
Monday, July 29, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/29/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

We're still at a loss as to what is going on with my Uncle John.  He is still unresponsive and stuck in CA.  He has a team of neurologists working on him but so far, they've not figured out what is causing him to be unresponsive.  My Aunt Tina is distraught!  I can't even imagine being so far from home and having to deal with something so terrible.  Please keep praying and thank you for those of you who have been praying!  Prayers are so appreciated!

The weather outside is::::

It has been a bit cooler if you can call 89F cool!  We've had a few storms that brought the cooler air through so that was nice.  I'm going to enjoy these last few weeks of summer.

On my breakfast plate:

Smart Ones Ham Egg and Cheese Muffin

As I look around the house::::

I have a basket of laundry to fold and a whole pile of folded clothes to hang up in my closet.  For some reason, this is something I procrastinate about.

As always, the floors could be swept.  With 2 Labradors I always sweep up enough hair to make a small dog!

On today's to do list::::


Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I want to start a new Bible Study this week.  I have a few studies on my shelf to pick from but haven't decided which one to do next.

WW:  I rejoined WW (aka weight watchers) last Monday.  I had my first "workshop" and weigh-in on Saturday morning.  I had weighed in on my scale the day I started and it appears that I lost 4lbs between Monday and Saturday!

Exercise:  WW has set my goal to get 52 FitPoints this week.  My plan is to exercise/workout 5 days a week (taking Sunday and Wednesday off).  I missed Saturday's workout after the workshop because we had a family reunion and I had to pick up the chicken and the cake all before 10am.  Otherwise, on Saturdays I'm going to go to my weekly workshop and then to Planet Fitness for a good workout.

Housework:  I made a menu and grocery list yesterday and have to get groceries today after my workout.  My bedroom still is a mess as I didn't take the time to really declutter it last week.  I'll roll that over to this week's list of to-do's.

Bills:  Not a pay week.

Doug:  A normal work week.

Kaylee:  Kaylee can go buy her college class books this Thursday.  She has been anxiously waiting to be able to go purchase them.  I think it will all seem so much more real once she does.  She has been practicing her driving.  She drove to the mall by herself (with a friend) for the firs time Saturday.  I was nervous but she did fine! 

Laken:  Laken is starting 7th grade this coming school year and can play Jr. High Sports.  She is so excited to be playing Volleyball and Open Gym for Jr. High starts Tuesday evening.  I hope she enjoys it!

Currently reading::::
Last week I posted my review for "Fatal Mistake" by Susan Sleeman.  You can read my review HERE!
I finished "Fatal Mistake" by Susan Sleeman and loved it!  The review will be posted tomorrow.
I also finished "Keturah" by Lisa T. Bergren and it was AMAZING!!!  The review will be coming soon.
 Up next is "A Flight of Fancy" by Laurie Alice Eakes :)

 On the TV::::

Reef Break

Hallmark Movies


Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message
Sirius XM The Highway
On the menu this week::::
I haven't made our menu for the week yet.  I will be working out that this morning.

Monday -  Kielbasa, Corn on the Cob, Strawberries
Tuesday - Chicken, Cheesy Pots
Wednesday -  Fish, Mac-n-Cheese
Thursday - Chili, Toasted Cheese
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday -  Breakfast for Dinner
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I've made progress on Layna Bee's Blanket!!!!  I now only have about 3 more rounds to go.  Again, really hoping to get it done this week ;)
Picture From the Camera

She got her license!




  1. Sorry to hear about your uncle. I pray that they can find what is causing him to be unresponsive. God Bless Your Family!!

  2. Hope your uncle has some improvement soon! I have a daughter going into 7th grade too. She's decided to do the musical this year. :O

  3. Keeping your covered in prayers. Yummy menu this week! Have a great Monday

  4. I’m sorry to hear of your uncle’s illhealth, I hope they find a way to help him soon.
    My daughter hasn’t had her first driving lesson yet, but probably will this weekend.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  5. Prayers for your uncle & his wife. I can't imagine being so far from a support system with serious health issues happening. Your daughter looks super excited to have her license. Hope you are having a wonderful week so far!

  6. Sending prayers for your uncle and his condition. I hope the doctors are able to determine the cause and solve this soon so they can get home to family. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.


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