
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Stacking the Shelves ~ 6/30/12



Only 1 this week!
Here's what I stacked my shelves with this week:

Finally a Bride (Texas Boardinghouse Brides, Bk 3)
"Finally a Bride"
Author:  Vicki McDonough
Series:  Texas Boardinghouse Brides Book 3


This Week's Bookish Posts

-Cover Characteric ~ Cats
-Musing ~ Goals
-Teaser Tuesday
-Review:  "Wildfire Bride"
-WWW Wednesday
-Review:  "Waterfall"
-Review:  "A Love of Her Own"
-Desperately Wanting, Wishing and Waiting
-Throwback and the Review Pile

I'm also linkup up to Mailbox Monday hosted this month by Burton Book Review.



I also wanted to let everyone know about a new feature hosted by "Seven Alive" and "Jessie Street Designs".

"Ready, Set,....Read! is a monthly link-up for a bookish post.  You can win a lovely prize just by linking up.  This is the very first month for this feature, so go on over and give them some support and maybe you (or I) will win!


Lovely reading!


  1. I haven't heard of those books but they sound really cool! Enjoy them!

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  2. I hadn't heard of this book so I looked it up on goodreads. It sounds really cute. Book 1 is on my TBR list! Thanks for stopping by.

    Kathryn @ Clean Teen Fiction

  3. Hi Colletta! Thank you so much for the shout out and for partying with us at the Read, Set..., Read party! We are so excited to have you be a part of the party. I'm going to have to add your book to my Books to Read Shelf!! Have a great week.:)


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