
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hello Monday ~ 5/27/2024


I want to take a moment before getting into my Hello Monday post to REMEMBER and HONOR all the brave men and women who gave his/her life so that we could be free.  I think sometimes we look at this day only as a reason for a three-day-weekend and don't truly remember and honor the ones who so greatly deserve it.  So make sure to pause for a moment Monday or whatever day you may be reading this and be grateful.

With all that being said, I am super grateful and excited to have this three-day-weekend.  It is Sunday night as I write this post and it feels so good to still have another day off to look forward to!  I'll let you know how we spend our Memorial Day in my Friday Favorites post (make sure you stop back) but for now I'll share our weekend adventures.

I came home Friday from work and was greeted by these two wrestling.  Oliver and Flynn are so funny together!  I couldn't help myself, I had to snap this picture and share it!  It cracks me up :)

Laken finished up her AP Language class which was her last class of Junior year.  Does that mean I have a Senior???

Every year, on the last day of school, we eat out to celebrate finishing up another school year.  This year Laken decided that she wanted Cracker Barrel.  Only my youngest daughter would order a hot chocolate on an 85F day  :)

The hubby likes to play the peg game at Cracker Barrel.  I don't know the technical name of the game, but I do know that the hubby cheats so that he's not a "plain old ignoramus"!

We went grocery shopping Saturday morning and we couldn't pass up these gorgeous orange Dahlias.  The hubby loves orange flowers and something about these really caught my eye as well.

One the way home, we once again saw the geese by the pond near our house.  Look how much the babies have grown just from when I posted about them last weekend!

Saturday afternoon/evening we stopped by Kaylee and Shawn's.  We spent some time looking at their newly planted garden and the flowers that are coming back up from last year.  Kaylee had just got her hair cut and was worried I would think it was too short but I think it suits her and she looks beautiful no matter what!

They have a Mock Orange Bush that reminds me so much of my Gram.  Gram loved plants and flowers and had a Mock Orange off the back porch.  I think the new owners of her house cut it down, which makes me very sad.  Moving on to happier things!

My grandpuppy, Dahlia, hated that we were outside and she was inside the house.  I made sure to say hi to her before we left.  She is a Great Dane and is such a lover!  Sweet, sweet Dahl Baby!

Aunt Donna and Uncle Charlie invited us to dinner that evening so we took corn-on-the cob to contribute to the meal.  It was our first corn-on-the-cob of the season which is always exciting!  What was even sweeter was getting the corn 10 ears for $2 at Weis.  That price is unheard of these days!  I wish we would have gotten more, to tell you the truth.

Aunt Donna had these cute little piggy corn-on-the-cob stickers.  I had to snap a picture of the hubby using them.

When we got home after dinner, we watched 2 epidsodes of Tracker.  We still have 2 more episodes to watch to get caught up.  It might even be over the season.  If so, we'll have to find another show to watch before bed.  Any suggestions?

Sunday morning we got up and the hubby made us cinnamon rolls for breakfast before Church.  He usually either makes us cinnamon rolls or muffins.  They are out of a can or a mix but I appreciate it SO much.  He's a sweetheart and I love him so much.

When we got home from Church it was time to catch up on some housework which included laundry, dishes and floors.  I had dumped the clean clothes in a pile on the bed and came back to find Oliver "helping".  He did not like me moving the clothes and messing up his little cocoon.  I tried to not disturb him, but I really wanted to get done with the housework and sit on my swing for a bit.

Which reminds me...I didn't get my swing painted the weekend...BUT, I still have all day Monday.  I'm hoping to pick up the paint when my hubby goes to Lowe's and get it finished before the rains come.  

Finally, I'll leave you with a picture of the beautiful "blue" rose that is blooming right off the back deck where my swing is.  Isn't it gorgeous?

So those were our weekend highlights.  I can't wait to read all about yours!  Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead :)


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Friday Favorites ~ 5/24/2024


We did it!  We made it through another work week!  Well, almost, anyway...  I'm so excited to have a 3 day weekend ahead.  But first, let's talk about the past week.

The hubby was on vacation all week and I enjoyed having him home during the nights.  I slept so much better which is weird because he's been on third shift for a long time and before that he worked swing shift.  I should be used to him being at work while I sleep.  There is a chance that he might be able to transfer to first shift but we have to wait and see.  I'm really hoping and praying that it happens.  I think it would be good for us at this stage in our lives.  We'll find out more when he gets back to work on Tuesday.

Monday evening was Nate's Senior Awards Ceremony.  We won't be able to attend graduation because he only has a limited amount of tickets, so we wanted to be at the Awards Ceremony to show our support.  We're very proud of Nate and feel very blessed that Laken has him as part of her life and that he allows us all to be part of his life.

After the Awards Ceremony, we went to a close by ice cream stand called The Penguin.  While waiting for our ice cream we witnessed the strangest thing.  At first I thought it was a normal traffic stop with a state trooper pulling over a speeding car.  Next thing we knew, it was as if we had stepped into an episode of "COPS" !  The car took off and then about 10 police vehicles went flying after it.  We were witnessing a car chase!  It was unreal and a bit unsettling.  What an interesting way to end the evening!

We had a very cool, rainy stretch which was a bit miserable for us but the flowers loved it.  Especially our little rose bush off the back deck.  It has been pitiful the past few years but this year it is going to town!  There are tons of buds and the roses are rich and beautiful.

Now that I'm getting used to my new phone, I am starting to fall in love with it.  Especially the camera!  It is so good that I was able to actually take a picture of a jet flying over as the hubby and I were sitting on the porch swing Tuesday evening.  It was really neat to zoom in on the picture and see the jet "up close".

Wednesday evening, before Bible Study, the cats were playing in the middle of the Family Room floor.  Flynn and Oliver were going crazy!  I took quite a few pictures of them because my camera is so stinking fast!  I picked this picture out because it shows their personalities off the best.  Oliver thinks he's big stuff and Flynn is telling him he's small potatoes.

Thursday morning I woke up with an ear ache :(  I was able to get into my PCP and it was verified that I have an ear infection.  My appointment was at 5pm and the pharmacy closed at 7pm so I made it just in time to pick up my antibiotic.  My PCP also told me that my ear canals were red which indicates allergies and recommended that I use Flonase as it is really good at keeping the ears clear.  I stopped on the way home and picked some up so hopefully I'll be feeling better in no time!

Which brings me to now, Thursday night.  One more day of work for me and one more day of school for Laken before we can enjoy the weekend and the SUMMER!  I'm so excited!  It is supposed to be nice weather  Saturday and Sunday but rain on Monday.

My goal for the weekend is to get my swing repainted before the rains come again.  I still need to pick up the paint so I'll probably do that Saturday morning after Oliver's vet appointment.  I thought I'd add a "before" picture showing the fine job the hubby did replacing some of the boards on my swing.  Good as new!  Hopefully I'll be able to show an "after" picture Monday.

I also hope that everyone has a wonderful long weekend!  Let me know in the comments if you have any special plans or if you have to work the weekend.  I'd love to hear!

Thanks for stopping by :)


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hello Monday ~ 5/20/2024


Why, oh why, does the week drag on but the weekend flies by?  This was a busy weekend without hardly a moment to spare.  I did get to take a 45 minute nap Sunday afternoon.  I shouldn't complain but it didn't seem long enough!

Let's get on with the weekend happenings, shall we?

Friday evening, we went to a local used car lot and got the hubby a newer work car (at least newer than what he had).  For now, it will also be what Laken learns to drive on which is something that needs to be our focus this summer.  Douglas is on vacation this week so he'll be going to get the transfer completed Monday.

Laken talked me into crocheting her a crop top.  She picked some granny squares out of a bin that were already completed and we spent some time looking online for a pattern for the bust of the top.  Finally, I purchased a pattern from Etsy and spent the late evening Friday working on it.  She couldn't decide about the trim color, so I decided to head to bed and work on it more at a later time.

Saturday was Andrew's (my nephew) high school graduation.  Before the graduation ceremony which was at 3pm, Dan and Kelly had a pizza party for him at the local restaurant in town.  Andrew and his classmates were only given 6 tickets each for graduation, so we weren't all able to attend but we were all able to celebrate with him beforehand.  

Nate works at Subway and had to go to work after Andrew's party.  Laken, of course, wanted Subway for supper :)  I needed a few things at the store so we went there first and then stopped by Subway to get supper and see Nate.  After eating, we took the round-a-bout way home through Shawnee State Park.  The sun was shining and it turned out to be a beautiful day after all the rain we've had. 

I was also able to get some pictures of the ducks at the pond right up the road from our house.  There are three adults and five baby ducks.  They are growing so fast.

Saturday evening the hubby and I watched the ACM Awards on Prime.  I haven't watched an entire awards show in years but this one had great music.  Lainey Wilson performed "Hang Tight Honey" and there was also a tribute to Toby Keith who passed away this past year.

Another reason I was able to watch the entire show, was being busy finished Laken's crop top.  It kept me occupied and from getting bored with the show.  Below is a picture of the finished crop top although I don't know if I'm going to allow Laken to wear it out of the house.  It is a bit too hoochie-mama for my tastes but she loves it.  I'll save that battle for another day!

Sunday morning was Church and then a nap.  After waking up from my nap that was too short, we decided to go to Sundae's for ice-cream.  I thought about getting the no sugar added ice-cream but the Peanut Butter Sundae won out...  It is SOOOO good and is my absolute favorite!

And that brings me to now, Sunday evening as I'm typing up this post.  I think we may watch a few episodes of Tracker to try to get caught up before going to bed.  I'm also psyching myself up to face the week ahead.

As I mentioned above, Douglas is on vacation this week but I still have to work.  Bummer...   He's just going to be working on projects around the house, but still.  Laken will be finishing up her last class/week of school so she'll be busy, too.

Here's to another weekend gone and another work week ahead!

Have a great one :)


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Friday Favorites ~ 5/17/2024


After a week of frustration and irritation, I think I finally have my new phone set up!  Creating an apple ID about kicked my butt.  I was trying and trying on my phone to remember what my apple ID was from way back when the girls got their ipods.  That was years ago!  Maybe I tried too many times on my phone but I absolutely couldn't get a new ID set up.  Finally, I tried on the hubby's new phone and it accepted right away!  I could have screamed!  I wish I would have tried that sooner and saved myself so much frustration.  

Then my phone wouldn't let me download Facebook, messenger or instagram.  Finally...I figured out how to turn my phone off (yes, I had to Google it) and then they downloaded.  Then..I had to remember the passwords for those apps because I apparently didn't update my password document the last time I had to reset.  Ughh....  BUT, as I said, I think I finally have everything set up and I am so glad to be done with it :)


Oliver has discovered that he can now climb up on our bed.  I was so tired Thursday that I came home from work, ate supper and promptly took a nap under a fuzzy blanket.  I woke up to the hubby and Oliver!  Isn't he cute?  We've had him almost 4 weeks and he has grown so much already.  He goes back to the vet next week and I'm curious to see how much weight he has picked up.  At his first visit he was only 1.9lbs.  Clover (aka Miss Kitty) has finally accepted Oliver into the pack so no more hissing and swatting, for the most part anyway!

It has been a bit cooler and rainy the past week which has done wonders for the azaleas.  They are in full bloom and so beautiful.  This bright pink color is my favorite.  

I am loving the camera on my new phone!  It is so much faster and clearer than my phone's camera was.  This was the main reason I wanted to upgrade phones, so I'm pretty happy about this.  With my old phone, I would never have been able to snap this picture of the green mountains as we were driving.  I can't wait to have time to take more pictures as this is something I've been meaning to do.

Laken's school work is winding down.  It has been a crazy year for her.  She started in-class school and then had her gallbladder issues which led to gallbladder removal surgery (after a very difficult time getting diagnosed).  After recovering from surgery and getting behind on her classwork, we decided to have her cyber school for the remainder of the school year.  She has finished all her classes early except for Latin and AP Language.  Latin is due to be finished today (Friday the 17th) and AP Language has to be finished next Friday (the 24th).  Laken has been working so hard and is REALLY looking forward to Summer break. The crunch is on but the end is in sight :)

This song is a bit how I feel about the weekend.  The hubby works third shift and I work daylight so we don't see much of each other through the week.  Hang Tight Honey by Lainey Wilson is such a fun song.  Enjoy!

I hope you had a great week and have an even better weekend!  Do you have any plans?  Leave a comment and let me know.  I'm always looking for fun things to do over the weekend!

Thanks for stopping by :)


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Hello Monday ~ 5/13/2024


I really, really wanted to have lots of pictures from a fun weekend for this post.  I took the pictures, I really did!  Which led me to wanting to have a better phone camera.  The hubby and I decided to check out phone deals at our carrier and we ended up getting new phones today.  This should be a good thing but I forgot the pain it is trying to remember passwords (some of which I didn't have written down)!  I am so frustrated right now that I almost just wanted to say "forget it", go to bed and cry.

All because I wouldn't have facebook or messenger until I get it figured out.  Isn't that totally and completely sad and ridiculous?  So I've decided that maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't load facebook or messenger on my phone at all.  Something to think long and hard about...

Other than that, I had a really good weekend.

Friday evening, I worked on decluttering my desk area in the Family Room.  I took before and after pictures but, alas, I don't know where they went.  Somewhere into the abyss of pictures taken but never downloaded on my computer or printed.  Again, frustrated!

Apparently you could see the Northern Lights where I live in PA on Friday night and Saturday night.  I knew nothing about it until Saturday morning and then Sunday night it was pouring rain when I went to bed.  Laken told me that it cleared up around 2am but I wasn't staying up that late.  I did get to see lots of amazing pictures though!

Saturday morning, we went to see my cousin little boy, Damon, play soccer.  He has improved so much already.  This is his first year playing (he's 6 year old) and I can see a big difference between the first game we went to and this game.  

After the game, we went grocery shopping.  Nothing exciting there.

Saturday afternoon/evening I finally took the time to get a MUCH needed pedicure.  I am now sandal weather ready.  Now we just need the sandal weather.  This entire weekend has been rainy and chilly.  I'm looking forward to some nicer weather.  I can't wear open-toe shoes to work but I want to be able to come home and run around in my flip flops.  Or even better...bare feet!

Sunday morning the sun was finally shining for a bit so I woke up in a good mood.  First things first, we went to Church.  There was a special Mother's Day program which I took part in.  I read a little poem about "What Mother Means".  I made the mistake of looking at my Mom in the middle of reading the poem and her eyes were tearing up which made me tear up.  Those poems on Mother's Day always make me emotional.

All Sunday afternoon was spent at the phone store.  Which brings me full circle to now, Sunday night, when I am writing this post.

All in all, it was a great weekend.  I spent time with those I love and both of my girls told me "Happy Mother's Day" without me having to say:  "Do you know what today is?".  I felt pampered and loved.  Who could ask for more?

EDITED TO ADD:  I figured out how to get pictures from my phone to my computer!!!!  I went back and added a few to the post :)


Friday, May 10, 2024

10 on the 10th - May 2024 ~ 5/10/2024

I absolutely cannot believe that it is almost the middle of May already!  Where does the time go?  I decided to join in on Marsha in the Middle ' s prompt and write about 5 things I CAN do in May and 5 things I MAY do in May.

I had to think harder about the difference between CAN and MAY than I want to admit.  Here's what I came up with:

5 Things I CAN do in May:

1.  Be more active on Colletta's Kitchen Sink.  I've already put things in motion to make this come to fruition.  I've been working on laying out some posts and getting some new ideas of what and when to share.

2.  Read one book.  This will be a huge accomplishment since I think I've only finished reading one book in the past year!  I'm well on my way, having read 77 pages of "The Clutter Fix" by Shannon Acheson so far.

3.  Take more pictures.  I've gotten really bad at taking pictures to document events in our lives lately.  I used to take pictures of EVERYTHING!

4.  Get up earlier.  I really struggled with figuring out if this is a CAN or a MAY.  Largely because I really struggle with getting out of bed in the morning.  I tell myself that I am going to get up at 5am and have a nice relaxing morning before having to leave for work.  Next, thing I know, I've hit the snooze button 10 times and am rushing to get ready and out the door on time.  I think I can.  I think I can.

5.  Enjoy each day.  Enjoying each day is something I strive to do.  I'm a person that has to have something to look forward to each day.  Each week.  Each month.  I have to have fun goals to look ahead to even if it is something as simple as sitting on my porch swing in the evening.  Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in busyness that I forget to enjoy each day.


5 Things I MAY do in May:

1.  Get a new camera.  As I thought about taking more pictures, it dawned on me that I took so many more pictures with my camera than I do with my phone.  I took tons.  I mean tons of pictures.  So many that my camera died.  Instead of spending money on a new camera, I thought I would just use my phone.  Not the case.  My phone is so slow and the camera on it is horrible.  I never get good shots so I end up not even bothering with it.  MAYbe a new camera is the way to go!

2.  Go to the movies.  If there is anything at the theater worth watching.  I'll have to see...  Any recommendations for upcoming films?

3.  Adopt a kitten.  We adopted Oliver O'Malley a few weeks ago but Laken and Doug are thinking he needs a little playmate.  We have two older cats that really don't want to be bothered.  In fact, Clover absolutely hated the world after we got him.  She was mad at everybody and everything.  She is finally coming around and will stand to be in the same general area as Oliver.  We're not actively looking but if we come across another kitten that needs a home it MAY happen.

4.  Start exercising.  Again.  I'll leave it at that.

5.  Get the Family Room decluttered.  I'm hoping that reading "The Clutter Fix" will give me the motivation and encouragement I need to accomplish this.  This evening I already started with my desk area but it is only one little corner of the rather large room that is very, very cluttered.  It MAY take a while!  

So tell me, what are some things you CAN or MAY do in May?


Monday, May 6, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 5/6/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

Now that I've settled into my new job, I'd like to get back to posting regularly.

Yesterday, I posted a Prom 2024 photo dump and a Tea Time to get caught up.  Go check them out if you'd like :)

The weather outside is:

When I looked at the forecast earlier today, it was showing rain every day for the next 7 days!  I know we need the rain but did it really have to be nice all day and then start raining on my way home?  I really wanted to sit out on the deck this evening and unfortunately it does not have a roof  :(  The front porch DOES have a roof so maybe I will camp out there this evening for a while :)

On today's to-do list: 

~Finish Folding Laundry
~Sweep the floor

Happening this week:

~Harley is turning 1 year old on Thursday!  She's starting to calm down "a bit" and hasn't been chewing "as much" but we still put her in her bed when we leave to go anywhere.  We don't trust her that much yet! 


Currently reading: had a great sale last week and I bought "The Clutter Fix" by Shannon Acheson for around $1.  The family room and our bedroom (I'm not evening going to comment on Laken's room) need some serious decluttering.  This book promises to be the "no-fail, stress-free guide to organizing your home".  I hope that proves true!  I'm going to start reading it this evening :)

Listening to:

"Hurricane" by The Castellows is a serious earworm for me.  Once I hear it, it stays in my head FOREVER!  It is a good thing I love the song.  Enjoy!


Farmer Wants a Wife


Youtube videos from a few favorites

On the menu today:

Beef and Broccoli, Rice

In the Craft Basket:

Lots of pretty yarn is in my basket but I haven't touched it hardly at all since starting my new job.

Picture from the Camera

Bible Verse

"Be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10

Have a great week!


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tea Time ~ 5/5/2024

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...


~I hopped on the blog after being away for a while so that I could post some prom pictures.  You can check out the full photo dump HERE, but I'll also post one of my favorites of Laken and Nate on this post.

~On my last Tea Time post, I was getting ready to start my new job.  I'm now almost three months in and I have learned a lot!  The people I work with are great and the schedule can't be beat.  So far, so good :)

~We have a new addition to the family!  He is a little orange ball of rotten and his name is Oliver O'Malley.  Yes, that is the hubby's face behind Ollie.  They were snuggling :)

~I actually started book!  It is called "Rest Now" by Kelly Balarie.  I really want to be able to "seize joy" in my life so I picked this book from my TBR shelf.  I got it from during one of their weekend sales.  I'm excited to be reading and making progress on this book.  I'm also excited because I have another shipment of 7 (I think) book on their way to me and I got them all for $19.47!  That includes shipping :)

~The weather here in PA has been crazy.  It went from 90F and sunny to 52F and rainy in the span of a day.  Thankfully, the rain held off until after walk-ins for Prom.  It did rain Saturday for the after-prom at Hershey Park though.  Laken said that she and Nate were not going to let a little rain ruin their time at the park.  She was glad to get some dry socks on when she got home though :)

~I hope to post again soon.  I've been struggling a bit with fitting everything I want to do into the free time that I have.  If you have any tips, I'd love for you to leave a comment!  I appreciate any and all recommendations :)

So, what is new with you???
