{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo (or 2, or 3) - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Daisies on Blue with Yellow Accents Apron
I absolutely adore this apron! When I look at it, it feels like spring and sunshine to me.
The daisies are on a background of blue with a small light blue flower pattern.
If you look closely, you can see that the yellow accents are actually a yellow on yellow dainty floral print. So cute!
I'm excited to look at my stash to see what apron to make next. Another spring floral, checkered flag, dog-lover... Hmmm... You'll have to wait and see!
You can click HERE or on pictures to go to the listing for this apron in my store. You can also click on the store button on my left sidebar to see all my listing.
BTW, don't be scared off if you don't have the shape of my dress-form. I definitely don't and the aprons fit me. So, no worries!
Please see my left sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!
Potholder-Kitchen Towel Combos Available!
I finally got some Potholder-Kitchen Towel Combos made and had some time to list them in my store. If you see any you like, you can click on that picture to go directly to the listing for that set.
Or, you can visit my store by clicking on the button on my sidebar to see all my listings.
Some of the sets have a bonus kitchen towel included.
Thanks for taking the time to look!
Please see my left sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!
"LFYI Maiden, North Carolina" by Tamela Hancock Murray
Book Description:
The Roaring Twenties comes to a very small town At a time when most American girls are dreaming of bobbed hair and flapper dresses, Hestia Myatt dreams only of becoming a doctor. On a visit to Maiden, North Carolina, to care for an ailing aunt, Hestia becomes reacquainted with a handsome former classmate, Booth Barrington.
Things are going well for Hestia until her glamorous cousin, Selene, mysteriously arrives from New York. Selene turns the heads of every bachelor in town and she seems to have set her sights on Booth. Will Hestia become resentful of her cousin, who can talk of nothing but speakeasies and wild soires? Or can Hestia's maidenly influence convince Selene to change her worldweary ways?
My Thoughts:
This book was very different for me. I think it is one of the very few books I've read about the "roaring twenties".
The book started out a bit slow and kind of Mayberryish/Leave it to Beaverish. lol! There was lots of talk about flappers and the right or wrong to wearing make-up, bobbing of the hair, and style of dresses.
Hestia has settled in to care for her aunt when along comes Selene. Flapper extroidinaire. Her upbring wasn't very ideal and she basically had to raise herself. She has come to Aunt Louisa for a certain "nine month" time period. umhum...
The two cousins couldn't be more different and I think that they positively influenced each other in many ways.
There are two love stories going on throughout the book and I must say that I enjoyed Selene's story the most.
This book was very interesting and I enjoyed learning more about the time period and about Maiden, North Carolina.
Monday, March 28, 2011
German Chocolate Bundt Cake
Once again, Monster Mama came through for me with another amazing recipe. Most of us in my family love German Chocolate cake. The rest are coconut haters. Can you imagine not liking coconut? I can't.
I made this bundt cake to take to a Hymn Sing at my Church. We always have refreshments afterwards. Actually, we have refreshments any time we get together! lol
This cake is so deliciously moist. It was absolutely wonderful.
Laken helped me add the finishing touches. You can see her little hand there at the top of the picture. She's such a sweetie pie. Or should it be cake?
German Chocolate Bundt Cake
1 Box German Chocolate Cake Mix
1 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 can German Chocolate Icing
mini chocolate chips
sweetented coconut flakes
white canned icing (melted)
Preheat oven to 350 and grease you bundt pan.
Mix cake mix, oil, water and eggs. Beat until blended. Stir in German Chocolate Icing until completely inforcorporated.
Pour into prepared bundt pan and bake for about 45 minutes (mine actually took about 55 minutes, so keep an eye on it until done).
Let the cake sit for about 10 minutes then invert it onto a serving platter. Be careful! Take your time. (I was shocked at how beautifully mine turned over for me.) Cool completely.
Spoon abot half of the white into a microwave safe bowl. Heat for 20 seconds. Stir. Heat for another 20 seconds. Stir. This should give the right consisitency for drizzling. Drizzle white icing over the top of the bundt cake.
Sprinkle the top with coconut and mini chocolate chips. (This is where Laken helped me out. She loves to help me cook and bake!)
Share with family and friends.
Let me know if you try this recipe and what you think.
Would you like a bite?
Please see my left sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!
**P.S. Don't forget to enter my birthday giveaway. See my top right sidebar for the link!**
"LFYI Homestead, Iowa" by Melanie Dobson
Book Description:
Times are hard in 1893. In the midst of an economic depression, Jacob Hirsch loses his job with the banking industry. Desperate for work, the widower rides the rails west from Chicago with his four-year-old daughter, Cassie. When their train is derailed in a flood outside Homestead, Iowa, the communal Amana Society settled there rallies around the newcomers.
Liesel, a young Amana woman, takes Cassie under her wing at the Amana Kinderschule and the Homestead elders offer Jacob work. But when the elders recognize Jacobs interest in the engaged Liesel, they ask him to leave the colony. Will Jacob choose to stay in the only place that's felt like home if it means he must give up the woman he has come to love?
My Thoughts:
I really, really liked this book.
It was so descriptive of the economic depression of the time and how difficult a time people were having. Jacob has no way of providing for his daughter and know that he has to get her out of Chicago and find a new profession.
It is heartbreaking at how sick Cassie becomes and they are forced off a train near Homestead. Liesel's connection and determination to help them is very admirable. She stays by Jacob and Cassie's side even though it mean being quarantined.
What a hard, scary time it was in our country. But the Amana's lived separately from the rest of the land and were not effected by the depression. They were self-sufficient and even produced an abundance of product to sell to the outside world. It was very, very interesting to learn about the Amana colonies.
The ending works out perfectly.
This was another "LFYI" book that left me sighing and almost wishing that I lived there. Learning about the different areas and times are what I like the most of about the "LFYI" series.
This book definitely did Homestead Iowa justice!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Weekly Bible Study Update ~ 3/27/11
1st Place for Health.
"God's Best for Your Life".
Week 11 ~ "God's Best for Your Future".
Memory Verse: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever". Psalm 23: 5-6
Day 1: The Good Shepherd
Day 2: Blessed to Be a Blessing
Day 3: You Are Anointed
Day 4: An Overflowing Cup
Day 5: A Secure Future
Day 6: Reflection and Application
Day 7: Reflection and Application
God answered my prayers and I was able to put my 1st Place study as my morning priority. I was blessed by doing so. This week's study was really encouraging and motivating.
Day 7's Reflection and Application talked about Robert Boyd Munger's book, "My Heart, Christ's Home" and asked for us to examine each of our "rooms" to see what needs cleaned out so that it can be redecorated with something better or more Christlike.
The areas were:
-Living Room (where you meet with Jesus daily)
-Dining Room (appetites)
-Library (Your mind)
-Workroom (talents and skills)
-Kitchen (nourishment)
-Yard (exercise, physical activity)
-Basement or attic (hidden hurts)
-Closet (hidden sins)
It was very interesting to contemplate what I would "clean out" and "redecorate" with.
Day 1: The Good Shepherd
Day 2: Blessed to Be a Blessing
Day 3: You Are Anointed
Day 4: An Overflowing Cup
Day 5: A Secure Future
Day 6: Reflection and Application
Day 7: Reflection and Application
God answered my prayers and I was able to put my 1st Place study as my morning priority. I was blessed by doing so. This week's study was really encouraging and motivating.
Day 7's Reflection and Application talked about Robert Boyd Munger's book, "My Heart, Christ's Home" and asked for us to examine each of our "rooms" to see what needs cleaned out so that it can be redecorated with something better or more Christlike.
The areas were:
-Living Room (where you meet with Jesus daily)
-Dining Room (appetites)
-Library (Your mind)
-Workroom (talents and skills)
-Kitchen (nourishment)
-Yard (exercise, physical activity)
-Basement or attic (hidden hurts)
-Closet (hidden sins)
It was very interesting to contemplate what I would "clean out" and "redecorate" with.
"Walking With Women Through the Word" with Wendy Pope.
One Year Chronological Bible in the New Living Translation.
March 20- March 26, 2011
I am relieved to say that I stayed up-to-date with my reading this week! It felt so much better than being behind.
This week shows Joshua stepping up and the Israelites duking it out with the people who inhabited the land that God promised them.
With God on the Isralites side, the others didn't stand a chance.
Once the land was conquered, it had to be divided up amongst the tribes. I can only imagine the relief everyone felt to finally be HOME.
"It's No Secret" by Rachel Olsen.
Online Bible Studies with Melissa Taylor.
This study starts tomorrow, March 27, 2011! I'm ready and waiting!!
Sign up at http://www.melissataylor.org/ .
Please see my side bar for the wonderful places I'll be linking to!
To celebrate my birthday this past week, I'm giving away a copy of our next 1st Place study book, "God's Purpose for You". Click HERE to enter.
Scripture Memory Verse ~ 3/27/11

Memory Verse ~ 3/27/11-4/2/11
"Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:38
Hide these Words in your heart and they will be with you always.
Please see my sidebar to see all the wonderful parties I'll be linking up to.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
TSMSS ~ "Healing Begins" by Tenth Avenue North
Friday, March 25, 2011
Movie Review: "Life As We Know It"
Movie Description per Netflix
2010 PG-13 115 minutes
Caterer Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) and network sports director Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel) discover a reciprocal hatred during an ill-fated first date -- but are forced to put their feelings aside when their mutual friends die and they become the guardians for orphaned Sophie. Now, Holly and Eric must learn to live with each other and juggle their promising careers while taking care of the little girl in this romantic comedy.
Cast: Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Alexis Clagett, Brynn Clagett, Brooke Clagett, Hayes MacArthur, Christina Hendricks, Sarah Burns, Melissa McCarthy
Director:Greg Berlanti
Genres: Comedy, Romantic Comedies, Blu-ray, Warner Home Video
This movie is: Emotional, Sentimental, Romantic
My Thoughts:
Last Saturday evening the girls stayed over at Aunt Donna and Doug and I had a date night. There really wasn't anything playing at the theater that we majorly wanted to see, so I suggested hitting Wal-Mart and buying a movie that we had been wanting to see.
I found "Life As We Know It" and remembered that the previews looked really good. But for some reason I thought the two were a married couple realizing how life would be with a baby.
I soon found out that it wasn't the case. They were set up by mutual friends and had a horrible not-even-leave-the-parking-spot first date and hated each other. They were still connected by the love of their friends and for the baby that became their god-child.
When the parents accident happened, I cried and cried! It was so heartbreaking! It was interesting to see how the characters of Holly and Messer handled the pressure.
After the crying was done, I laughed hysterically!!! It was so funny watching the two mis-matched, new parents try to deal with intant baby caring. I laughed so much through this movie because it just hit so close to home. Especially, the WIGGLES! And then RESCUE PETS! So funny!
I loved how this movie ends. I just plain loved this movie and highly recommend it.
It isn't for the kiddos though. Too much adult content. But make sure you watch it sometime when you can get time off to yourselves.
{this moment} ~ A Beautiful Day Outside
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo (or 2, or 3) - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
"LFYI Calico, California" by Elizabeth Ludwig
Book Description:
A young seamstress weaves her own story in a world run by men. After hearing news of a silver strike in Calico, California, Abigail Watts packs up her needles and thread and follows her beloved father out West. But when she’s suddenly left alone in the rough mining town, Abigail finds herself pressed into a marriage of convenience with the local livery owner, Nathan Hawk.
Determined to uncover the mystery surrounding her father’s death in the mines, Abigail agrees to stay in Calico. But when the truth sets her free, she must decide whether to leave the town - and Nathan - for good.
My Thoughts:
This was one of my favorite "LFYI"'s yet. I enjoyed how Abigail really tried to make it on her own and wouldn't back down. Then when she married Nathan out of convenience, she put everything she had into making them a home.
I would have been heartbroken if Abigail would have decided to go with her aunt's and left Nathan and his daughter behind. I loved that Nathan said he would go wherever Abigail went. True love! Sigh....
I love when I'm able to learn through reading. I've always loved history and this book is full of historical knowledge of mines and immigrant workers.
I definitely recomment this "LFYI".
Feel Good Friday ~ 3/25/11

"Just make a list. List 5 things that made you really happy this week. No matter how bad or boring you think your week was, I bet you can find 5 things."
1. My Birthday!
2. Watching "Life as We Know It" with the hubby!
3. My "LFYI" reading marathon!
4. Pizza Party with the Junior Sunday School Class!
5. The girls stayed-over at Aunt Donna's Saturday night!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me! I'm 33 and a Giveaway!!!
Thinking back when I was a kid, I can distinctly remember when my mom turned 33. I don't know why. Maybe I was just realizing that even adults have birthdays and was thinking of someone other than myself and when my own birthday would come. Age 33, was something I always associated with my mom in my kid brain.
This is the most excited I've been turning a certain age since "Sweet 16" and "Adult 21".
Even the number 33 is pleasing to the eye. Like 11 and 22. I don't know if I'll feel the same way about turning 44 but today I'm going to celebrate my 33-edness. lol
And I want to celebrate with YOU, dear readers!!!
Those of you who follow my blog, may have realized how important my First Place 4 Health group of ladies are to me. We meet every Sunday morning at 8am before Church to discuss that week's study.
My 1st Place study is a very important part of my morning and I'd like to share that with you. I wish I could give everyone a Birthday present but I only have one copy to give of:
This is our group's next study book and we'll be starting it in a couple weeks. You can see some details about the studies in my "Weekly Bible Study Updates" posts.
These studies are a great way to get you in God's Word everyday, and maybe you'll even be inspired to start a 1st Place Group with some of your friends and family. I have been so blessed through my 1st Place ladies.
So, here how to enter.
+1 Tell me how old you are and what you LOVE about your age. (we're all friends here. You can tell us!)+1 Be a follower.+2 Blog about this giveaway
That is a total of 4 chances to win.
I'll hold the drawing on March 31st at 12pm EST.
BTW, this book also contains a "Scripture Memory Verse Music CD". Setting verse to song is a great way to memorize the verses. (You'll recognize the weekly verses in my "Scripture Memory Verse" post each week)
I hope you'll help me in celebrating my birthday today and join in the giveaway!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
"LFYI Paradise, Pennsylvania" by Loree Lough
Book Description:
For as long as anyone can remember, tourists have flocked to the quaint town of Paradise, Pennsylvania, where Amish buggies are as common as shops selling handcrafted goods. But to attorney Julia Spencer this town is anything but a paradise. Raised in foster homes, Julia has succeeded in life only through steely determination and independence. The closeknit Amish people are a mystery to her, but local veterinarian Simon Thomas knows them well and is fiercely protective of their simple ways, which are increasingly threatened by the outside world.
When Julia agrees to defend a local teenager charged in a case involving an Amish boy, she and Simon find themselves on opposite sides of an intense and emotional legal battle. Just when it seems they will never understand one another, God has something to teach them both about the power of forgivenessand the joys to be found in Paradise.
My Thoughts:
I loved this story. I am a bit biased though because it is based in Pennsylvania, the most beautiful state there is!
The character start out wounded and hurting just as the animals and teenagers that the are trying to help.
Simon knows that God put him in Julia's life to be her friend but it turns into much more than that.
Julia had no intentions of ever getting involved with anyone because of her "faulty genes". God had other things planned for her.
I love how their relationship grows.
This book contains heartbreak and grief that Julia and Simon have to be able to move beyond in order to have a relationship, even friendship.
I will tell you right now that I cried while reading this book. But, I also laughed and sighed and enjoyed every bit of it.
I've been having a reading marathon of all the LFYI books that I have on my TBR shelf, so be watching for lots more reviews coming from this series of books.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
New Apron: Bright Pink Background Floral with Polka Dots
I really love how this apron turned out.
I knew when I bought these fabrics that they would like great together, but the finished product was even better than I expected.
The flowers, the butterflies and polka dots are so springy. Don't you just love it?
I've added this apron to my store. You can click HERE or on the pictures to go directly to the listing.
Please see my left sidebar for the great places I'll be linking to!
Colletta's Quits Crafts and Books,
Queen of the Castle ~ Week 12
Peace in Hebrew is shalom and means wholeness, health and well-being.
So, when we talk about a peaceful home, do you think about how it looks? Clean and tidy?
Or do you think about the feeling of your home? Does it feel like a safe haven filled with people who love you and can be trusted?
There is a difference between looking peaceful and feeling peaceful.
The Holman Bible Dictionary adds that spiritual peace is a "sense of well-being and fulfillment that comes from God and is dependent on His presence. God alone can give peace in all its fullness."
We have a Father who is the source of true peace that we can have and pass on to our family.
"These things I have spoken to you, so that you in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Some other great verses on peace are: Colossians 1:2, Luke 10:5, Isaiah 10:5, and Psalm 29:11.
Terry Willets, Creating a SenseSational Home says:
Is this what our homes reflect? I'm sure it is what we would all love our homes to be like. LBW reminds us to pray over our homes for spiritual peace and we will be amazed at what the power of His Spirit will do for the feelings in our home.
Some Ideas for Fostering a Peaceful Home:
-Fill you home with good smells such as candles or fresh flowers. Start with the front doorway and create an inviting entrance.
-Allow people to use you "good" furniture.
-Remember to strive for balance. Homes that are orderly enough to be comfortable but accept that people live there and perfection won't be possible.
-Post Scripture around the house. Plaques and pictures with verses hang on my walls and remind me throughout the day of God and His love for me and my family.
-Remember that clutter can sometimes represent healthy bodies, creativity, and active minds. "It's all a matter of perspective".
Terry Willets, Creating a SenseSational Home says:
"Throughout Scripture, God is referred to as our spiritual refuge. We are told to run to Him for safety, security, rest, replenishment, comfort and never-ending love. In the same way, I believe God created our homes to be our physical refuge. He knew we would need a corner of the world to call our own...Home...should be where we are reminded of who we are, to whom we belong and what really matter in life."
Is this what our homes reflect? I'm sure it is what we would all love our homes to be like. LBW reminds us to pray over our homes for spiritual peace and we will be amazed at what the power of His Spirit will do for the feelings in our home.
Some Ideas for Fostering a Peaceful Home:
-Fill you home with good smells such as candles or fresh flowers. Start with the front doorway and create an inviting entrance.
-Allow people to use you "good" furniture.
-Remember to strive for balance. Homes that are orderly enough to be comfortable but accept that people live there and perfection won't be possible.
-Post Scripture around the house. Plaques and pictures with verses hang on my walls and remind me throughout the day of God and His love for me and my family.
-Remember that clutter can sometimes represent healthy bodies, creativity, and active minds. "It's all a matter of perspective".
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.' John 14:27
Please check out my side bar to see all the great sites I'm linking up to.
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