
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Book Review ~ Fatal Mistake by Susan Sleeman


 An FBI agent must protect the woman who can identify a terrorist bomber in bestselling author Susan Sleeman's riveting romantic suspense novel. 

 Each day could be her last...but not if he can help it.

Tara Parrish is the only person ever to survive an attack by the Lone Wolf bomber. Scared and emotionally scarred by her near death, she goes into hiding with only one plan--to stay alive for another day. She knows he's coming after her, and if he finds her, he will finish what he started.

Agent Cal Riggins has had only one goal for the past six months--to save lives by ending the Lone Wolf's bombing spree. To succeed, he needs the help of Tara Parrish, the one person who can lead them to the bomber. Cal puts his all into finding Tara, but once he locates her, he realizes if he can find her, the Lone Wolf can, too. He must protect Tara at all costs, and they'll both need to resist the mutual attraction growing between them to focus on hunting down the bomber, because one wrong move could be fatal.    

My Thoughts:
I absolutely loved this book!
Susan Sleeman is another new-to-me author that has fast become a favorite.  One book and I'm a major fan!
From the very first line of the book I was gripping the edge of my seat (or bed...wherever I happened to be reading :)  When they called it a "romantic suspense" it was an understatement in my opinion!  The suspense was there full-time with hardly any lulls in action.  I was hanging on for dear life! :)
I loved that Tara was pro-active and didn't sit around waiting for a man to save her.  (Except that one time...)  She had a plan for survival and she was above prepared.  She made an excellent romantic suspense heroine.
Super Agent Man, Cal, was an amazing hero.  He was methodical and strong and very capable.  He was the not-so-perfect hero who worked through his own life struggles.
Even though the book took place in such a short period of time, the story...and the romance...didn't feel rushed at all.  It felt very "organic".  (Isn't that the new word for natural??)
I loved getting introduced to the "White Knights" and am oh-so looking forward to reading more about them and anything else written by this author!
A must read Inspirational Romantic Suspense!

P.S.  I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/29/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

We're still at a loss as to what is going on with my Uncle John.  He is still unresponsive and stuck in CA.  He has a team of neurologists working on him but so far, they've not figured out what is causing him to be unresponsive.  My Aunt Tina is distraught!  I can't even imagine being so far from home and having to deal with something so terrible.  Please keep praying and thank you for those of you who have been praying!  Prayers are so appreciated!

The weather outside is::::

It has been a bit cooler if you can call 89F cool!  We've had a few storms that brought the cooler air through so that was nice.  I'm going to enjoy these last few weeks of summer.

On my breakfast plate:

Smart Ones Ham Egg and Cheese Muffin

As I look around the house::::

I have a basket of laundry to fold and a whole pile of folded clothes to hang up in my closet.  For some reason, this is something I procrastinate about.

As always, the floors could be swept.  With 2 Labradors I always sweep up enough hair to make a small dog!

On today's to do list::::


Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I want to start a new Bible Study this week.  I have a few studies on my shelf to pick from but haven't decided which one to do next.

WW:  I rejoined WW (aka weight watchers) last Monday.  I had my first "workshop" and weigh-in on Saturday morning.  I had weighed in on my scale the day I started and it appears that I lost 4lbs between Monday and Saturday!

Exercise:  WW has set my goal to get 52 FitPoints this week.  My plan is to exercise/workout 5 days a week (taking Sunday and Wednesday off).  I missed Saturday's workout after the workshop because we had a family reunion and I had to pick up the chicken and the cake all before 10am.  Otherwise, on Saturdays I'm going to go to my weekly workshop and then to Planet Fitness for a good workout.

Housework:  I made a menu and grocery list yesterday and have to get groceries today after my workout.  My bedroom still is a mess as I didn't take the time to really declutter it last week.  I'll roll that over to this week's list of to-do's.

Bills:  Not a pay week.

Doug:  A normal work week.

Kaylee:  Kaylee can go buy her college class books this Thursday.  She has been anxiously waiting to be able to go purchase them.  I think it will all seem so much more real once she does.  She has been practicing her driving.  She drove to the mall by herself (with a friend) for the firs time Saturday.  I was nervous but she did fine! 

Laken:  Laken is starting 7th grade this coming school year and can play Jr. High Sports.  She is so excited to be playing Volleyball and Open Gym for Jr. High starts Tuesday evening.  I hope she enjoys it!

Currently reading::::
Last week I posted my review for "Fatal Mistake" by Susan Sleeman.  You can read my review HERE!
I finished "Fatal Mistake" by Susan Sleeman and loved it!  The review will be posted tomorrow.
I also finished "Keturah" by Lisa T. Bergren and it was AMAZING!!!  The review will be coming soon.
 Up next is "A Flight of Fancy" by Laurie Alice Eakes :)

 On the TV::::

Reef Break

Hallmark Movies


Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message
Sirius XM The Highway
On the menu this week::::
I haven't made our menu for the week yet.  I will be working out that this morning.

Monday -  Kielbasa, Corn on the Cob, Strawberries
Tuesday - Chicken, Cheesy Pots
Wednesday -  Fish, Mac-n-Cheese
Thursday - Chili, Toasted Cheese
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday -  Breakfast for Dinner
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I've made progress on Layna Bee's Blanket!!!!  I now only have about 3 more rounds to go.  Again, really hoping to get it done this week ;)
Picture From the Camera

She got her license!



Sunday, July 28, 2019

Scripture Memory Verse ~ 7/28/19

This Week's Memory Verse:

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23


Friday, July 26, 2019

Books from the Backlog ~ 7/27/19

Books from the Backlog hosted by Carole's Rand Life in Books is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.
This week's neglected book is:

Series: Women of Hope #2
Publication Date:    June 18, 2013     
Publisher: Faithwords

 Inspired by the biblical story of Abigail in 1 Samuel, a Christian woman stands up for what is right, despite life-threatening consequences.

When Faith married her husband Roger Nolan he seemed to be an upstanding businessman, owner of a remote mercantile outside the town of Bountiful, Oregon. But Faith quickly learned the truth-that her husband is dishonest in his business practices and likes his liquor, turning mean when he indulges.

When Faith discovers that Roger has yet again failed to deliver critical winter supplies to Nathan Bartlett, owner of the nearby logging camp, she takes the order up the mountain herself. Furious, Roger confronts Faith when she returns, and she is knocked unconscious. When Faith wakes, she finds Roger dead in a pool of his own blood, and she soon stands accused of murder.

Having fought in the War Between the States, Nathan has seen enough violence to last a lifetime. He has always admired Faith's quiet strength and integrity and finds it hard to believe such a gentle woman capable of harming anyone. However, Nathan begins to struggle with his instinct to protect Faith when evidence mounts against her.

As more and more people begin to think Faith is guilty, only her trust in God can give her the hope she needs to survive this trial.
Why did I add Truth Stained Lies to my bookshelf:
I mean, common!  Did you read that blurb?  It sounds amazing!
What are your thoughts? Have you read this book?  Would you recommend it to others?

First Lines Friday and 56 ~ 7/26/19

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

First Lines

August 1812
Crowds swarmed around and jostled against the Whittaker carriage, slowing its progress from a trot to a crawl.

 Page 56
Whitaker's breath snagged in his throat.  His hands balled into fists on his thighs.


Also linking up to:

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 7/25/19

~Dan made it home safely!  My brother's trip to Italy went well and he is now safely home :)

~Brunch with the Bride!  My cousin is getting married on September 7th.  Saturday morning we celebrated his bride, Rachel, with a "Brunch with the Bride".  I thought it was a super-cute idea.  The Maid of Honor did a wonderful job putting it together and we had a great time showering Rachel with love and gifts :)

~Kaylee Passed Her Driver's Test!  Kaylee is now a licensed driver.  I was so nervous while we were waiting her turn and she was worse than me!  When her turn came, she didn't even know which door to open she was so flustered.  hehe  She did a wonderful job and she passed on the very first try.  So proud of her!  Now she'll be able to drive to college come August 19th :)

~8/10!  I've read 8/10 of my goal for my "10 Books of Summer" challenge.  Only 2 more to go and I'll have completed the challenge!  This is big for me as I have a hard time actually completing challenges that I sign up for.

WW - Third times a Charm!  I decided to give WW (weight watchers) one more try and signed up for a promotion that gives me 2 free months if I commit to 6 months on the program.  I need the commitment to stay the course.  Stay tuned for updates :)

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wednesday Medley ~ 7/24/19

Come join Terri @ Your Friend From Florida every Wednesday.  She comes up with the questions and we answer them ;)

Terri chose two subjects from this week's National Day Calendar for this week's Medley.
Family is important to all of us, I believe, so let's talk about
cousins and aunts and uncles today.  If you don't happen to have
cousins, aunts or uncles, tell us about those close to you who are like family.

Everything below this line is from the National Day Calendar website.


National Cousins Day July 24


National Cousins Day on July 24th recognizes the lifelong relationships that grow among cousins. Our first friendships often form with cousins as young as infants and endure a lifetime. 
Whether cousins grow up together in close-knit families or only see each other occasionally, they share shared memories through grandparents, aunts, and uncles. At family gatherings, cousins entertain each other and get into trouble together, too.  They celebrate birthdays and might even blow out the other’s candles to their cousin’s annoyance. When their siblings irritate them, cousins become an ally. Sometimes cousins seem more like siblings, especially if they’re only children.
As cousins grow up, watching their children grow reminds them of their youth. The cycle starts over.
The day celebrates every age of cousins – new baby cousins and cousins whose babies are all grown up!
Gather up your cousins and take a photo. Send a text to your cousins who are too far away. If you need to hear their voices, give them a call. Reminisce over the good times. Be sure to laugh about those things that didn’t seem so funny at the time.  Post photos on social media using #NationalCousinsDay.



National Aunt and Uncle's Day July 26


Aunt and Uncle’s Day is observed annually on July 26th. Through holidays, special family events and sometimes sleepovers, aunts, and uncles often hold a special place in our hearts. They fill our lives with fun, laughter, love and incredible memories.  
National Aunt and Uncle’s Day provides an opportunity to spend time with those relatives we trusted and leaned on growing up.  It would be an excellent time to get out the old photo albums. Look through the pictures, and relive the memories of earlier days around the Christmas tree or at the 4th of July picnic or maybe at the beach vacation that included those special aunts and uncles in your life. Get together with your relatives and create new memories. Remind them of all the reasons you enjoy having them in your life. Celebrate the lessons they’ve taught you and share them with the next generation. 
On National Aunt and Uncle’s Day contact your aunts and uncles. Remember all the value they’ve added to your life and tell them about it. Share a meal, write them a note, help them the way they once supported you.  Take photos with them and post them on social media using #AuntAndUnclesDay

Everything above this line is from the National Day Calendar website,

1.  What can you tell us about your cousins, please, or someone who is close like a cousin?
Growing up, my cousins were more like brothers and sisters to me than cousin.  As we've reached adulthood and have our own families, we are still close and our children are very close to each other acting more like siblings :)

2.  Do you still see your cousins and will you contact them on National Cousins Day?  
I see my closest cousins every Sunday at Church.  We are having a big family reunion on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to seeing more of my distant cousins then.
3.  Terri had a favorite aunt and uncle she will tell us about.  How about you?
I don't think I have a favorite aunt or uncle but there are some that I see more often than others.
4.  Did/does your family have reunions and can you tell us about them?
As I mentioned above, we are having a reunion on my Mom's side of the family Saturday.  My family is full of people with a sweet tooth, so I can't wait for some of the desserts that await us!
5.  If you have children, are they enjoying relationships with their cousins, aunts, uncles?
Yes, they are.  My girls are very close to my brother, his wife and their son.  We have a weekly family dinner to get together.  I've mentioned my cousin Steph and her littles, Dex and Damon.  They are technically my cousins but I think of them more as my nephews and the girls love them to death!  Sometimes they even fight like brothers/sisters do :)
6.  Tell us something random about your week so far.
I mentioned on my Monday post that my Uncle John is far away from home (PA) in California fighting for his life.  He and my aunt were on vacation out west and he collapsed.  The doctors still have no idea what is going on and he's now basically in a coma.  Please pray that the doctors can figure out what is wrong and that he can recover from whatever is going on!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Book Review ~ The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow by Olivia Newport


While the rest of Chicago focuses on the enormous spectacle of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, Charlotte Farrow's attentions are entirely on one small boy--her boy--whom she has kept a secret from her wealthy employers for nearly a year.

When the woman who has been caring for her son abruptly returns him to the opulent Banning home, Charlotte must decide whether to come clean and face dismissal or keep her secret while the Bannings decide the child's fate. Can she face the truth of her own past and open her heart to a future of her own? Or will life's struggles determine her path?

This compelling story of courage, strength, and tender romance captures the tension between the glittering wealthy class and the hardworking servants who made their lives comfortable.

My Thoughts:
 After reading The Pursuit of Lucy Banning, the first book in the "Avenue of Dreams"series, I was anxious to read more of Charlotte Farrow's story.
While "Lucy Banning" had an upstairs/downstairs feel, this book revolved around more of the downstairs aspect of a huge house on Prairie Avenue.
While at times I got so frustrated with Charlotte's fears and timidity, I could understand her desire for her son to have the very best life possible.  I could have shouted in triumph when Charlotte FINALLY told the truth!
Archie was a very fine hero although the novel didn't tell much about him.  I would have liked more backstory.  Something more than "he had friends among the Irish".
I was very pleased with the ending of the story.  I don't know if I'm going to read Sarah Cummings' story or not.  I don't like her AT ALL and don't know if I want to take the time to get to know her better.  I'll have to think about it.

P.S.  I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/22/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

This has been a week of worry.  My Uncle John was in CA on vacation from PA and collapsed.  He has been in the hospital for 10 days in CA and they have no idea what is going on with him.  Sunday afternoon, he was unresponsive.  They finally got him life flighted to University of California hospital in Sacramento.  Please, please pray that they can figure out what is wrong with him and treat it!  Many thanks!

The weather outside is::::

The heat wave is still going strong here in Southern PA.  We had a few temps over 100F.  The weather IS "supposed" to break sometime Monday and give us some cooler temps.

On my breakfast plate:

Slim Fast Shake

As I look around the house::::

We were busy over the weekend and I didn't do any laundry.  Therefore, that awaits me this week.

In other news, my brother's Uncle-in-Law gave us a riding mower!  No more push mowing.  I am so thankful :)

On today's to do list::::

Menu/Grocery List

Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I'll be studying Week 9 of "The Power of Hope" a First Place 4 Health Bible Study.

Exercise:  I'm planning on going to the gym at least 3 times this week, M-W-F.  I go to Planet Fitness and they revamped it with a few new pieces of exercise equipment.  I'm enjoying the variety.

Housework:  I need to get caught up on laundry as well as sweeping the floors.  My bedroom could also use a good tidying up.

Bills:  This is a pay week, so I'll have to sit down and go over the budget, write out bills and make trips to the post office and the bank.

Family Reunion:  We are having a family reunion on Saturday.  At least, I think we are.  Having my Uncle in the hospital with no answers will definitely be putting a damper on the party.  Hopefully, by Saturday, he'll be well on the way to recovery.  Again, please pray!

Currently reading::::
Last week I posted my review for "The Austen Escape" by Katherine Reay.  You can read my review HERE!
I finished "Fatal Mistake" by Susan Sleeman and loved it!  The review will be posted tomorrow.
Up next, is "Keturah" by Lisa T. Bergren.  I'm about 2/3 of the way through and it is amazing!  :)

 On the TV::::

"Princess and the Frog"

Hallmark Movies


Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message
Sirius XM The Highway
On the menu this week::::
I haven't made our menu for the week yet.  I will be working out that this morning.

Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I've worked a bit on Layna Bee's Blanket but not very much.  Again, I'm hoping to get it finished by next week. 
Picture From the Camera

She got her license!



P.S.  I hope you can come by and visit my ETSY SHOP!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Scripture Memory Verse ~ 7/21/19

This Week's Memory Verse:

Why do you call Me, "Lord, Lord," and do not do what I say?

Luke 6:46


Friday, July 19, 2019

Books from the Backlog ~ 7/20/19

Books from the Backlog hosted by Carole's Rand Life in Books is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.
This week's neglected book is:

Series: Moonlighters #1
Publication Date:    February 12, 2013     
Publisher: Zondervan
Cathy Cramer is a former lawyer and investigative blogger who writes commentary on local homicides. When she finds a threatening note warning her that she's about to experience the same kind of judgment and speculation that she dishes out in her blog, Cathy writes it off as mischief ... until her brother is caught in the middle of a murder investigation---the victim is his ex-wife.
As her brother is tried and convicted in the media, and bloggers and commentators like her have a field day, Cathy wonders if she should have taken the threat more seriously. Cathy and her two sisters, Holly and Juliet, moonlight as part-time private investigators, working to solve their brother's ex-wife's murder.
Juliet, a stay-at-home mom of two boys, and Holly, a scattered ne'er-do-well who drives a taxi, put aside their fear and lack of confidence to learn the art of investigation. But will it be too late to save their brother from a murder conviction, or his five-year-old son who's the killer's next target?
Why did I add Truth Stained Lies to my bookshelf:
I read a newer book by Terri Blackstock, If I Run, and loved it.  I decided to try one of her older books so I got my hands on a copy of Truth Stained Lies through  After reading the blurb again with fresh eyes, I think it might be my next read!
What are your thoughts? Have you read this book?  Would you recommend it to others?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

First Lines Friday ~ 7/19/19

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

First Lines

10 June, 1773
Rivenshire, England
In the hopes that at least one would get through, their father had sent three copes of his last letter from the West Indies; as it happened, his daughters received them all.

 Page 56
 She paused beside the captain.  "I refuse to dine with a man who threatens me and mine."

P.S. I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!

Also linking up to:

Thankful Thursday ~ 7/18/19

~My brother's trip to Italy!  As I'm typing this my brother is somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane on his way home from Italy for a work trip!  Other than my father who was in the Army and was stationed overseas, he's the first one in my family to travel internationally.  We've been tracking his flight and pray that by the time you are reading this he'll be safely home :)

~We paid our car off!  Yes, our Subaru Legacy is now officially ours!  So exciting :)

~Kaylee had an interview!  It was her very first job interview and was good practice for her.  We  haven't heard anything about the job yet but that is OK.  She'll be busy with College.  In a way, I'd rather her just focus on her school work but God's will be done :)

~Cotton Candy Ice Cream!  Laken's very favorite ice cream flavor is Cotton Candy.  Our local ice cream stand, Sundae's, had Cotton Candy as their flavor of the week so another trip for ice cream was pretty much a must!  Laken got her Cotton Candy and I got another Peanut Butter Sundae.  Win, win :)

~Kaylee's Driver's test is tomorrow!  Kaylee goes for her driving portion of the driver's test at 1pm tomorrow.  We've been practicing parallel parking and what we THINK is the driving route for a few weeks now.  She wants to go back and practice again today.  I'd appreciate prayers that she does well on the exam and passes.  She really needs her license so she can drive herself to College by August 19th!  Of course, I'll be a nervous wreck but that's OK :)
What are you thankful for today?


P.S.  I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wednesday Medley ~ 7/17/19

Come join Terri @ Your Friend From Florida every Wednesday.  She comes up with the questions and we answer them ;)




National Peach Ice Cream Day on July 17th sweetens the day with a few scoops at the peak of peach season. 
Since peaches begin peaking in July, this celebration comes just in time. It also lands right in the middle of National Ice Cream Month. So, it’s an excellent time to add peach ice cream to the growing list of flavors to choose from when it comes to frozen, creamy treats. 
Generally speaking, there are two types of peaches – freestone and clingstone. The difference has to do with how the flesh comes away from the stone or the pit in the middle of the peach. When the meat comes away freely from the stone, the peach is a freestone peach; if the flesh clings to it, it’s a clingstone.
While Georgia may be the first state to come to mind when we think of peaches, California actually leads the nation in production. In the United States, 20 states produce peaches commercially. Besides California and Georgia, the other two top producers are South Carolina and New Jersey. Pennsylvania and Washington grow a lot of peaches, too.
This sweet stone fruit makes delicious ice cream when it’s very ripe and full of peachy juices. However, you don’t have to use fresh peaches to make this ice cream. Buy frozen peaches if the grocery or farmer’s markets don’t have them in yet. The family will love making homemade ice cream together. The best part will be eating up the finished product on a hot summer day. 
Grab your ice cream maker and invite your friends and neighbors over for an old-fashioned ice cream social! Give this homemade peach ice cream recipe a try. If you need tips for picking fresh peaches visit Frog Hollow for an easy guide to the best peaches. 
You can also visit an ice cream parlor and order a dish or cone. Don’t hesitate to add sprinkles or some pecans.
1.  Do you enjoy fresh peaches?  What is your favorite way to use them in a recipe?

I love the smell of fresh peaches but can't abide the texture!  I know, I'm crazy!





National Wrong Way Corrigan Day on July 17th commemorates the transatlantic flight of an Irish-American stunt pilot from Galveston, Texas. Douglas Corrigan gained notoriety for an unplanned transatlantic flight to Ireland on July 17, 1938. 
Growing up as a boy, Douglas Corrigan’s (January 22, 1907- December 9, 1995) fascination with flight was not uncommon. Charles Lindbergh’s transatlantic flight may have been the most impressionable moment in his young life. In 1938, the young stunt pilot flew from his home in California to New York. Upon arrival, he requested permission to duplicate his hero’s historic flight. They quickly denied his request due to the age of Corrigan’s 1929 Curtiss Robin.  
With only a magnetic compass, Corrigan advised officials he was returning to California.  According to the story, after takeoff, cloud cover prevented Corrigan from accurate navigation. When Corrigan dropped below the clouds hours later, he saw he was surrounded by water. It was then that Corrigan realized his navigation was off. He continued, and 28 hours later, he landed in Ireland. 
That was the story as Corrigan told it. Reporters suggested Corrigan made secret plans to repeat his hero’s flight anyway. However, years later, Corrigan held fast to his original explanation.
After the Flight
The wayward pilot wrote about his misadventure in his memoir That’s My Story. While the book is out of print, a few copies can be found for the right price. Corrigan also received a movie deal and soon played himself in The Flying Irishman. During World War II, he tested bombers. After the war, the stunt man toured the country with other familiar war heroes in parades.  As the notoriety died down, Corrigan settled into a quiet life with his wife and family. Occasionally fame would catch up to him again when Corrigan would run into a reporter who wanted to question the veracity of his story.  
Explore the history of transatlantic flight and more stories like Douglas Corrigan’s. Watch The Flying Irishman or visit an air museum. Use #WrongWayCorriganDay to share on social media. 
National Wrong Way Corrigan Day originates with the date Corrigan left New York in 1938.  In 1987, Long Island commemorated the 49th anniversary of the 80-year-old Corrigan’s flight with a parade and called the day “Wrong Way Corrigan Day.”  The city of Galveston, Texas proclaimed Wrong Way Corrigan Day in 1992 to be celebrated on January 22nd, the date of their hometown hero’s birth. 
2.  Have you ever gone the wrong way on a one-way street?  What do you think about Mr. Corrigan's story?   True or False? To my knowledge, I've never gone the wrong way on a one-way street but I won't say it could never happen!  Mr. Corrigan's story sounds like just that...a story :) 


National Yellow Pig Day on July 17 honors the unique attributes of the number 17 and its significance to mathematics. 
If you don’t think the number 17 plays any role in our lives, consider these facts:
  • The number 17 is a premium number in the arena of prime numbers. Add the first four prime numbers together, and 17 is their sum.
  • The average loaded school bus weighs 17 tons
  • Each of the following words has 17 letters:
    • interdisciplinary
    • telecommunication
    • misinterpretation
    • commercialization
    • electrophotometer
  • The atomic number of chlorine is 17.
  • Pebble Beach named a road 17 Mile Drive along the Monterey Peninsula in California. However, the exact length of the road is 16.78 miles.
  • The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gave the citizens of the United States the right to elect their senators by popular vote. Before the states ratified the amendment on April 8, 1913, each states’ legislatures elected the senators to Congress.
Look for the not so random occurrence of the number 17.  Look!  Yellow pig!
Brush up on your calculus and round up your yellow pigs. Look for the number 17. It’s everywhere! Post on social media using #NationalYellowPigDay.
Our research found that National Pig Day originated sometime during the early 1960s. Two mathematicians named Michael Spivak and David Kelly analyzed the random properties of the number 17 and a mysterious yellow pig. It seems the process became excessive and professional. Kelly lectured and developed classes around it. Spivak published several mathematics texts, while not based upon it, he does subtly reference the number 17 and Yellow Pig.
3.  Tell us about your life when you were 17.
When I was 17, I was a Senior in high school and could hardly wait to be an "adult".  Now, I tell my girls:  "don't wish your life away".




July 17 recognizes World Emoji Day and many of the world’s symbolic icons for digital calendars. The day encourages us to use emojis to send unique messages.
Now before the emoji, there were emoticons. Emoticons (emotion + icon) were developed as an expression of emotions in the cold hard texts that were devoid of them.
Emoji, a Japanese expression, roughly means “picture word” and was developed in 1990 by Shigetaka Kurita. While working for NTT Docomo, a Japanese telecom company, Kurita design these picture words as a feature on their pagers to make them more appealing to teens.
When Apple released the first iPhone in 2007, an emoji keyboard was embedded to nab the Japanese market. While not intended for U.S. users to find, they did and quickly figured out how to use it.
Every year new emojis (both emoji and emojis are acceptable plural forms of the word) are developed. The keeps track of all the emoji updates across all platforms and operating systems. Over 1800 emojis cover much more than just emotions. From transportation, food, an assortment of wild and domesticated animals to social platforms, weather, and bodily functions, emojis virtually speak for themselves.
When it comes to celebration emojis, the designers created a variety to make sure we could express our excitement. Whether we celebrate the arrival of a new baby, an anniversary or a birthday, there’s something for every celebration. In fact, if we search our emojis carefully, we could probably Celebrate Every Day® on National Day Calendar® emoji style.
2016 LogoExplore emojis.  Emoji (1)Send them to your friends.  Seeif they Heartit!  Use #WorldEmojiDay to share on social media.
In 2014, Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burge created World Emoji Day.  The date of July 17 has been intrinsic to the iconic red and black Apple calendar emoji since its launch in 2002.

4.  Do you use emojis when you text, email, or FB message? Do you have a favorite?

I don't often use emojis.  The only one I really use is the smiley face, oh and the thumbs-up :)


National Tattoo Day - July 17


National Tattoo Day on July 17th recognizes the history, culture, and artists dedicated to etching ink permanently on the skin. The day might just be the date to get that ink you’ve been contemplating.
Evidence of humans marking their bodies with permanent designs have existed for thousands of years. Egyptian and ice mummies reveal several forms of religious and status symbols.
The word “tattoo” is derived from the Polynesian language for tatau, which means “to tap or to mark.” Around the world, cultures surrounding tattooing vary, and some have changed very little over time. In the United States, sailors brought tattooing to coastal shores from their island exploits.
Getting inked continues to grow as technology and acceptance increases. While age, gender, religion, and class once divide the tattooed from the non-tattooed, those barriers are less common than they used to be. Reasons why we go under the needle differ. A tattoo may represent a significant event or hold intensely personal meaning. However, some people do get tattoos on a whim. Still, others confess, the need for a new tattoo is an addiction.
Getting a Tattoo
As the art form increases in popularity, it’s important to consider a few things before getting a tattoo.
  • Research and find a reputable artist. Remember, this art is permanent. You will want the finished piece to be polished with no regerts – that is, no regrets.
  • Once you’ve found an artist, be sure you have a design in mind. If you aren’t an artist, pulling an idea from your head and making it a reality will take time to develop.
  • Check spelling. Fact check. If you use a foreign word or a quote in your design, research the meaning and check the spelling. The same applies to symbols. Just because a website translated a meaning or said symbol represented peace or love in a certain culture, doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s not the artist’s responsibility to know either.  Sometimes the design means something altogether different to the client.
  • Be prepared to be placed on a waiting list. Good artists are in demand.
  • Be prepared to pay for good art. Nobody wants a lousy tattoo.
Day of Your Appointment
  • Clear your day, especially if you’re getting a large tattoo.
  • Arrive on time. Most artists charge by the hour and any adjustment throws their entire day off. You can’t rush good art.
  • Dress comfortably.
  • Eat something. A protein bar won’t make you fill stuffed but will keep you alert and satisfied through the session.
  • Bring water and stay hydrated.
  • Tip your artists when the session is over.
Take some time to thank your tattoo artist. Do you have a new design? July 17th is the day.  Use #NationalTattooDay to share on social media.
National Tattoo Day has been observed since 2016. The founder or source of the day has not been identified.
5.  It has been asked many times, but do you have a tattoo?  Do you want to get a tattoo? 
I do not have a tattoo.  There's nothing that I can even think of that I would want marking my body for the rest of my life.  The only possibility would be my girls' names.

6.  Last, but not least, please tell us something about your week!
If you made it this far, congrats and thank you!  My week so far has been hot and full of reading and other enjoyable summer activities.  I hope you are having a great summertime week as well.
P.S.  I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!