
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 7/18/19

~My brother's trip to Italy!  As I'm typing this my brother is somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane on his way home from Italy for a work trip!  Other than my father who was in the Army and was stationed overseas, he's the first one in my family to travel internationally.  We've been tracking his flight and pray that by the time you are reading this he'll be safely home :)

~We paid our car off!  Yes, our Subaru Legacy is now officially ours!  So exciting :)

~Kaylee had an interview!  It was her very first job interview and was good practice for her.  We  haven't heard anything about the job yet but that is OK.  She'll be busy with College.  In a way, I'd rather her just focus on her school work but God's will be done :)

~Cotton Candy Ice Cream!  Laken's very favorite ice cream flavor is Cotton Candy.  Our local ice cream stand, Sundae's, had Cotton Candy as their flavor of the week so another trip for ice cream was pretty much a must!  Laken got her Cotton Candy and I got another Peanut Butter Sundae.  Win, win :)

~Kaylee's Driver's test is tomorrow!  Kaylee goes for her driving portion of the driver's test at 1pm tomorrow.  We've been practicing parallel parking and what we THINK is the driving route for a few weeks now.  She wants to go back and practice again today.  I'd appreciate prayers that she does well on the exam and passes.  She really needs her license so she can drive herself to College by August 19th!  Of course, I'll be a nervous wreck but that's OK :)
What are you thankful for today?


P.S.  I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!


  1. Hello, a trip to Italy sounds wonderful. It is nice when a loan is finally paid off, more cash in your pocket. Good luck to your Kaylee with the job interview and the driver's test. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend ahead.

  2. Sending best of luck to your girl for that driving test. Always so nerve racking!!! - & the job interview. All grown up stuff happening!
    Cotton Candy ice cream - I cant even imagine what that tastes like - I wont even do that cotton candy grapes :) LOL

  3. You are living a full life with lots of exciting things going on! Enjoy your week!

  4. Woo hoo! Paying a car off is always a big deal. Lots of good stuff going on in your life this week. :)

  5. We were in Rome this past Thanksgiving. Such a great country to visit. Thanks for linking up!

  6. I love overseas travel! Yay to ice cream and good luck for her job and driving test. Thanks for linking in


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