
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Hello Monday ~ 5/13/2024


I really, really wanted to have lots of pictures from a fun weekend for this post.  I took the pictures, I really did!  Which led me to wanting to have a better phone camera.  The hubby and I decided to check out phone deals at our carrier and we ended up getting new phones today.  This should be a good thing but I forgot the pain it is trying to remember passwords (some of which I didn't have written down)!  I am so frustrated right now that I almost just wanted to say "forget it", go to bed and cry.

All because I wouldn't have facebook or messenger until I get it figured out.  Isn't that totally and completely sad and ridiculous?  So I've decided that maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't load facebook or messenger on my phone at all.  Something to think long and hard about...

Other than that, I had a really good weekend.

Friday evening, I worked on decluttering my desk area in the Family Room.  I took before and after pictures but, alas, I don't know where they went.  Somewhere into the abyss of pictures taken but never downloaded on my computer or printed.  Again, frustrated!

Apparently you could see the Northern Lights where I live in PA on Friday night and Saturday night.  I knew nothing about it until Saturday morning and then Sunday night it was pouring rain when I went to bed.  Laken told me that it cleared up around 2am but I wasn't staying up that late.  I did get to see lots of amazing pictures though!

Saturday morning, we went to see my cousin little boy, Damon, play soccer.  He has improved so much already.  This is his first year playing (he's 6 year old) and I can see a big difference between the first game we went to and this game.  

After the game, we went grocery shopping.  Nothing exciting there.

Saturday afternoon/evening I finally took the time to get a MUCH needed pedicure.  I am now sandal weather ready.  Now we just need the sandal weather.  This entire weekend has been rainy and chilly.  I'm looking forward to some nicer weather.  I can't wear open-toe shoes to work but I want to be able to come home and run around in my flip flops.  Or even better...bare feet!

Sunday morning the sun was finally shining for a bit so I woke up in a good mood.  First things first, we went to Church.  There was a special Mother's Day program which I took part in.  I read a little poem about "What Mother Means".  I made the mistake of looking at my Mom in the middle of reading the poem and her eyes were tearing up which made me tear up.  Those poems on Mother's Day always make me emotional.

All Sunday afternoon was spent at the phone store.  Which brings me full circle to now, Sunday night, when I am writing this post.

All in all, it was a great weekend.  I spent time with those I love and both of my girls told me "Happy Mother's Day" without me having to say:  "Do you know what today is?".  I felt pampered and loved.  Who could ask for more?

EDITED TO ADD:  I figured out how to get pictures from my phone to my computer!!!!  I went back and added a few to the post :)



  1. Isn't it wonderful that when our children get older we don't need to remind them of holidays?! my 2 are 30 and 25 both single, both loving their careers and own apts and both girls treated me to my fave Japanese restaurant. (my husband is out of state helping his aging parents this week so couldn't be with us but at least he got to be with his 89 yr old mom!). they also got me beautiful cards with special hand written notes and even did a short hike with me! I was treated well.

    I had to laugh at your comments about yoru phone. My iphone is SO old. I got rid of the messenger app a long time ago. I don't need the aggravation. I tend to post nature or family pics on FB and then get right off. Can't stand the politics and weird drama i always see now. I rarely use it via my phone. I usually access it via my Macbook.

    I hope you have a beautiful week. it's simply GORGEOUS today here in eastern NYS.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! The meme about the Northern Lights made me laugh- same here- ha!


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