
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tea Time ~ 5/5/2024

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...


~I hopped on the blog after being away for a while so that I could post some prom pictures.  You can check out the full photo dump HERE, but I'll also post one of my favorites of Laken and Nate on this post.

~On my last Tea Time post, I was getting ready to start my new job.  I'm now almost three months in and I have learned a lot!  The people I work with are great and the schedule can't be beat.  So far, so good :)

~We have a new addition to the family!  He is a little orange ball of rotten and his name is Oliver O'Malley.  Yes, that is the hubby's face behind Ollie.  They were snuggling :)

~I actually started book!  It is called "Rest Now" by Kelly Balarie.  I really want to be able to "seize joy" in my life so I picked this book from my TBR shelf.  I got it from during one of their weekend sales.  I'm excited to be reading and making progress on this book.  I'm also excited because I have another shipment of 7 (I think) book on their way to me and I got them all for $19.47!  That includes shipping :)

~The weather here in PA has been crazy.  It went from 90F and sunny to 52F and rainy in the span of a day.  Thankfully, the rain held off until after walk-ins for Prom.  It did rain Saturday for the after-prom at Hershey Park though.  Laken said that she and Nate were not going to let a little rain ruin their time at the park.  She was glad to get some dry socks on when she got home though :)

~I hope to post again soon.  I've been struggling a bit with fitting everything I want to do into the free time that I have.  If you have any tips, I'd love for you to leave a comment!  I appreciate any and all recommendations :)

So, what is new with you???


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