
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 2/10/18


I went to the dr. for my annual check-up yesterday.  According to their scale I was up 3.2 lbs from my last Saturday Weigh-in.  Sigh...

I know that it was a different scale and all that jazz but it still was sigh-worthy :(

I keep gaining and losing the same 5 pounds over and over and can't make any headway!

I'm not anywhere near where I wanted to be weight-wise by this time.  I only have a month until my 40th birthday and 6 months ago had big weight loss plans.

I can sigh and look back all I want, but that isn't going to change anything.  What will change is how I go from here on out.

How much do I want it?  So much!

How can I do it?  I don't know!

Any ideas?

How was your week?

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:    -+3.2   Total:  -21.2 lbs. 

              TOTAL:   0 miles ~  0 minutes

Linking to:  Dare to Share, Saturday Sparks, Bouquet of Talent, Saturday Shuffle, Saturday Sharefest Sundays at Home, Sunday's Best, Dishing It and Digging It. Simple Sunday, Wellness Wednesday

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