
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 7/25/19

~Dan made it home safely!  My brother's trip to Italy went well and he is now safely home :)

~Brunch with the Bride!  My cousin is getting married on September 7th.  Saturday morning we celebrated his bride, Rachel, with a "Brunch with the Bride".  I thought it was a super-cute idea.  The Maid of Honor did a wonderful job putting it together and we had a great time showering Rachel with love and gifts :)

~Kaylee Passed Her Driver's Test!  Kaylee is now a licensed driver.  I was so nervous while we were waiting her turn and she was worse than me!  When her turn came, she didn't even know which door to open she was so flustered.  hehe  She did a wonderful job and she passed on the very first try.  So proud of her!  Now she'll be able to drive to college come August 19th :)

~8/10!  I've read 8/10 of my goal for my "10 Books of Summer" challenge.  Only 2 more to go and I'll have completed the challenge!  This is big for me as I have a hard time actually completing challenges that I sign up for.

WW - Third times a Charm!  I decided to give WW (weight watchers) one more try and signed up for a promotion that gives me 2 free months if I commit to 6 months on the program.  I need the commitment to stay the course.  Stay tuned for updates :)

What are you thankful for today?


  1. An official DRIVER! YAHOOOOO!! Now the praying begins, right? :) LOL
    Best of luck on WW - cant wait to hear how it works for you!

  2. Woo hoo for reading 8/10 books so far. You are so close to finishing. You got this. I also have a hard time finishing up with challenges. For me it's mainly because I forget to schedule the actual to-dos on my calendar. I want to participate in Austen in August ( After I write this post, I am going to ut the to-dos on my calnedar!

    What a relief that your daughter has her driver's license. Congrats to her. It is nice that she'll have the indepedence to drive herself to college.

    "Brunch with the Bride" sounds like a fun event. I am tucking that idea away for future use.

  3. Congratulations to your daughter! The brunch with the bride sounds like a great idea. Glad your brother made it home safely. Yay for reading! Best wishes with WW.

    My FFF:

  4. Yay for reading and for your daughter pass g the road test! How fun to do a brunch must be the new trend, my oldest daughter just went to one too last weekend! She said it was awesome.

    Much success to you with the dieting program....keep it up!

    Happy weekend!

  5. Brunch with the Bride sounds so sweet! And good luck on your new healthy endeavor with WW!

  6. Well done to Kaylee and to you on the reading challenge. Brunch with the Bride sounds like fun. Good luck with the WW.

  7. Congrats to Kaylee! That's a big milestone. Good for you for getting that reading goal on such a good track. I'm on the slow side this year compared to other years but I think it's because my goals were so generalized this year compared to other years. My daughter went to Italy last year and loved it. I'm sure your brother has lovely pictures to show!

  8. Another driver in the house! Yay!
    I went to Italy with my daughter the week before 9/11. We loved the beauty and the history.
    Good for you on reaching those reading goals. I should be keeping a list of the books I've read :)


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