Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hello Monday ~ 5/20/2024


Why, oh why, does the week drag on but the weekend flies by?  This was a busy weekend without hardly a moment to spare.  I did get to take a 45 minute nap Sunday afternoon.  I shouldn't complain but it didn't seem long enough!

Let's get on with the weekend happenings, shall we?

Friday evening, we went to a local used car lot and got the hubby a newer work car (at least newer than what he had).  For now, it will also be what Laken learns to drive on which is something that needs to be our focus this summer.  Douglas is on vacation this week so he'll be going to get the transfer completed Monday.

Laken talked me into crocheting her a crop top.  She picked some granny squares out of a bin that were already completed and we spent some time looking online for a pattern for the bust of the top.  Finally, I purchased a pattern from Etsy and spent the late evening Friday working on it.  She couldn't decide about the trim color, so I decided to head to bed and work on it more at a later time.

Saturday was Andrew's (my nephew) high school graduation.  Before the graduation ceremony which was at 3pm, Dan and Kelly had a pizza party for him at the local restaurant in town.  Andrew and his classmates were only given 6 tickets each for graduation, so we weren't all able to attend but we were all able to celebrate with him beforehand.  

Nate works at Subway and had to go to work after Andrew's party.  Laken, of course, wanted Subway for supper :)  I needed a few things at the store so we went there first and then stopped by Subway to get supper and see Nate.  After eating, we took the round-a-bout way home through Shawnee State Park.  The sun was shining and it turned out to be a beautiful day after all the rain we've had. 

I was also able to get some pictures of the ducks at the pond right up the road from our house.  There are three adults and five baby ducks.  They are growing so fast.

Saturday evening the hubby and I watched the ACM Awards on Prime.  I haven't watched an entire awards show in years but this one had great music.  Lainey Wilson performed "Hang Tight Honey" and there was also a tribute to Toby Keith who passed away this past year.

Another reason I was able to watch the entire show, was being busy finished Laken's crop top.  It kept me occupied and from getting bored with the show.  Below is a picture of the finished crop top although I don't know if I'm going to allow Laken to wear it out of the house.  It is a bit too hoochie-mama for my tastes but she loves it.  I'll save that battle for another day!

Sunday morning was Church and then a nap.  After waking up from my nap that was too short, we decided to go to Sundae's for ice-cream.  I thought about getting the no sugar added ice-cream but the Peanut Butter Sundae won out...  It is SOOOO good and is my absolute favorite!

And that brings me to now, Sunday evening as I'm typing up this post.  I think we may watch a few episodes of Tracker to try to get caught up before going to bed.  I'm also psyching myself up to face the week ahead.

As I mentioned above, Douglas is on vacation this week but I still have to work.  Bummer...   He's just going to be working on projects around the house, but still.  Laken will be finishing up her last class/week of school so she'll be busy, too.

Here's to another weekend gone and another work week ahead!

Have a great one :)



  1. We haven't watched Tracker but might give that a try. We need a new show. That whole teaching kids to drive might be my least favorite part of parenting lol. But we get through it and in a lot of ways life is easier when there are drivers in the house. Enjoy your week!

    1. I agree. The first time my oldest, Kaylee, drove by herself I was a nervous wreck! Lots of prayers are said and lots of saying "call me when you get there". lol Thanks for stopping by:)


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