
Friday, June 29, 2012

High Five Friday Fragments & Favorite Things ~ 6/29/12

PhotobucketMommy's Ideafriday favorite things | finding joy

5 Highlights from the past week:


1.  We had a great week at Preaching in the Mountains Family Church Camp!

2.  We FINALLY got our pool open and have the solar cover on it to soak in all this sweltering heat!  100 degrees today!  hot, hot, hot....

3.  I reached my goal of reading 4 books during the "Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon". 



4.  We're starting to  look into renting a cabin in the Smokey Mountains for an extended Family Vacation next year!  

5.    We went to see Brave on opening night!


I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I doubt I could read four books in four days - - - I LOVE to read, but for far too long I've used reading to put myself to sleep at night, so now I usually can't read for long periods at a time AND stay awake!


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