Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hello Monday ~ 7/8/2024


I didn't post a Friday Favorites to highlight the happenings of last week so I'm going to squeeze my Hello Monday and Friday Favorites together today.  Maybe I should call it Monday Favorites and leave it at that :)

I want to make mention that July 3rd was my Dad's 77th birthday!  Happy Birthday, Dad!  He wanted Chinese food for his birthday supper and I made him a Cream Puff Cake with sugar free pudding so that he could actually eat it!  I asked him how it felt to be 77 years old and he said he felt the same as the day before :)

On July 4th, our Independence Day here in the USA, we spent most of the day reorganizing the Family Room, our Bedroom and the new Storage Room that I mentioned we were building in last week's post!  We have the Bedroom pretty much situated and the Storage Room is almost at its max already.  We still have a few totes full of miscellaneous items sitting in the Family Room that we need to go through and purge to finish up.  Once we get done, I think it is going to be a really good transformation.

For our 4th of July Celebration, we went to my Aunt Donna's and Uncle Charlie's house around 7pm.  We were supposed to get there around 6-6:30ish but until we got finished working for the day and cleaned up (remember:  we had no AC) we were the last ones to get there.  Everyone was still eating the yummy picnic food so no harm done!  When it got closer to dark, Uncle Charlie and Brian, my cousin, started setting off the pre-firework fireworks :)  Brian's little girl, Audrey, who REALLY wanted to have fireworks ended up being completely afraid of the loud noises.  The hubby and I volunteered to take her inside to watch the fireworks out the window where she was much happier.  It was fun talking to a little one as she is only 2 years old.  When the fireworks were over, Audrey was sad and wanted more!  We had a fun and enjoyable celebration :)

Friday was orientation for my new part-time job.  It was a long day of watching videos, learning about the company and signing authorizations and policies.

A good thing happened though!  While I was at orientation, our AC unit came!  Whooot Whooot!  A whole week early and I am ever so thankful.  We actually had to turn the AC off last night because it was making the bedroom a little TOO chilly!  What a problem to have :) 

The hubby took Oliver to the vet Friday for his last set of kitten vaccinations.  He had grown so much in the past 3 weeks that the vet tech re-weighed him to make sure she had read the scale right.  He is definitely losing his baby kitten look.

My goal for this week, other than actually training for my new job, is to take more pictures!  I was doing really good for a while and then life started flying by.  I want to try to slow things down a bit.  I'm actually reading a book right now called "Living Slower" by Merissa A. Alink.  It has lots of good information and I'm getting ready to start reading about how organization and routines can help a person live slower which I REALLY need.

Well, I think that is enough rambling for now.  Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead :)



  1. Sounds like a wonderful holiday weekend!

  2. Sounds like a good combination of fun and productive. Enjoy the new spaces!

  3. I'm definitely living slower these days....(retired from teaching a year ago and have major back issues currently). Now, didn't you just start a new full time job this past spring? do i have the right blogger?? You're the one who sent me the pretty red cozy for my coffee mug .....did you quit full time to go part time?? I hope you do well at your orientation.

    Your Independence day sounds wonderful with a lot accomplished and stil ltime for fun. My oldest girl was the SAME WAY with fireworks when she was 2!! in fact, she really doesn't enjoy them still and she's almost 31. :)

    I could see them from our family room as it was super hot and humid here in eastern NY so we stayed inside the central air and had a neighbor over for wine, cheese, crackers around 8 pm and our neighbor 2 houses behind us did real fireworks. (even tho they're illegal in Albany County! haha).

    Have a wonderful week


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