
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Friday Favorites ~ 5/17/2024


After a week of frustration and irritation, I think I finally have my new phone set up!  Creating an apple ID about kicked my butt.  I was trying and trying on my phone to remember what my apple ID was from way back when the girls got their ipods.  That was years ago!  Maybe I tried too many times on my phone but I absolutely couldn't get a new ID set up.  Finally, I tried on the hubby's new phone and it accepted right away!  I could have screamed!  I wish I would have tried that sooner and saved myself so much frustration.  

Then my phone wouldn't let me download Facebook, messenger or instagram.  Finally...I figured out how to turn my phone off (yes, I had to Google it) and then they downloaded.  Then..I had to remember the passwords for those apps because I apparently didn't update my password document the last time I had to reset.  Ughh....  BUT, as I said, I think I finally have everything set up and I am so glad to be done with it :)


Oliver has discovered that he can now climb up on our bed.  I was so tired Thursday that I came home from work, ate supper and promptly took a nap under a fuzzy blanket.  I woke up to the hubby and Oliver!  Isn't he cute?  We've had him almost 4 weeks and he has grown so much already.  He goes back to the vet next week and I'm curious to see how much weight he has picked up.  At his first visit he was only 1.9lbs.  Clover (aka Miss Kitty) has finally accepted Oliver into the pack so no more hissing and swatting, for the most part anyway!

It has been a bit cooler and rainy the past week which has done wonders for the azaleas.  They are in full bloom and so beautiful.  This bright pink color is my favorite.  

I am loving the camera on my new phone!  It is so much faster and clearer than my phone's camera was.  This was the main reason I wanted to upgrade phones, so I'm pretty happy about this.  With my old phone, I would never have been able to snap this picture of the green mountains as we were driving.  I can't wait to have time to take more pictures as this is something I've been meaning to do.

Laken's school work is winding down.  It has been a crazy year for her.  She started in-class school and then had her gallbladder issues which led to gallbladder removal surgery (after a very difficult time getting diagnosed).  After recovering from surgery and getting behind on her classwork, we decided to have her cyber school for the remainder of the school year.  She has finished all her classes early except for Latin and AP Language.  Latin is due to be finished today (Friday the 17th) and AP Language has to be finished next Friday (the 24th).  Laken has been working so hard and is REALLY looking forward to Summer break. The crunch is on but the end is in sight :)

This song is a bit how I feel about the weekend.  The hubby works third shift and I work daylight so we don't see much of each other through the week.  Hang Tight Honey by Lainey Wilson is such a fun song.  Enjoy!

I hope you had a great week and have an even better weekend!  Do you have any plans?  Leave a comment and let me know.  I'm always looking for fun things to do over the weekend!

Thanks for stopping by :)



  1. It sounds like you had a right mess on with your phone. At least it's sorted now.
    Aww! Oliver is just adorable!
    Well done to Laken, it sounds like a rough year for her.

    1. So glad my phone is sorted out now! Oliver is adorable but likes to bite my ankles while I'm at my computer. It was a rough year for Laken but the end is in sight! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. New phones are great once they're set up, but that can be a long process sometimes. Your kitty is so cute. Wow, I am sorry to hear about your daughter's troubles. Glad she's doing better and nearing the end of the school year.

    1. Laken is definitely looking forward to Summer break! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I am glad you got things figured out with your new phone. I really need a new one too. I have and IP8+ and it is running slow because I have so many pictures on it. I use my husbands IP to take good pictures. Your kitty is cute!

    1. My old phone was starting to act crazy and the camera was so slow. I couldn't get any good pictures. I really like the camera on my new phone and I find I'm taking more pictures which was one of the goals :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. UGH this is why I keep putting off getting a new(er) iphone. i REFUSE to buy a brand new (Latest model ) one due to cost. But i'm so glad yours is all set up now. Usually the people at the Apple store are the ones who do mine. Plus I save everything in google or the cloud.

    That's so hard having surgery during your school year! I'll pray your daughter finishes well. Is your other daughter in college now? I've lost track.

    I hope your new job is going well.

    The kitty is sweet!

    Happy weekend!

    1. Laken has one more day of work, actually 3 hours should do it! Kaylee has one year of college in for accounting but is actually working full-time in safety. She uses the computer alot so it is right up her alley and she enjoys it. Thank you for asking!

  5. Congrats to Laken for finishing up school! My grandson has one more day and then he is done.
    My laptop computer needs a major repair so I am using my tablet for everything. Not always easy, like getting a new phone.
    Your kitten is so adorable! Glad he is settling in well.
    Have a good week!

    1. I use an inexpensive Chromebook for my blogging, etc. It works well for me! I hope you have a great rest of the week :)

  6. Upgrading to newer technology always stresses me out. Glad you finally figured it out and are happy with it. What a cute kitten! Wow, good job to Laken for finishing school with a surgery right in the school year.

    1. Laken has definitely fought hard to over some obstacles this year, actually the past few years. I'm super proud of her. I'm proud of both my girls. They are the best :)


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