Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Teaser Tuesday ~ The Pelican Bride ~ 2/27/18


My teaser for this week is from:


 Massacre Island
Mobile Bay, 1704

The fifty-six-gun frigate "Pelican" lunged as Genevieve Gaillain dropped six feet over its side before the canvas sling jerked her to a stop.  Clutching the sodden rope above her head, she looked up at the dark-skinned mariners straining to keep her from plummeting into what they charmingly called "the drink".  The sling swung with the motion of the ship, setting the sky tilting overhead in rhythm with the ocean's slap-slosh against the hull.

Also linking up to:

http://irbratb.com/  http://www.rosecityreader.com/

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I've read this one and loved it!! Here's my Teaser/Intro for this week: http://bit.ly/2F0Hq3X


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