Sunday, September 22, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 9/23/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.

I had a lovely week of reading, crocheting, blogging and homemaking.

Here's to the week ahead!

The weather outside is:

Fall, glorious Fall!  I am loving this weather.  Even the rain :)

On today's to-do list:

I'm hoping for a fairly uneventful day of homemaking.  I got the floors and laundry done Saturday so it should just be the daily tasks such as cooking and dishes, etc., etc., etc.  (ditto from last week)

Happening this week:

Laken has a hair appointment for a trim Tuesday afternoon.  She's still working on her driving skills so I'll be going along either as the driver or as the instructor!  I'm not sure if she's ready for the traffic she'd have to drive in to get to the salon...

Saturday is Laken's last Homecoming dance.  I don't think she knows what she wants done with her hair and nails yet but I'm sure we'll be spending most of the day at the salon(s), once again.  In case you missed the dress reveal here is a picture:

Currently reading:

As of the time I'm writing this post, I'm reading "Cherry Pie or Die" by Ceecee James for a Comfy Cozy Book Club.  I haven't read a cozy mystery in a while so I hope to enjoy!

To see more about my reading week, please go HERE to check out My Weekly Bookishness post!

Are we friends on Goodreads?  You can find my Goodreads profile HERE.

Listening to:

Hug your mama tight, if you can!  This song got me in the feels.  So thankful for my Mama!  Enjoy :)


The Steelers game.

The Union with Mark Wahlburg and Halle Berry.  This was a good movie with minimal language and was fairly clean.

Shotgun Wedding with Jennifer Lopez and Josh Duhmal.  This one had me laughing so hard that our dog, Harley, was worried about me!  Hilarious but there is some language and Jennifer Lopez scantily clad.

Booktubers that I've discovered recently and also some favorite homemaking/sewing youtubers.

In the Kitchen:

We had some good meals this week.  Creamed Chip Beef on Biscuite; Pork Roast and Mashed Potatoes; etc., etc., etc.  I did some baking on Wednesday and Saturday.

Spice cake is a favorite of mine so I had picked up a cake mix when at the store.  I had the mix a few weeks before I finally got the opportunity and desire to make it.  It was yummy with regular homemade icing but I bet it would be even better with cream cheese icing!  What are your thoughts?

Saturday I wanted something sweet.  I really wanted to make a Texas Sheet Cake but didn't have enough cocoa powder.  Instead, I settle for Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars.  Easy and straight forward but they hit the spot :)

In the Craft Basket:

I have 23/35 blocks finished for the Japanese Fields Afghan.  Last week I was at 17/35 blocks completed so I've made some progress.  I'm over halfway finished with the squares but that doesn't include the time it will take for the joining and borders.

Picture(s) from the Camera

Laken, Nate, the hubby and I attempted to play cornhole at a picnic.  I gave up my spot as soon as I could to someone else.  I was horrid!  Laken and Nate won and it made my heart happy to watch them high-five each other and celebrate :)

My Pumpkin Spice candle isn't completely gone yet, but I couldn't resist grabbing this Apple Pumpkin candle while grocery shopping.  It is burning as I'm typing this and it smells so good.  I think I like it a bit more than the Pumpkin Spice.  The Apple makes it not quite so overwhelming. 

Kaylee sent me this picture from Epcot while she was in Orlando for her work trip.  Isn't it pretty?

This was my favorite airplane picture that Kaylee sent me.  It still makes my heart beat a little faster thinking that she was so high up in the air!

We got some much needed rain Saturday evening.  If you look closely you can see the faint rainbow in the sky.  The rainbow is a symbol of God's promise and I always get excited to see one!

I noticed how some of the trees are starting to change already.  What is it like where you are located?

I thought this was a pretty scene with the fog rolling in during the storm.  Just thought I would share :)

For some reason all three cats were laying on the bed together.  This never happens.  Flynn is usually off on his own under the bed :)

Prayer Requests

~Thank you so much for praying over Kaylee's trip to Orlando.  She made it there and back safely!  She had a good time but this mama's heart is just glad she's home!

~Continued prayers for Laken as she has a full workload.  She was feeling a bit under the weather this week but pushed through and didn't miss any school.  She wants to keep her perfect attendance!

~Special prayers for a dear friend from Church who is currently in the ICU.  She is an older lady and has internal bleeding.  They are trying to determine what is causing it so they can decide on the best treatment.

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders and the Election coming in November.  (continued)

~Please pray that I get a start date soon for my new job.  It is a state position and they can sometimes be slow moving.  If I don't get a call by Tuesday, I'm going to email my contact for an update.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."  Ephesians 5: 1-2 (NIV)

Have a great week!



  1. I loved Shotgun Wedding; it was hilarious if crazy. That candle scent sounds wonderful. I love cornhole and while I usually have zero hand/eye coordination I am actually pretty good at the game.

    1. I am absolutely horrible at cornhole and horse shoes! lol

  2. Looks like Laken had a good trip. Nice fun with the corn holes. I would love the cheesecake icing! Have a great week

  3. Lots of fun and exciting things happening around your place. Laken looks beautiful. That is such a great color on her. Haven't had spice cake in years. Might need to make some. Yours looks amazing! Hope you have a fabulous week. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Hello dear Colletta!
    I love Laken's dress - such a pretty pink! 💗 And I love spice cake too! I read somehwere that I think you can mix it with a can of pumpkin and add a little water and choc chips and make healthy muffins? Never tried it though.
    I tend to love the pumpkin apple scented things better too! I love that the apple gives such a fresh smell to it.
    Prayers for all of your intentions. I hope you continue to enjoy rainy Fall cozy.

  5. Enjoyed reading your post. What a beautiful dress! I like spice cake but we usually mix it with pumpkin. My husband isn't a fan of cream cheese but I think that would be really good on it. Oh, cornhole is not one of my favorites at all. Hope you have a fantastic rest of your week!

  6. I loved seeing your cats all together!

  7. Thank you for joining us at #WBOYC. Your Japanese Fields Afghan is coming along beautifully. That is awesome news that Kaylee made it home safe and sound and enjoyed her trip.

  8. What a fun month and I love your Japanese Field Afghan. I enjoy a cozy crime so will take a look at Cherry Pie or Die - it is a fun title. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #WBOYC? and have a lovely October.

  9. I remember the days of teaching our teens to drive. May you be blessed with much patience. :) My husband made a lemon sheet cake this week, and it was exceptionally good! Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars sound delicious too. I always love seeing a rainbow too. We saw one twice this week. Visiting from All Wrapped Up linkup.


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