
Friday, September 22, 2017

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 9/23/17 ~ LINKUP

Many thanks to Stacy at Intentional Mommyhood for the Saturday Weigh-In graphic! 
This week I wrote a post about my Fall Goals.  Of course, that included physical/fitness goals.

I thought I'd share them here also:

~Lose 1 lb per week for a total of 13 lbs
~Track my food daily:  the good, the bad and the ugly
~Walk 5-6 days a week to get my 35 FitPoints per week
~Continue my "Saturday Weigh-In" post

I can't tell you how important it is for me to share my journey here in my Saturday Weigh-In post.  It helps hold me accountable in a way that I need to keep me motivated.

Having others to share the journey with is going to make such a big difference to me.

That being said...

I lost 3.4 lbs this week!!  That puts me just over the 25 lbs lost mark!  I'm so happy!  I want to keep the momentum up for this next week.  Say a little prayer for me, would you?

Next week I'll be writing about my diet/food plan.

So what are your Fall Fitness Goals???

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  - 3.4 Total:  -25.8 lbs.

                 Sat:  30 minutes (Neighborhood walk)
                 Sun:   30 minutes (Neighborhood walk)
                 Mon:    60 minutes (Neighborhood walk X 2)
                 Tues:    60 minutes (Neighborhood walk X 2
                 Wed:     minutes
                 Thurs:   minutes
                  Fri:      30 minutes  (Neighborhood walk)
              TOTAL:  210 minutes = 40/35 FitPoints


Whether you've got 100 (or more) pounds to lose or just 5.  Whether you've been weighing in for years or just starting.  Whether you do Weight Watchers or some other diet or exercise program.  Whether you are 65 or 25.  I'd love, love, love to have your support and friendship in this constant struggle which is weight loss/healthy living.
So please leave a comment with a link to your fitness/healthy living/weigh-in post and let us be each other's accountability.

Linking to:  Dare to Share, Saturday Sparks, Bouquet of Talent, Saturday Shuffle, Saturday Sharefest Sundays at Home, Sunday's Best, Dishing It and Digging It


  1. I lost exactly 1 pound last week. This is good for me! Have a great day and you are doing excellent!

    1. 1 lb is great! That is my goal. I really was shocked this week :)


    Here's my weigh in entry!!! I have changed my whole blog to dedicate and commit to finally taking care of me. :)
    Excited for you this week! almost 4 lbs! YAY!!!!! And down 25 total, that is fantastic!!! Keep it up!!!

  3. Congrats on your weight loss! My super busy work schedule has been a bit in the way of me focusing on healthy habits, need to get back to it. Thanks for the inspiration.


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