Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...
~It is my BIRTHDAY!!!! Happy 44th Birthday to me :)
~I am so glad that it is officially SPRING! I had been having some serious spring/cabin fever and was really glad to be able to get out and go for a few walks this past week. Yesterday it rained and it is supposed to rain all day today but I won't let it get to me :) The sun will come back out and it will get warm again :)
~I got this super cute picture of the hubby and Kona resting. It is hilarious how she will rest her head on his shoulder and put her paw across his stomach, just like a person snuggling. In this picture you can see Kona's poor nose. She must have gotten stung on the snout by a bee and we have had an awful time keeping her from itching it. This picture was a few days ago and it IS starting to heal. For a while, we thought we might have to get her a Cone of Shame.
~About 40 people from our Church went bowling Saturday afternoon. We had such a good time hanging out together. Laken and Damon are cousins but also the best of buds. This is their "silly" picture :)
~Kona and Lilah got their new bandanas today. Out with the St. Patty's bandanas and in with the bunny bandanas. You can't really see the pattern on the fabric very well, but it is so cute! Kona loves wearing bandanas and gets upset when you take it off of her. Lilah couldn't care less.
~Flynn and Clover had their vet checks Tuesday. They've each gained 1 lb which is great as they were so very tiny! The vet, Dr. Amber, said they are looking good. They got their first vaccines and go back in 3 weeks for their booster. Both kittens, but especially Clover, love to lay on the dog bed with both Kona and Lilah. They are getting more personality and have these spurts of energy where they rip and tear through the house chasing each other! So fun to watch them play and grow :)

~This week we added to our family...again! 12 chicks!!!! The hubby, Kaylee, Laken and I went to Tractor Supply and bought our very first chickens!! I think we might be crazy! Kaylee and Laken have wanted chicks FOREVER but the time was never right. I don't really know why the time was right this time, but it is. The girls are SO excited! Laken called dibs to holding the chick box on the ride home. They are so cute and growing like weeds. I would say they've doubled in size since we got them a week ago. Now the hubby needs to get to building the chicken coop!
How was your week?