
Sunday, August 25, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? ~ 8/26/19
It's Monday!  What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.  It is a place to share what you've read, what you are reading and what you are about to read.
 In Life
 It has been a rough week.  I don't want to get into too much detail but my Uncle John passed away.  Arrangements are still pending.  I'd appreciate prayers of comfort for my family :(
Kaylee and Laken both started school last week.  So, along with everything else, we're trying to get back into "school routine".  Laken has also been having Vollyball practice after school.  Her first game is Sept. 9th.
 I tried to watch "A Dog's Journey" Friday night but just couldn't do it!  Has anyone watched it yet?
Onto the books!
What I Read Last Week:
The review for this book will post tomorrow!

What I'm Reading Now:

I just picked this book up at Ollie's and wanted to dive in right away! 

What's Up Next?:

 I'll probably pick up this historical Belmont Mansion book next.  I enjoyed the first of the series and look forward to this on as well.

Last Week's Posts:

~It's Monday!  What Are You Reading?
~Review:  A Confident Heart by Renee Swope
~10 Book of Summer ~ Completed!!!
~Fall Into Reading Challenge 2019 ~ Sign Up Post
~Fall Into Reading Challenge 2019 ~ Goals
~Weekly Weigh In - Week 4
~Books from the Backlog
~First Lines Friday and 56
~Saturday 9 ~ No One's Here to Sleep
~Scripture Memory Verse


P.S.  I hope you'll come join in the Fall Into Reading Challenge!

Also linking up to the following:


  1. My uncle also recently passed away and it was a tough loss, so my condolences. I hope you get back into the school routine fairly easily. It always takes us a few weeks. I have A Lady Unraveled (love White's books!!) and The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck to read. I reviewed A Beauty So Rare some time back and enjoyed it. I love Alexander's books as well. I hope this week goes well for you!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle. Sending prayers and good thoughts to you and your family.

    I'm very interested in The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck. I'll have to see if that is available.

  3. Sorry to hear of the loss of your uncle. I am thrilled to join you on this reading post as well. I have found reading to be my sanctuary lately and I am pleased that I am reading so much.

  4. I'm sorry for you loss. Getting back to the school routine also can be stressful. Enjoy your books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss.
    Getting back in the school routine can be tough. Have a good week!

  6. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Uncle. You and your family are in my thoughts and I will be sending you all the positive energy that I can.


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