Thursday, December 31, 2020
Thankful Thursday ~ 12/31/2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Wondering Wednesday ~ Looking Back At 2020 ~ 12/30/2020
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
First Book 2021
Elizabeth Ashburn is madly, deeply, irrefutably in love with her best friend. They know each other better than their own minds. There is only one problem: To him, she is Little Lizzie, and nothing she does seems to replace the idea in his mind. No matter. It is her first Season and she is determined to make a match with a gentleman—any gentleman—who will help her steal her heart back from Oliver Turner and his sea-blue eyes.
Oliver Turner can remember the exact day that Lizzie grew up. And now, he cannot see her as anything besides the beautiful woman stealing his breath—no matter how much he needs to. He won’t marry her. He can’t. He loves her too much for that. Now, he simply needs to help marry her off so that she will officially be out of his reach.
Tuesday 4 ~ New Year's ~ 12/29/2020

The Times Square ball first dropped on December 31, 1907. It is 12 feet in diameter and covered with Swarovski crystals.
1. Despite the weirdness of this past year, was it still a good year for you anyway or not?
Yes, the past year was strange and unlike anything we've had to deal with before, but it was still a good year. We learned to spend more time with family and cherish every moment together.
2. How will you spend New Year's Eve?
We will spend New Year's Eve with our family having shrimp and apple cider, our traditions :)
3. What do you do on New Year's Day? Is football part of the agenda?
New Year's Day is usually a relaxing day. We do cook the traditional pork and sauerkraut. Football doesn't really play a big part of of New Year's Day. How about you? What are your traditional New Year's foods?
4. It's a Scottish tradition to kiss at midnight. Do you keep that tradition? Does everyone get a kiss if you do?
I didn't know it was a Scottish tradition until this post! The hubby and I do share a kiss at midnight. Sometimes, if I'm really tired, I'll go to bed but set my alarm for 11:50pm just so I can wake up for the ball drop and my kiss :)
Monday, December 28, 2020
2021 Goals
1. Read 26 Books. I actually completed this goal last year so I decided to not mess with a good thing and will be keeping my goal at 26 books. The only challenge I will be participating in will be the Goodreads Challenge for 2021. I'm not a good reader when under pressure so I'm going to keep it fun!
2. Lose 52 lbs. This was another goal from last year. I did NOT complete this goal and it makes me a bit sad. However, I'm going to try to keep it upbeat and strive for 1 pound a week once again.
3. Exercise 5 Days Per Week For 30-60 Minutes. I got a treadmill for my birthday in March so no excuses! I've already scheduled time into my daily planner. Now I just need to do it!
4. Daily Bible Study Time. I will be reading The One Year Chronological Bible this year along with my Mom and my Aunt Donna. I'm excited to have some motivation and support to keep me accountable and on track.
5. Ladies Bible Study. We have a Ladies Bible Study time on Sunday mornings at 8am before Sunday School/Church. My goal for 2021 is to be consistent in my attendance and participation. To do that I need to also be consistent in completing the weekly lessons. My biggest hinderance is getting up so early on Sunday mornings.
6. Morning Routine. I want to establish a morning routine for myself. Right now, with the youngest being educated virtually, our mornings are pretty lazy. I'd like to get up a bit earlier and actually be productive before 9am! This will help with Goal #5, I hope.
7. Read For Pleasure. I've not picked up a book (kindle or otherwise) for about 2 months. I just haven't taken the time for reading. I feel like I've lost my reading mojo and I'd like to get it back.
I wanted to make it an even 10 and I'm sure I'll think of things I'd like to add later but that is all I can think of for now.
I'd LOVE to know what your goals are for 2021. Let me know in the comments!
Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/28/2020
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Songs on Sunday ~ This is Jesus by We Are Messengers
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Saturday at the Shop ~ 12/26/2020
Friday, December 25, 2020
Book Blogger Hop ~ 12/25/2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Wondering Wednesday ~ Christmas Favorites ~ 12/23/2020
Monday, December 21, 2020
Tuesday 4 ~ Christmas Traditions ~ 12/22/2020

Christmas is fast approaching for millions of people...
1. Do you have a favorite Christmas carol and if so is there a particular version you especially like?
My favorite traditional Christmas carol is "O Holy Night", no particular version. My favorite secular Christmas Song is "Jingle Bells" by Shedaisy. You've got to listen to it! For your pleasure:
2. Do you have a special dinner for the holidays? What foods are included?
On Christmas Eve, we have sandwiches and finger foods. On Christmas Day, we usually have ham or roast. This year we're having both!
3. Holiday movies ... which do you like to watch?
My absolute favorite Christmas Movie is "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, etc. I have to watch it every year :)
4. What traditions do you continue to keep year after year for the holidays?
I've mentioned in a few other posts this year that we get each of our girls an ornament every year. We started 20 Christmases ago and have continued the tradition. The idea is for the girls to have ornaments for their own trees one day.
Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/21/2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Songs on Sunday ~ Christmas to Believe In by Matthew West
Friday, December 18, 2020
Saturday at the Shop ~ 12/19/2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Book Blogger Hop ~ 12/18/2020
Thankful Thursday ~ 12/17/2020