
Monday, July 22, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/22/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

This has been a week of worry.  My Uncle John was in CA on vacation from PA and collapsed.  He has been in the hospital for 10 days in CA and they have no idea what is going on with him.  Sunday afternoon, he was unresponsive.  They finally got him life flighted to University of California hospital in Sacramento.  Please, please pray that they can figure out what is wrong with him and treat it!  Many thanks!

The weather outside is::::

The heat wave is still going strong here in Southern PA.  We had a few temps over 100F.  The weather IS "supposed" to break sometime Monday and give us some cooler temps.

On my breakfast plate:

Slim Fast Shake

As I look around the house::::

We were busy over the weekend and I didn't do any laundry.  Therefore, that awaits me this week.

In other news, my brother's Uncle-in-Law gave us a riding mower!  No more push mowing.  I am so thankful :)

On today's to do list::::

Menu/Grocery List

Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I'll be studying Week 9 of "The Power of Hope" a First Place 4 Health Bible Study.

Exercise:  I'm planning on going to the gym at least 3 times this week, M-W-F.  I go to Planet Fitness and they revamped it with a few new pieces of exercise equipment.  I'm enjoying the variety.

Housework:  I need to get caught up on laundry as well as sweeping the floors.  My bedroom could also use a good tidying up.

Bills:  This is a pay week, so I'll have to sit down and go over the budget, write out bills and make trips to the post office and the bank.

Family Reunion:  We are having a family reunion on Saturday.  At least, I think we are.  Having my Uncle in the hospital with no answers will definitely be putting a damper on the party.  Hopefully, by Saturday, he'll be well on the way to recovery.  Again, please pray!

Currently reading::::
Last week I posted my review for "The Austen Escape" by Katherine Reay.  You can read my review HERE!
I finished "Fatal Mistake" by Susan Sleeman and loved it!  The review will be posted tomorrow.
Up next, is "Keturah" by Lisa T. Bergren.  I'm about 2/3 of the way through and it is amazing!  :)

 On the TV::::

"Princess and the Frog"

Hallmark Movies


Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message
Sirius XM The Highway
On the menu this week::::
I haven't made our menu for the week yet.  I will be working out that this morning.

Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I've worked a bit on Layna Bee's Blanket but not very much.  Again, I'm hoping to get it finished by next week. 
Picture From the Camera

She got her license!



P.S.  I hope you can come by and visit my ETSY SHOP!


  1. I hope you get answers soon on you Uncle. I can't imagine going through that with someone so far away.

    I'm doing piles of laundry today as well, I think it just wasn't a weekend for laundry no matter where you're at.

    Congratulations to your daughter on getting her license!

  2. Prayers for your uncle. How scary for everyone to have something like that happen so far away from family. Hooray for a new lawn mower. Congrats to your daughter. Hope it's a great week for you!

  3. Praying for your uncle! Yay for getting her license!! Have a great Monday/week!

  4. Prayers for your Uncle, and hope you have a Fantastic week.....

  5. Prayers for you Uncle Sweetie! 🙏 And I hope it's been cooling off there now. The blanket is looking so pretty. And congrats to your daughter! 😊
    Blessings Hon xo

  6. So sorry I'm so late this week. LOL I'll turn around and be back here tomorrow I'm so late! Sending prayers for your uncle and hope he's doing much better. Hope it cooling off also and you are having a GREAT weekend.


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