Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 9/2/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

It was a busy weekend.  Saturday we were gone all day Homecoming dress shopping.  We made the trip to Greensburg to to a dress shop called MB Prom.  They had tons of dresses...and tons of shoppers!  Homecoming is less than a month away so I shouldn't have been surprised at the busyness of the shop.  There were girls EVERYWHERE!

Laken liked a certain bright orange dress that made her look very tan but the shop had already sold that same dress to someone that goes to her school and they won't duplicate dresses so that one was out.  Finally, after much trying on and searching through racks of dresses, Laken picked my favorite out of the bunch.  Pictures don't do it justice.

Laken also discovered that Greensburg is a hidden treasure of malls, shopping plazas and stores.  I hadn't really ever been there shopping before but the rest of the day was spent hopping from store to store and hitting the mall just before closing time.

Over-all, it was a nice day spent together and the dress shopping is in the books...until Prom...

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

The cooler temperatures are back and it is wonderful!  Looking at the forecast, it is actually supposed to get quite chilly tonight with a low of 44F.  And next Sunday with a high of 68F!  The leaves will really start changing soon.

On today's to-do list:

I actually have a lot on my list for today.  I need to get some house work done such as dishes, laundry and floors.  I'm a bit behind after being gong all day Saturday.

My Mom and I are actually contemplating make some apple pies this afternoon as well.

Happening this week:

This is a fairly full week.  I work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Saturday, I'm helping serve at a dinner for one of our community members who is being appreciated for all his work for our little town.  Plus keeping up with the daily tasks.  I feel like I need to slow things down a bit.  Maybe being off today will help me get some tasks accomplished and I won't feel so overwhelmed.

Currently reading:

I signed up for a JustRead Publicity book review Blog Tour for K-9 Ranch Protection by Darlene L. Turner.  I was so excited to get the email that I was selected to be a part of the Blog Tour!  I've been reading more now than I have in weeks (maybe even months) and am enjoying myself immensely.  My review will be posted on September 27th. 

Listening to:

I can't get this song out of my head!  Enjoy :)


Hallmark/Freevee movies.

There wasn't a Steeler game this weekend but I'm looking forward to watching the first regular season game this Sunday!

In the Kitchen:

As I mentioned above, we are probably making apple pies this afternoon.

We're having Cheesy Bacon Potato Soup for supper.  Nate requested it.  He has to leave to go back to college this evening so it was his pick :)

In the Craft Basket:

I think I've decided to switch up the Japanese Fields afghan and make solid Granny squares instead of the flower Granny squares.  So much less weaving in of ends!  I didn't get any pictures so I'll try to get some for next week's post.

Edited to add picture :)

Picture from the Camera

The cooler temperatures and the rain we've been getting are doing wonders for the flowers.  Especially, these geraniums that are in the Church flower bed.

Prayer Requests

~Please keep my work situation in your prayers.  I absolutely do not like having to work on Sunday morning but it seems like they keep scheduling me to work then.  (continued)

~Laken is now taking 4 college courses.  Please pray that she does well with them and that she stays healthy.  (continued)

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all those going back to school.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders and the Election coming in November.

Bible Verse

"For I know the plans I have for you,' says the LORD.  ' They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.' "  Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

Have a great week!



  1. Lovely dress and beautiful girl. Sending positive vibes for your Sunday work. Miam apple pies! Have a great week

  2. What a lovely round up. I'm from Western Pa, and I've notice that it's beginning to be cooler in the mornings & evenings. Your flowers are so pretty.
    Visiting today from SSPS 326 #86,87,88&89.
    Have a great week.

  3. What a pretty dress Laken chose. It sounds like you had a lovely day shopping.
    It's got chillier here too and I am loving it although I am not a fan of the rain that's here. Hmmf.
    Ohh! I hope you made some apple pies. They're my favourite, I made some a couple of weekends ago.

  4. Laken looks very pretty in the dress she selected!
    We live just north of Boston and the cooler temps and less humidity have been delightful. Prayed for the needs you mentioned. Have a great rest of your week!

  5. That dress is lovely! It looks like the top will sparkle nicely in the lights. Your weather looks a lot like ours. We're planning a trip to the orchard this weekend so I bet apple pies will be on my to do list next week.


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