This past weekend I hit the 2 week mark. This has continually been a bad point for me in maintaining motivation to exercise.
As you can see below, Saturday and Sunday were duds for me. The good thing is that I recognized it and due to this challenge, I overcame my slump.
If I hadn't been participating in this challenge, I fear that I would have really slacked and dwindled off to no excercise or sporadic exerise once again.
I've been walking 1 mile on the treadmill and on Thursdays going to exercise class with the church ladies for 30 minutes for 2 miles.
I plan to add a (don't laugh!) belling dancing exercise routine called Shimmy a couple days a week to try to rack up some more miles. Shimmy is on the Fitness Channel so I DVR it and then do it when I get a chance. I've done it before and its tons of fun! Everyone should try it!
Here's my weekly progress report.
Week 3:
1/15/10-1 mile
1/16/10- 0 miles
1/17/10- 0 miles
1/18/10- 1 mile
1/19/10- 1 mile
1/20/10- 1 mile
1/21/10- 2 miles
Weekly Total: 6 miles
Running Total: 21 miles
Only 79 miles to go!!
Click here to see my total stats. Click the picture above to see how everyone else is doing with the challenge.
Look at how you regrouped! Great job. It is one step at a time.