Thursday, January 12, 2023

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 1/13/2023

All things bookish!

What I Read:

What I'm Reading:


What happens when the best-laid plans break a friendship?

As the twin of hockey’s hottest forward, romance-loving Bree Karlsson is used to being ignored, leading to a New Year’s resolution to not date any athlete in her attempt to find Mr. Right. But what happens when the man who might prove to be her personal Mr. Darcy is her brother’s hockey-playing best friend?

Mike Vaughan might be happy playing in Boston, but he’d be even happier if Bree could one day see him as more than a good friend. He agrees to help Bree with a special project in the hope she’ll finally see him as something more. But when a misunderstanding ends in a Valentine’s Day disaster, Bree realizes that her breakup project may have broken her friendship with Mike in two. Can she ever redeem her mistake?

This friends-to-more romance has plenty of heart, humor, and swoon-worthy kisses in this first book of the Original Six, a sweet, slightly sporty contemporary romance series.

First Lines:

"Because it is a truth, that SHOULD be universally acknowledged, that the sister of a hockey player will forever have hockey in her future."

56%/Page 56

"I thought you said this was a quick question."


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


How easily can an open heart unlock the door to happily-ever-after?

When Miss Quinn Cooper arrives in Emerson Pass, Colorado, her entire life is packed into one small suitcase. Her widowed mother and baby sister are depending upon her for their survival back home in Boston. And the self-appointed mayor of the rugged mountain community is counting on Miss Cooper to prove herself a fitful teacher for the young and old alike.

Lord Alexander Barnes is determined to bring a bit of English civility to the wild terrain of Emerson Pass. Using his own resources, the widower and father of five builds a schoolhouse and recruits a young teacher from the east to provide an education for both the adults and the children in his rapidly growing mining town. But when the lovely, and much younger than anticipated, Miss Cooper arrives to town, Lord Barnes finds himself providing more than just employment when the boarding house proves to be an unsafe accommodation for the school mistress.

As Miss Cooper takes a room in the Barnes' home, the five Barnes children are delighted. They are sure Miss Cooper is the perfect woman for their lonely father. But when a friend of the Englishman turns up dead, the hope for progress in the untamed town seems immediately lost. Can Miss Cooper and Lord Barnes bring change to the closed-minded locals? And will their endeavor open their hearts to something more?


Book Haul:


Book Blogger Hop:

Q. Are there any new books you're excited to read in 2023? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer) 

A. I don't have any one book in mind. I'm just excited to be reading again!!!!


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. The 56 made me curious. What is this long question?

  2. I'm curious for more, those snippets don't have much to it. Happy weekend!

  3. As a big hockey fan, this catches my interest. I like that it's juxtaposed with P&P because I'm a big fan of that as well. Happy Reading!

  4. My first line is from Within These Walls of Sorrow by Amanda Barratt
    Prelude. Zosia Krakow, Poland
    The sun shone the day I married Ryszard Lewandowski.

  5. Haha! I can relate to your Friday 56 excerpt. I hear that so often at work and it's never quick. The School Mistress looks interesting! I hope you enjoy it when you read it. Have a great weekend!

  6. My what a collection of books.

  7. Interesting first lines, nice book haul! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently reading What Happens Next by Christina Suzann Nelson. It's a great story!
    "Dora placed the flyer in a box and covered it with the lid. She looked around the house, so empty now that Paul had moved from their spare bedroom to an apartment downtown."
    I hope you have a great weekend! 😀❤️📚

  9. Mind Games looks interesting. I hope you enjoy your books!

    My Stacking the Shelves post.

  10. Lots to absorb here - the 56 is classic. :) Looks like a good book haul - hope you enjoy them all.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  11. I have so many books I want to read this year I can't add them all. Plus my Kindle library is busting at the seams as it is 🤣

  12. I'm glad that you are reading again, too. It's a miserable feeling to be unable to get into a book.

    The School Mistress sounds promising. I hope it turns out to be a great read.

  13. Mind Games was so good, so intense! I'm currently reading Alaskan Mountain Search by Sarah Varland. The first line is: "It was never truly dark at this time of year--mid June--in the land of the midnight sun." Have a great week!

  14. Looks like a nice haul for you this week. Have a great rest of your weekend and enjoy the books. - Katie

  15. Nice looking book haul! Glad that you are getting more reading in. Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  16. Nice looking books.
    Have a great week of reading.

  17. The School Mistress book looks right up my alley! I will look forward to your review before deciding if I will pick it up! Enjoy!

  18. Glad you enjoyed Nancy's book. I know her and will share the nice news! My latest is up on my blog:

  19. I've read about Mind Games previously. Mostly I like the idea of it, but it sounds to thrillerish for me.


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