Thank you, everyone, for participating in the celebration of my 200th Post. We had a total of 44 entries and I wish I could send each of you a prize.
But the actual winner is:
She said:
"My ultimate summer vacation would be to have one of those super-duper fancy tour buses (like the country music stars have) and travel all over the US to see all of the magnificent things God has given us - Yellowstone, Rockies, etc. I would take this trip the latter part of the summer so that I would end up in New England in the fall when the leaves change colors. "
Edwina won a handmade crocheted shawl made with Lion Brand Homespun yarn. I'm not going to say what color I decided to send. I want it to be a surprise when she opens her package.
She's also getting a copy of "The Bridegrooms" by Allison Pittman.

I stated in the giveaway post that if I got 10 new followers, I would draw an addition person to win a second book. I am so excited to tell you that I got 9 new followers. I know I said 10 was the magic number, but I don't care! I drew a second name anyway!
The second winner is:
She said:
"My dream summer vacation would be a Cruise to Hawaii with my family and I would love to go scuba diving with the kids! "
Lisa will be receiving "A Stitch in Time" by Bateman, Cox, Hake & McDonough.

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