
Friday, September 22, 2017

Tea Time ~ 17th Anniversary and Kitten Update ~ 9/22/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~Sunday was our 17th Wedding Anniversary!  We had a "date" on Saturday to celebrate.  We had the big debate over where to eat and finally decided on Cracker Barrel.  It was delicious!  I got my usual Grilled Chicken BLT (Minus the L and T).  Yumm!  We then stopped at a few stores just to browse and spend time together.  Ollie's and Dunhams it was :)  We're not fancy and it doesn't take much to entertain us.  We had a great time :)  Here's a little pre-date selfie...

~Kitten update!  I mentioned a while ago that we adopted 3 kittens.  Raspberry, Beethoven and PK are doing great!  They have all been to the vet (numerous times) and have gotten all their vaccines/shots.  Raspberry, the female, the very laid back.  The boys, however, are very rambunctious!  Even though PK only has one eye and can't see very well out of it, he doesn't let Beethoven get away with anything.  The hubby and the girls have spoiled them rotten :)

Kaylee and PK

Laken and Beethoven

~I saw my 5th Grade teacher at Wal-Mart!  This might not seem very special to some but Mr. Wagoner was my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE teacher of ALL TIME!  He recognized me and even remembered my name!  Keep in mind that it has been 29 years since I was in his class.  I felt so special :)

~I decided on my Fall Goals!  If you're interested, you can check them out HERE :)

~I'm hosting a Saturday Weigh-In!  Each Saturday, I'll be posting about my weekly weigh-in and I'm hoping other will join in.  There's already been some interest.  I'm so excited :)  Click the pic for more info...
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. A belated happy anniversary to you and your husband! Cracker Barrel is one of my favorite places, but my husband doesn't care for it, so I usually go there for lunches with a friend. But we don't usually do anything fancy, either - just a nice dinner out. Your meeting with your former teacher sounds wonderful, and it's so nice he remembered you!

  2. oh how fun to run into an old teacher. at age 57 i sometimes feel like an old teacher and some if my students do think i am old ( they are 3-5 yr olds. ha! ) and guess has been 35 years since i got my undergrad degree!!!!!!! so wow. you are young! 😉

    your girls look like they enjoying having cats as pets!

    happy aniversary....cracker barrel is not a fave of mine but my hubby and i tend to keep things simple too except 7'yrs ago when we had our 20 and went to Paris!!
    i hope you have an awesome weekend

  3. How delightful! Happy Anniversary you two! Love the update on the kittens and the sweet pics of them with your kids. Running into the special Fifth Grade Teacher had to be awesome!

  4. Happy anniversary to you both. How lovely that your previous teacher recognised you. Have a good week, Cx

  5. I read your fall goals post and hope to do a similar post. I LOVE thinking about such things.
    I think I NEED some more accountability, too. I like how your weigh in post also includes your exercise minutes although that is scary.
    For your teacher t remember your name after all these years is amazing. Teachers can and do make such a difference.
    Have a great week.
    Susan from FruitfulWords:

  6. Congrats on your anniversary! Lovely kitties too. Sounds like they might be new members of your family? Good luck on your weight loss goals! You can do it!

  7. Happy anniversary! I like simple. I love that you adopted these three kittens! Wishing you all the best.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Nice selfie and that hair color on you is lovely! Kittens are adorable. That is amazing that your fave teacher remembered even your name after 29 years!

  9. Cute kittens! I noticed that you didn't say that you spoil them rotten too. Haha! I'm sure you do your share. :)
    And Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!


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