody is so pretty.  Enjoy!


Other than football, we've been watching a show on Prime called "Cross".  While I am enjoying the series, I don't know if I can fully recommend it on my blog.  There is quite a bit of bad language and some inappropriate and unnecessary scenes.  I wish there could be a good show that doesn't have the filth.  If you know of any I should be watching, please let me know!

In the Kitchen:

We did make the apple dumplings for New Year's Dinner!  They were delicious :)

Friday evening I made a Texas Sheet Cake.  Also delicious!

In the Craft Basket:

I haven't worked on anything crafty since the last time I posted a HHM.  I'm just not feeling inspired lately.  I actually was contemplating embroidery as a crafty endeavor.  I just can't decide what I want to get into...  What are your crafty hobbies?

Picture(s) from the Camera

We took down all the Christmas decorations Saturday morning.  I decided to get some Valentine's Day garland to decorate my bookshelf above my desk so that it wouldn't look bare.  We stopped at the Dollar Tree and they had a good selection.  I decided on this pink and white garland with shiny hearts.  I got some extra garlands to put up at work as well as some Valentine gnomes to sit around.

Prayer Requests

~Winter traveling safety.  Especially the hubby, Kaylee and Shawn as they travel for work Monday.

~I need to get into a good routine of work, home and self-care.  I've been a bit scattered lately and need to find my self-discipline again.  (continued)

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"For You, O Lord, have made me glad by what You have done, I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands."

Psalm 92:4

Have a great week!


Friday, January 3, 2025

Happy New Year and 2025 Goals ~ 1/3/2025

First of all, I can't even believe that I'm typing 2-0-2-5!  Where have the years gone?  Time is truly flying which is proven by the fact that I'm just now getting time to sit down and think about some goals for the year.

Better get to it while I have a few free minutes!

1.  Daily Devotional Time ~ Spending some time each day with the LORD is something I've been striving to do for many years.  I don't always succeed.  In fact, I feel like a failure sometimes.  I'm going to give myself some grace and do my very best to be persistent and consistent.  My study plan is based on 5 days a week with 2 days to "catch-up" if needed.  I am hopeful that I can complete the study by the end of 2025!

2.  Weigh Myself Daily ~ Every year I make plans to  exercise and lose weight.  In 2025, my goal is to just weigh myself daily and mark it in my planner.  I'm hoping that being mindful of my weight will inspire me to try to be healthier.

3.  Blog Weekly ~ I remember, back in the day, when I would publish multiple posts a DAY here on my blog.  Now I struggle to post once a week!  I'm going to accept that only posting once a week is OK for where I am in my life right now.  Most likely I'll focus on writing a Happy Homemaker Monday post each week.  More than that will just be a bonus :)

4.  Read 26 Books ~ I ended up reading a total of 20 books in 2024 so I was 6 books shy of my 2024 Goodreads Goal.  Once again, I'm setting my goal at 26 books for the year.  I'm not really going to stress over this goal.  In fact, my goal is to read for pleasure and not force my reading time.

5.  Be Creative ~ Whether this be crochet, sewing, or some new-to-me craftiness, I just want to be creative.  

6.  CELEBRATE! ~ We've got some major milestones coming up in 2025!  In February, Laken turns 18 years old and then graduates High School in May!  June 20th will be my parents' 50th Anniversary and September 17th will be our 25th Anniversary.  I'm sure there will be lots of other great things to celebrate in 2025 as well :)

7. THRIVE ~ Ultimately, in 2025, I want to do more than survive.  I want to THRIVE!

Seven goals for the New Year seems like a good number for now.  I think I'll stop there before I overwhelm myself!

Did you set any goals for 2025?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments :)


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Happy Homemaker on Christmas! ~ 12/25/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

I know it is Wednesday and not Monday (the regular day for posting Happy Homemaker) but I'm just now getting some quiet time to sit down and focus.  It has been a whirlwind of a few weeks!  I didn't want Christmas to go by without wishing you all the merriest :)

Let's get this show on the road :)

The weather outside is:

Not the most Christmassy :(  I was hoping for at least a flurry yesterday or today but it just misted a bit.

On today's to-do list:

We got up a bit later than we used to wake up on Christmas Day.  Things have changed so much since the girls were little and chomping at the bit to see if Santa came.  Around 9am Kaylee and Shawn came over and we opened presents.  Everyone was pleased with their gifts.  I had one package that didn't arrive in time but I'll still wrap it up and give it to Laken as a late Christmas gift.

After Kaylee and Shawn left, I took a little nap.  It was glorious!  Christmas Dinner was at 4pm and then the hubby, Laken and I went for a ride to get hot chocolate and look at Christmas lights.  We just got back a bit ago and now it is time to look at the rest of the week ahead.

Happening this week:

I'm usually off on Thursday but I had the option to work in order to make up for being off Christmas Day.  So I'll be working Thursday and Friday.

Someone tried to hack my debit card yesterday but the bank flagged it and let me know.  Now I have to find time to go to the bank and get a new debit card.  Maybe Thursday before work, I'll swing by.  Hopefully, I'll have enough time.

The hubby and Laken are both off school/work the rest of the week.  In fact, Laken doesn't go back to school until January 2nd and the hubby doesn't go back to work until January 6th.  I have to get that to-do list ready for them :)

Currently reading:

"Better Watch Out" by Natalie Walters is the book I'd like to read if I actually get motivated to read.  I'd like to finish it before New Year's Day which is very doable if I set the time aside to actually pick up my Kindle.

Listening to:

I heard this song on the radio a few days ago and it really hit me.  Let me know what you think.


We've been watching Christmas movies like White Christmas, The Santa Clause, National Lampoons, Frost and Rudolph.  Some very classic Christmas movies.

Today I watched a bit of the Steelers VS Chiefs game on Netflix.  I don't remember ever watching football on Christmas Day before.

In the Kitchen:

For Christmas Dinner we had ham, roast, mashed potatoes, homemade noodles, green beans, corn, baked apples, and rolls.  My mom and I were going to make apple dumplings for dessert but decided to just make the baked apples since we have so many goodies in the house right now.

We might go ahead and make the apple dumplings for New Year's.  I'll let you know.

In the Craft Basket:

I've started working on my Stashghan 2025 even though it is still 2024.  I have 5 Granny squares made.  I'd share a picture but my crochet bag is downstairs and I don't feel like going down to take a picture.  I decided to nix the purple and just go with the turquoise, apricot and yellow.  Unless I change my mind again.  Who knows...

Picture(s) from the Camera

Christmas Light show in a little town not far from us.  They put on a huge display every year.  They were even in a national Christmas light competition one year!

Prayer Requests


~I need to get into a good routine of work, home and self-care.  I've been a bit scattered lately and need to find my self-discipline again.  (continued)

~Winter traveling safety.

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."

Isaiah 9:6 NASB

Have a great week!


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/16/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.

I've missed posting a HHM for a few weeks and didn't want to miss another so I'm getting this post ready while I have the time.

Let's get this show on the road :)

The weather outside is:

Snow. Snow. Snow. Snow. Snow!

I'm typing this on Sunday evening and it is NASTY outside here in Southern PA.  I'm really worried about the hubby driving to work tonight.  Hopefully the snow/ice stop and the roads have been cleared by the time I have to leave for work in the morning around 9am.

On today's to-do list:

Again, I'm writing this on Sunday, so not much on the to-do list.  I try not to plan too much for Sunday other than Church.

Happening this week:

I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am-5pm.  

On Tuesday I want to try to get my Christmas shopping done.  Laken still has a few gifts to purchase so we'll probably head to our little mall.  There aren't a lot of stores left in our mall, but there is a store called "Touch of Home' that has a ton of decorative items.  So many pretty things!

Thursday is fudge day!  The hubby wants to take fudge in for his co-workers for all three shifts.  We have THE best fudge recipe and I hate to say it but I'm getting pretty good at making it.  It probably won't turn out now that I've written that!

Saturday is cookie day and present wrapping day.  I'd really like to get all Christmas prepping done before next week so that I can just relax and enjoy :)

Currently reading:

I've once again been reading the book of Luke in December.  I know I read it last year during the Christmas season but I can't remember about 2022.  I feel like I did but can't remember for sure.

I haven't been reading much the last month or two as I've been busy market prepping.  Now that the Christmas vendor show is over, I plan on finally getting around to reading the Good for the Soul Book Club selection from November.  "Better Watch Out" by Natalie Walters takes place at Christmas-time so it isn't too late to read it as far as I'm concerned.

Listening to:

Have you Decked the Halls at your house yet?  Enjoy :)


Right now I'm watching the Steelers VS the Eagles football game.  Quite a day for Pennsylvania.

In the Kitchen:

Nothing much lately.  I made a batch of the above-mentioned fudge for my Christmas work party.  We had SO much food and it was delicious.  I could have just parked myself at the dessert table and been happy :)

In the Craft Basket:

Other than market prepping, which I'll get to in a minute, I made a White Elephant for a White Elephant/Dirty Santa game that we played at our party.  It turned out so cute but I could kick myself for forgetting to take a picture before I took it to the party!  Argh!

As for the Christmas vendor was pretty much a flop :(  It was fun to prep for and we had a good time while there but I only sold 3 items the whole time!  So disappointing.  I sold a kitten, a sea turtle and an octopus.  It is a good thing they had a DJ playing Christmas music or I would've been really sad.

As it is, I don't know if I'm going to try to make any more shows.  I'm thinking I might just work on the Stashghan 2025 and leave it at that.  These are the colors I pulled from my stash.  What do you think of them together?

Picture(s) from the Camera

Silly Kona!  She sleeps in the craziest ways :)

Prayer Requests

~I need to get into a good routine of work, home and self-care.  I've been a bit scattered lately and need to find my self-discipline again.

~Winter traveling safety.

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

Luke 1: 30-33

30 The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; 33 and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”

Have a great week!


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Book Tour and Giveaway ~ Rediscovering Christmas by Mindy Obenhaus ~ 11/27/2024

Rediscovering Christmas JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Rediscovering Christmas by Mindy Obenhaus hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Rediscovering Christmas

Title: Rediscovering Christmas
Series: Hope Crossing #6 
Mindy Obenhaus 
Love Inspired 
Release Date:
November 26, 2024 
Christian Contemporary Romance 

She feels she’s lost everything… 

Will love give her hope? 

When a wildfire destroys her home, widowed schoolteacher Tori Stallings finds herself unexpectedly living with her mother- and brother-in-law—and struggling with her faith. With everything Tori owns consumed by the blaze, Micah vows to help his late brother’s wife and son rebuild their lives. The two of them have always been friends, but living under the same roof has their friendship turning into something more. Can love bloom amid tragic loss and shaken beliefs, and give them a fresh start for Christmas?

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Harlequin | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

More Books in Series:

The Cowgirl's Redemption A Christmas Bargain Loving the Rancher's Children Her Christmas Healing Hidden Secrets Between Them

About the Author

Mindy Obenhaus

Best-selling author Mindy Obenhaus is passionate about touching readers with Biblical truths in an entertaining, and sometimes adventurous, manner. She lives on a ranch in Texas with her husband, two sassy pups, countless cattle, deer and the occasional coyote, mountain lion or snake. When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, cooking and watching heartwarming romance movies.

Connect with Mindy visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a signed copy of Rediscovering Christmas and a $25 Amazon gift card!

Rediscovering Christmas JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight November 25, 2024 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on December 2, 2024. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 11/25/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.

I want to take a moment to wish all my readers a Happy Thanksgiving (here in the U.S.A.)!  It is going to be a short, but busy, week for me and I wanted to let everyone of you know how thankful I am that you've taken a moment out of your day to stop by and visit :) 

Now, here's to the week ahead!

The weather outside is:

We had our first snow on Thursday/Friday of last week!  It didn't stay long but it made it's presence known.  I'm not sure if I'm ready for the cold/snow/ice..I better get ready, I guess :)  The 7 Day Forecast is starting the week off with weather that doesn't look too bad but by the end of the week, we're going to feel the COLD!

On today's to-do list:

I don't work at my part-time job today so I'm planning on being a homebody.  I have bills to send, laundry to fold and Christmas market prepping to do.

Happening this week:

I only work Tuesdsay (CPR Training) and Wednesday this week.  My job seems to be going well and I'm getting settled in and more familiar with my daily tasks.  I want to shout-out to my wonderful co-workers:  Janice, Julie, Bridget, Sydney and Kay!  I truly believe that the people you work with make the job either pleasant or unpleasant and so far it has been great.  I'm a bit nervous about the CPR training on Tuesday, but I guess I'll be alright...  Hopefully!

THANKSGIVING!  We're having dinner at my brother and sister-in-law's house as we've done the past several years.  Kelly (my SIL) has been working crazy hours so I hope she can enjoy the time off of work.  

BLACK FRIDAY!  Laken is really looking forward to going to Altoona shopping on Black Friday and braving the crowds.  I doubt we'll go at the crack of dawn but probably head out around 8am.  Hopefully we'll still get some deals.  

Currently reading:

***I'm going to be starting to read "Better Watch Out" by Natalie Walters for a book club that will be meeting on November 21st.  It is described as "a suspense that happens at Christmas-time".  I'm looking forward to diving in!***

Thankfully, the book club meeting has been moved to November 27th, as I didn't get the book read yet.  I'm still going to do my best to read it and join in with the discussion.

Listening to:

While market prepping, I listened to this video on how to Bible journal.  Enjoy!


The hubby, Laken, Nate and I actually went to the movie theater Saturday night!  We saw Gladiator II.  It was a good movie but I'm not sure if it beats out the original Gladiator with Russell Crowe.  We went to Chik-Fil-A afterward.  We had a good time.  Next we want to see Moana 2.  It comes out on Wednesdsay, but I don't know if we'll make it back to the theater so soon to see it this coming weekend.

In the Kitchen:

I've been very mediocre in the kitchen lately.  I've not created anything out of the ordinary to share.  The hubby did pick up a 1/2 bushel of apples for $5 at the farmers market, so we're planning on making apple dumplings sometime soon.

In the Craft Basket:

As mentioned, I've been working on items for the Christmas vendor show coming up on December 14th.  I've made about 25 ornaments and have been making some crocheted toys as well.  Some of the items I've made are kittens, octopuses, snowmen/women, turtles, frogs, and granny square chickens.  I'll add a picture if I get the chance. 

Picture(s) from the Camera

A painting Kaylee created to sell at the vendor show.

Prayer Requests

~I need to get into a good routine of work, home and self-care.  I've been a bit scattered lately and need to find my self-discipline again.

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me.  LORD, Your faithful love endures forever; do no abandon the work of Your hands."  Psalm 138:8

Have a great week!
