
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Friday Favorites ~ 5/24/2024


We did it!  We made it through another work week!  Well, almost, anyway...  I'm so excited to have a 3 day weekend ahead.  But first, let's talk about the past week.

The hubby was on vacation all week and I enjoyed having him home during the nights.  I slept so much better which is weird because he's been on third shift for a long time and before that he worked swing shift.  I should be used to him being at work while I sleep.  There is a chance that he might be able to transfer to first shift but we have to wait and see.  I'm really hoping and praying that it happens.  I think it would be good for us at this stage in our lives.  We'll find out more when he gets back to work on Tuesday.

Monday evening was Nate's Senior Awards Ceremony.  We won't be able to attend graduation because he only has a limited amount of tickets, so we wanted to be at the Awards Ceremony to show our support.  We're very proud of Nate and feel very blessed that Laken has him as part of her life and that he allows us all to be part of his life.

After the Awards Ceremony, we went to a close by ice cream stand called The Penguin.  While waiting for our ice cream we witnessed the strangest thing.  At first I thought it was a normal traffic stop with a state trooper pulling over a speeding car.  Next thing we knew, it was as if we had stepped into an episode of "COPS" !  The car took off and then about 10 police vehicles went flying after it.  We were witnessing a car chase!  It was unreal and a bit unsettling.  What an interesting way to end the evening!

We had a very cool, rainy stretch which was a bit miserable for us but the flowers loved it.  Especially our little rose bush off the back deck.  It has been pitiful the past few years but this year it is going to town!  There are tons of buds and the roses are rich and beautiful.

Now that I'm getting used to my new phone, I am starting to fall in love with it.  Especially the camera!  It is so good that I was able to actually take a picture of a jet flying over as the hubby and I were sitting on the porch swing Tuesday evening.  It was really neat to zoom in on the picture and see the jet "up close".

Wednesday evening, before Bible Study, the cats were playing in the middle of the Family Room floor.  Flynn and Oliver were going crazy!  I took quite a few pictures of them because my camera is so stinking fast!  I picked this picture out because it shows their personalities off the best.  Oliver thinks he's big stuff and Flynn is telling him he's small potatoes.

Thursday morning I woke up with an ear ache :(  I was able to get into my PCP and it was verified that I have an ear infection.  My appointment was at 5pm and the pharmacy closed at 7pm so I made it just in time to pick up my antibiotic.  My PCP also told me that my ear canals were red which indicates allergies and recommended that I use Flonase as it is really good at keeping the ears clear.  I stopped on the way home and picked some up so hopefully I'll be feeling better in no time!

Which brings me to now, Thursday night.  One more day of work for me and one more day of school for Laken before we can enjoy the weekend and the SUMMER!  I'm so excited!  It is supposed to be nice weather  Saturday and Sunday but rain on Monday.

My goal for the weekend is to get my swing repainted before the rains come again.  I still need to pick up the paint so I'll probably do that Saturday morning after Oliver's vet appointment.  I thought I'd add a "before" picture showing the fine job the hubby did replacing some of the boards on my swing.  Good as new!  Hopefully I'll be able to show an "after" picture Monday.

I also hope that everyone has a wonderful long weekend!  Let me know in the comments if you have any special plans or if you have to work the weekend.  I'd love to hear!

Thanks for stopping by :)



  1. I use Flonase all the time and it really helps my allergies. I'm glad you were able to see your PCP so quickly.
    I worked the night shift for months as a nurse before I was able to get on a day shift. It was miserable and I always walked around feeling sleep deprived. I hope your husband can get on the day shift soon.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Yes! The hubby is always tired which is understandable but can be a bit irritating...

  2. You rose is beautiful. I like the swing. What color are you painting it? Cute kittens. Glad you are getting used to and enjoying your new phone. It's good your week had many positives. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

    1. Thank you! I'm going my swing a fresh coat of turquoise paint. It is my favorite color :)

  3. Have fun with the swing! I love it. :-)

    1. My swing is my "happy place " . Thanks for stopping by!

  4. LOVE the swing!! what color are you thinking of painting it?

    Congrats to your daughter for being done with the school year. Here in the northeast we have school until the last week of June!
    The rose is SO pretty!!
    happy weekend!

    1. We're in the northeast also. PA, in fact. Regular school ends on May 30th but Laken finished her classes early. I can't believe your school district goes until the last week of June! That is so late!

  5. That can be scary to have a police chase so close. Things can get so easily out of hand with those things--I'm glad they sped away from you instead of confronting the guy right there. Glad you got to go to the awards program! I hope your husband gets first shift. Glad you were able to get the meds for your ear infection. We have a swing and garden bench that we need to patch and repaint, too. I say we---my husband does that kind of thing. :)

    1. Yes, my husband does the carpentry and most of the painting but I love my swing so it will probably be my job to freshen up the paint :) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love roses and that one is pretty. Hope you managed to get the swing painted while it's dry. I also hope Hubby gets the shifts that he would prefer. Have a good weekend.

    1. We'll know more when he goes back to work on Tuesday. I'm saying praying and crossing fingers that he'll be able to switch to daylight.

  7. Love your beautiful rose bush! Enjoy the blooms.
    Congrats to Nate on his graduation.
    Wow. That was a crazy thing you saw with the car chase. Glad you are OK.
    Now it is Friday night and you are ready for SUMMER!

    1. I am more than ready for SUMMER! Thank for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  8. I do hope your husband gets transferred to the first shift and well done to Nate! You must be very proud.
    Oh wow! How interesting to see a car chase, I think it would scare me a little.
    It has been rainy here over the past week but our garden is loving it. Your rose really does look pretty.
    Oh no! I hope your ear is feeling better soon.

    1. My ear is feeling better already :) Witnessing the car chase WAS scary! lol I felt unsettled for a bit afterward.

  9. Congrats to Nate and I do hope your husband gets a better shift. My son works 3rd shift and is always tired and pale :( Thank you for linking up and have a great week.


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