
Monday, May 6, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 5/6/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

Now that I've settled into my new job, I'd like to get back to posting regularly.

Yesterday, I posted a Prom 2024 photo dump and a Tea Time to get caught up.  Go check them out if you'd like :)

The weather outside is:

When I looked at the forecast earlier today, it was showing rain every day for the next 7 days!  I know we need the rain but did it really have to be nice all day and then start raining on my way home?  I really wanted to sit out on the deck this evening and unfortunately it does not have a roof  :(  The front porch DOES have a roof so maybe I will camp out there this evening for a while :)

On today's to-do list: 

~Finish Folding Laundry
~Sweep the floor

Happening this week:

~Harley is turning 1 year old on Thursday!  She's starting to calm down "a bit" and hasn't been chewing "as much" but we still put her in her bed when we leave to go anywhere.  We don't trust her that much yet! 


Currently reading: had a great sale last week and I bought "The Clutter Fix" by Shannon Acheson for around $1.  The family room and our bedroom (I'm not evening going to comment on Laken's room) need some serious decluttering.  This book promises to be the "no-fail, stress-free guide to organizing your home".  I hope that proves true!  I'm going to start reading it this evening :)

Listening to:

"Hurricane" by The Castellows is a serious earworm for me.  Once I hear it, it stays in my head FOREVER!  It is a good thing I love the song.  Enjoy!


Farmer Wants a Wife


Youtube videos from a few favorites

On the menu today:

Beef and Broccoli, Rice

In the Craft Basket:

Lots of pretty yarn is in my basket but I haven't touched it hardly at all since starting my new job.

Picture from the Camera

Bible Verse

"Be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10

Have a great week!



  1. does have some incredible sales, don't they? I am listening to your song right now - I can see why you like it! I'll be adding them to my Spotify. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. What a nice couple! Thank you for the bible verse

  3. I've ordered from Chritian books in the past, might have to revisit. Nice song. Hope the decluttering works out for you, here it isn't advancing much. Have a great week


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