
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Book Review ~ A Lady Unrivaled by Roseanna M. White


Title:  A Lady Unrivaled by Roseanna M. White
Series:  Ladies of the Manor
Pages:  408
Date Published:  September 13, 2016
Publisher:  Bethany House

Lady Ella Myerston can always find a reason to smile—even if it's just in hope that tomorrow will be better than today. All her life everyone has tried to protect her from the realities of the world, but Ella knows very well the danger that has haunted her brother and their friend, and she won't wait for it to strike again. She intends to take action . . . and if that happens to involve an adventurous trip to the Cotswolds, then so much the better.

Lord Cayton has already broken two hearts, including that of his first wife, who died before he could tell her that he loved her. Now he's determined to be a better person. But that proves difficult when old rakehell friends arrive on the scene and try to threaten him into committing a crime. He does his best to remove the intriguing Lady Ella from danger, but the stubborn girl won't budge. How else can he redeem himself, though, but by saving her—and his infant daughter—from people ready to destroy them all?  

My Thoughts:
 I'm going to keep this review short and sweet.
As much as I wanted to love Ella and Cayton's story, I just couldn't bring myself to finish the book.  GASP!!!  A DNF!
Not because of the writing or the storyline, but just because life interfered.
It was taking me forever to read and I just felt like moving on to the next book.  I asked myself if it was worth my time to finish a rather long book if I wasn't TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY enjoying it.
Has that ever happened to you?
 I love this author and will be anxiously awaiting the next book of hers I can get my hands on!

P.S.  I'd love for you to join in the Fall Into Reading Challenge!


  1. Many times. If I begin reading something and just can't seem to find the time to finish it or it seems like it is taking too much time, I usually don't finish it. Sad but true!

  2. sorry it flopped for you, but i like that it didn't turn you off to the author's future boook
    sherry @ fundinmental


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