*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.*

Title: "Heart in Hand"
Series: Stitches in Time Book #3
Author: Barbara Cameron
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Publication Date: 2/1/13
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Publication Date: 2/1/13
Pages: 304
Buy from Amazon: HERE
Book Description:Buy from Amazon: HERE
Anna, a knitter and the oldest of the three cousins, watches the wedding of Naomi and Nick the following fall and remembers her own wedding. A widow, Anna thinks about how short her time with her husband was; as she looks at her grandmother, she wonders if Leah is recalling her own marriage. Her grandparents were married for a longer time than she and her husband were, but Anna and her grandmother lost their spouses only months apart three years ago. Perhaps this is why they have always felt so close. Both know how hard it is to be a widow, to go on with life.
Gideon Beiler approaches Anna one day. Gideon is a wonderful, caring man. He, too, has suffered a loss – his wife, Mary, died and left him to raise their only daughter. Spring is a time for new beginnings, for love to bloom as nature thaws the earth and makes it come alive again after the long cold winter. As love begins to warm Anna’s heart again, she’s afraid to chance losing someone she has come to care so much about. Her grandmother tells her she believes Gideon may be the man God has sent for her to have a second chance at love.
Stitches in time…and place: three cousins who laugh and love and learn about life together with their warm and wise grandmother, Leah, in their special shop. Two generations of Amish women who are bound by strong threads which bind them to their creativity and their community.
About the Author
Barbara Cameron is the author of 35 fiction and non-fiction books, three nationally televised movies (HBO-Cinemax), as well as the winner of the first Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Award. When a relative took her to visit the Amish community in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, she felt led to write about the spiritual values and simple joys she witnessed there.
Her latest book is the Amish fiction, Heart in Hand.
My Overall Feeling of the Book:
I have to admit that I haven't read the first two books in this series. They are still on my wish list but when I received the opportunity to read and review this book, I couldn't resist. Not reading the previous books in no way hindered my enjoyment of "Heart in Hand".
I loved that so much of the story takes place in a craft store! All the yarn! All the fabric! Such yummy goodness!
The love story between Anna and Gideon (and his daughter-Sarah Rose) was so sweet with just the right amount of conflict and suspense to make it great!
Main Characters:
Anna: A young widow who wonders if God could possibly have another love in mind for her. She loves to knit and works in her craft shop co-owned by her, her cousins and their grandmother.
Gideon: Gideon is a young widower who starts finding more and more reasons to stop by the craft store. His mind is set on courting Anna even though she isn't quite ready.
My Favorite Scene:
My favorite scenes are when Anna, Gideon and Sarah Rose are together doing normal, everyday things like baking cookies and eating dinner.
A Brief Excerpt:
"I'm surprised you'd go out with me again if you thought I only wanted you to be a mother to my daughter, however charming she might be at times."
Page 159
The Cover:
The cover had me at "the yarn". I also love the green of the grass and the way it sets off the buggy in the distance and Anna in the fore-ground.
Other Notes:
~Great as a stand-alone book if you haven't read the full series.
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