Monday, February 18, 2013

It's Monday! What Am I Reading? ~ 2/18/13


The book I am currently reading is:
The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club

Join the club of unlikely quilters who show up for Amish widow Emma Yoder’s quilting classes. A troubled young woman, a struggling couple, a widower, a rough and tough biker, and a preacher’s wife make up the mismatched lot. But as their problems begin to bind them together like the scraps of fabric stitched together in a quilt, they learn to open up and lend a helping hand. Is this what God had in mind to heal hurting hearts and create beauty from fragments?


I love all things quilty, so when I saw this book at the store, I knew it would be going on my wishlist.  I added it to by wishlist on and patiently waited for it to be my turn to read the book.

I'm almost 1/3 of the way through and have been getting to know the characters and their back grounds.  They have started learning a bit about the quilting process and have been assigned homework to cut out their quilt pieces.

I've been mostly crocheting lately, but reading this book has inspired me to get my fabric out and play at the sewing machine.  I've already pieced together a charm square quilt top and have plans for my next one :)

Also Reading This Week:
Firefly Island by Lisa Wingate
Aurelia by Anne Osterlund

What are you reading today?


  1. I'm always so impressed by you quilty folks :) Have a great week!

  2. This sounds like quite an interesting book...will be looking forward to reading your review of it. I'm a crocheter myself, but have quite a fascination about quilting.

    Have a great week!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  3. That covers look very interesting? Have you read The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier? There's a lot in there about Quaker quilts! Happy reading!

  4. I saw that book at the book store several weeks ago!! I wanted so bad to snatch it up, but I didnt. Maybe on my Christmas list or a birthday gift!!

  5. I know that this post is 2 years old, but I saw the cover and I just wanted to say "Yes!" I have this book checked out from the library right now.


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