Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Queen of the Castle ~ Week 12

Week 12 ~ In Search of the
Peaceful Home
You can find the previous weeks HERE.

Peace in Hebrew is shalom and means wholeness, health and well-being.

So, when we talk about a peaceful home, do you think about how it looks?  Clean and tidy? 

Or do you think about the feeling of your home?  Does it feel like a safe haven filled with people who love you and can be trusted?

There is a difference between looking peaceful and feeling peaceful.

The Holman Bible Dictionary adds that spiritual peace is a "sense of well-being and fulfillment that comes from God and is dependent on His presence. God alone can give peace in all its fullness."

We have a Father who is the source of true peace that we can have and pass on to our family. 

"These things I have spoken to you, so that you in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."  John 16:33
Some other great verses on peace are:  Colossians 1:2, Luke 10:5, Isaiah 10:5, and Psalm 29:11.

Terry Willets, Creating a SenseSational Home says:

"Throughout Scripture, God is referred to as our spiritual refuge.  We are told to run to Him for safety, security, rest, replenishment, comfort and never-ending love.  In the same way, I believe God created our homes to be our physical refuge.  He knew we would need a corner of the world to call our own...Home...should be where we are reminded of who we are, to whom we belong and what really matter in life."

Is this what our homes reflect?  I'm sure it is what we would all love our homes to be like.  LBW reminds us to pray over our homes for spiritual peace and we will be amazed at what the power of His Spirit will do for the feelings in our home.

Some Ideas for Fostering a Peaceful Home:

-Fill you home with good smells such as candles or fresh flowers.  Start with the front doorway and create an inviting entrance.

-Allow people to use you "good" furniture.

-Remember to strive for balance.  Homes that are orderly enough to be comfortable but accept that people live there and perfection won't be possible.

-Post Scripture around the house.  Plaques and pictures with verses hang on my walls and remind me throughout the day of God and His love for me and my family.

-Remember that clutter can sometimes represent healthy bodies, creativity, and active minds.  "It's all a matter of perspective".

"Peace I leave with you;  My peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.'  John 14:27
Please check out my side bar to see all the great sites I'm linking up to.


  1. I found your blog through Trish's L.A.C.E. link. I really liked this post especially keeping balance in our homes.

  2. Hello Coletta,
    what a lovely post this is!
    Such good advice.
    I also believe our homes should be safe and delightful refuges :-)
    I had to smile at the idea of letting people use your "best" furniture lol!
    I've known ladies who kept theirs literally 'under wraps'-including my aunt who just turned 100 last month.
    She still has her loungeroom off limits-even to family :-(
    Thank you for linking up to A Little Bit of Lace..have a blessed day!

  3. Hi Colletta,
    A peaceful house
    A welcoming house
    A loving house
    You have given us some lovely ways to create this,thank you.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  4. Thank you Colletta for the encouraging reminder :) - I found you through Homemaker By Choice.

  5. so, I was just thinking... now that the weekend is almost over, I need to get busy and clean house! This post was just the motivation I needed. :) Happy Spiritual Sunday.

  6. Too often I interpret a peaceful home as one where everything is tidy. But outward appearances do not guarantee the inward peace we all desire for our home.
    The Lord's presence is better than a spotless home.
    Great post.

  7. Great advice, Colletta. Having a happy peaceful home is much more important than having a spotless perfectionist one. Thank you for sharing this insight.


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