
Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/12/18

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::

Ice, ice, Baby!

It is so icy everywhere.  The driveway is treacherous but starting to slowly melt.

On my breakfast plate:

Chocolate Chip Granola Bar
As I look around the house::::
~We brought more boxes to the house to be gone through.  They are mostly the girls' things and board games.  Hopefully, they won't take long to purge.

~Laundry, laundry and more laundry.

~Pictures that I need to decide where to hang.

On today's to do list::::

Watch Damon
Read Thru the Word
Pick the girls up from school
Menu/Grocery List
Happening this week::::
Monday.... See above.
Tuesday...  Babysit Damon, groceries, Dentist, exercise, RTW
Wednesday... Yearly Bloodwork and Mammogram, Laundry, Prayer Meeting, RTW
Thursday... Babysit Damon, schedule, RTW, Moogly CAL
Friday...  Weigh-in, RTW, Family Dinner
Saturday...  Laundry, RTW, Game Night
Sunday...  Church, RTW

Currently reading::::


I went from being ahead on my Goodreads Challenge to being 2 books behind schedule!  I just haven't had time to read.  I really should start setting aside 30 minutes before bedtime to read like I used to.  Lately, I've just been going straight to bed.

This book was given to me by a friend who really enjoyed it.  I love the premise of the book so hopefully, I'll get to read some this week.
On the TV::::

NCIS - binge watching to try to get caught up to the current season

Listening to:

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Pork Chops, Buttered potatoes, broccoli, peaches
Tuesday - Ravioli, Garlic Bread, green beans, pears
Wednesday - Steak, Noodles, peas, oranges
Thursday - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Apple Cobbler
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Breakfast
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

This is the Moogly 2018 Block #2 called Gretchen Afghan Square by July Yeager.

I think this is the first Julie Yeager pattern I've made.  I really enjoyed making this square.  The pattern was great to read and I love how it turned out.

Picture From the Camera


Bible Verse/Devotional



  1. It is really icy here too. I almost fell going out to my van this morning. At least the sun is out here today! Your menu sounds really good! Hope you have a wonderful week. :)

  2. Our weather is cold, clear and bright. Thankfully no ice. I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow too. I'll be glad when it is over. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. We have a lot of snow, but the temperatures aren't so bad.

  4. I bet that candle smells wonderful. Ice is no fun, hope it warms up and melts away for you soon. Have a wonderful week!

  5. Your menu for the week looks good.

  6. We had ice last night too. lovely candle, hope you get to read before bedtime :)

  7. Yummy menu for this week! Love your square!! Have a great week!

  8. We had ice over the weekend, too, and it's so treacherous. Love the granny square! Have a blessed week ahead and a Happy Valentine's Day! <3

  9. I'm really loving that crochet block! So many beautiful colors and so much fun.

  10. I love the title of Seven Brides for Seven Texans since I'm a huge fan of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I'll have to check it out.

  11. Thanks for linking up with me, Colletta!

  12. Hope your ice is melting and the rest of the week was great.


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