
Friday, February 2, 2018

Tea Time ~ Groundhog Baby and a New CD ~ 2/2/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~I hit 1,000,000 views on the blog!  I've been watching for weeks as it ever so slowly crept up and finally hit 1,000,000.  It only took me 9 years!

~I bought the LANCO CD!  I absolutely love "Greatest Love Story" so when I saw the CD at Wal-Mart it jumped into my buggy!  I've been listening and there are a lot of really good songs :)

~The Ravelry BAMCAL 2018 and Moogly released new crochet blocks!  Now to find some time to crochet :)

~We've been having a bit of a BBC Sherlock Holmes Netflix binge!  I'm on Season 3 and loving it.  It is suspenseful and funny at the same time :)

~Last, but not least, today is my Groudhog Baby's birthday!  Little Miss Laken turns 11 years old at 1:15pm.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  8*F and big, fat snowflakes were falling.  Happy Birthday, Baby Girl :)

How was your week?
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

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