
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Book Review ~ Love Finds You in Lake Geneva Wisconsin by Pamela S. Meyers ~ 9/21/17

A young woman wants to work in a man’s world.

It’s 1933, the height of the Big-Band era, and beautiful Lake Geneva is already well established as a summertime playground for Chicago’s elite. Local girl Meg Alden works at the town newspaper, but she aspires to be a reporter—a job given only to men. When a position opens up, Meg spies an opportunity to break into the business.
That is, until Jack Wallace, the son of a big-city newspaper magnate, is hired instead. Jack is drawn to Meg and suggests they combine forces to uncover a local scandal. But how can Meg work with the man who stole her job. . .and makes her pulse race?  

My Thoughts:
I have loved reading the "Love Finds You" series.  I think I've read almost all of them.  Each one is unique and I've learned so much with each book.
This book takes place in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin in the 1930's and reminded of an old movie about reporters "pounding" out their stories on typewriters.  It was very interesting to read about the newspaper business.
I especially liked the fact that the author grew up in Lake Geneva.  How neat is that!
The characters were well written and very much in tune with what I would imagine living in the 1930's was like even the unfairness of how a woman was treated in a "man's world".
I enjoyed reading about Meg's family dynamics and was drawn into finding out how the rifts were to be healed.  Such a different day and age!
Another "Love Finds You" novel read and loved!

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Linking up to:  Share Your Cup;  Grandma IdeasLiteracy Musings and Saturday Situation, Booknificent. Party at My Place , Saturday Review of Book , Book Nook, Hearts for Home, The Monday Review, Homemaking Party,  Favorite Things


  1. Such an inviting book! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  3. There's something about the phrase "Love Finds You..." that just draws you in, isn't there? Thanks for sharing this little bit of yourself this week at Booknificent Thursday on!


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