Sunday, September 29, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 9/30/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.

Can you believe it is the last day of September?  This month has flown by.  I was looking at my calendar for October and it is busy as well.  It will be Thanksgiving and Christmas before we know it!  I'm just focusing on enjoying Fall and trying not to think of Winter being just around the corner.

Here's to the week ahead!

The weather outside is:

We've had lots of rain lately.  More than we had all Summer!  I shouldn't have a problem being able to compete the Rainy Day prompt for one of Readathon I'm participating in.

On today's to-do list:

Take Laken to and from school; fold laundry; sweep and mop (I mopped Friday, but with all the rain/mud it needs done again); cook.  Ordinary homemaking a tasks.

Happening this week:

I have to have to make a trip to Altoona Tuesday.  It just so happens that our closed Hobby Lobby is in Altoona.   Hmmmm.....  Should I stop in to see what I can see?  I think, yes!

Thursday and Friday our Church ladies will be making 60 pies for my alma maters Homecoming celebration.  It will take us both days.  I really wish we had an industrial oven but, alas, we only have a regular oven that will bake 6 pies at once.  Even though it is a lot of work, it is also a fun time together with the other ladies.

Saturday is Homecoming and we'll be running our pie booth.    Busy days ahead!

Currently reading:

I'm getting ready to start reading "The House at the End of the Moor" by Michelle Griep for the readathons I'm participating in.  This cover is what drew me in as well as loving this author!

To see more about my reading week, please go HERE to check out My Weekly Bookishness post!

Are we friends on Goodreads?  You can find my Goodreads profile HERE.

Listening to:

I love me some TobyMac!  Enjoy :)


I'm watching the Steelers VS Colts game as I'm writing this post.  It isn't looking good so far and it is less than 5 minutes into the game!  ***Edited to add:  the Steelers lost :(***

"The Real West" a Hallmark fall movie that takes place at a "dude ranch".  It was so good and not a typical run-of-the-mill Hallmark movie.  Have you watched it?

Did anyone watch the pilot episode of "Matlock" on CBS/Paramount?  It was so good!  I think I'm going to like this series.  I'm also looking forward to watching "The Summit" which starts tonight.

Booktubers that I've discovered recently and also some favorite homemaking/sewing youtubers.

In the Kitchen:

I didn't spend much time in the Kitchen this week other than making some pretty easy dinners.  I also took the easy way out making dessert!  I got this Perfectly Pumpkin cookie mix and cream cheese icing at the store.

I made the cookie mix into cookie bars (the easy way out :)  They were good but very, very sweet with all that icing!

In the Craft Basket:

I have 28/35 blocks finished for the Japanese Fields Afghan.  Last week I was at 23/35 blocks completed so I've made some progress.  I haven't taken any new pictures of my stack of squares lately but I'm glad to say my ends are all woven in!  I'd like to finish making the granny squares this week.   Seven squares should be doable if I work at it while watching TV and youtube.

Picture(s) from the Camera

It was National Daughter's Day this past week (at least that is what I saw on FB).  Here are my two beauties!  This picture was taken last Summer at Black Water Falls, WV.  I really need to get an updated picture of the two of them.  They are both so busy all the time that it is hard to get them together any more.

My devotion time a few days ago was on 1 Timothy 1:1 and the fact that Christ Jesus is our hope.  I needed that reminder :)

Another week, another candle.  Cinnamon Sugared Pretzel.  It smells so good!

I picked up my 2025 wall calendar already!  I decided on this Bible Verse calendar.  There were a few different Bible calendars but the pictures on this one really drew me in.  Do you still use a wall calendar?

Book mail!  I received a few books this week.  If you want to see more, go check out my Instagram posts.  "The Debutante's Code" by Erica Vetsch is the October book for the Good for the Soul Women's Book Club on FB.  I joined in the September book's Zoom chat even though I hadn't read the book and I was so welcomed!  The Book Club just started a few months ago so it is still getting off the ground.  You should come check it out! 

HOCO 2024:  Nate and Laken.

Daddy and Laken.  Because I love this picture!

Prayer Requests

~Continued prayers for Laken as she has a full workload this school year.

~***Special prayers for a dear friend from Church who is currently in the ICU.  She is an older lady and has internal bleeding.  They are trying to determine what is causing it so they can decide on the best treatment.***  My friend is home from the hospital and recuperating at home to get her strength back.  Thank the LORD no surgery is needed and she is planning on baking pies at the end of this week with us!

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders and the Election coming in November.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21 But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.”"  John 3: 20-21 (NASB)

Have a great week!


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