Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Book Review ~ The House at the End of the Moor by Michelle Griep ~ 10/9/2024


Title:   The House at the End of the Moor by Michelle Griep
Series:  N/A
Pages:  348
Date Published:  April 1, 2020
Publisher:  Shiloh Run Press
Stars:  *****


What Can a London Opera Star and an Escaped Dartmoor Prisoner Have in Common?
Opera star Maggie Lee escapes her opulent lifestyle when threatened by a powerful politician who aims to ruin her life. She runs off to the wilds of the moors to live in anonymity. All that changes the day she discovers a half-dead man near her house. Escaped convict Oliver Ward is on the run to prove his innocence, until he gets hurt and is taken in by Maggie. He discovers some jewels in her possession—the very same jewels that got him convicted. Together they hatch a plan to return the jewels, clearing Oliver’s name and hopefully maintaining Maggie’s anonymity.

My Thoughts:

Oh my!  What a wild ride this story was!

From bogs on the Moor to the opera stages of Bath, this book  had it all: faith, history, romance, suspense.  All the best of the best!

I loved how the author built the story piece by piece and took me on the journey along with Maggie and Oliver.  Just when I thought the story was winding down to the end...wham!  another curveball!

  Even the villains were crafted in a way that I loved to "hate" them.  Barrow and Groat were horrendous in their evilness. 

There was a strong message of justice, forgiveness and mercy throughout the book but especially toward the end.

This book is a Christian, historical, romantic, suspense.  And it was amazing!  Michelle Griep is a very talented author!

I had downloaded this book from Amazon on my Kindle a while ago and finally got a chance to read it.  I'm so glad I did!

Onto the next book :)

I read this book while partaking in 3 readathons:

Journey Through the Bible 3.0 - Building on the Cover Prompt

Cozy Cottage Reatathon - In the Dark Prompt

Annetober - a book that has been on your TBR a long time

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