Saturday, July 15, 2017

Stacking the Shelves ~ 7/15/17

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
This week I added the following to my shelf:

 Tess has taken some ribbing from her fellow officer, Logan, for her quilting hobby. He finds it hard to align the brisk professional officer he patrols with during the day with the one who quilts in her off-time. Besides, he's been trying to get to know her better and he'd like to be seeing her during those few nights a week she spends with her quilting guild.

Then one afternoon Tess and Logan visit her aunt in the nursing home, and the woman acts agitated when Tess covers her with the story quilt. Aunt Susan is attempting to communicate a message to them about Tess's uncle. There's a story behind this quilt, they realize, one that may lead them to a serial killer.

Will they have a chance to have a future together, or will the killer choose Tess for his next victim before they find him?   
Also linking up to: The Sunday PostMailbox Monday

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hodgepodge ~ 7/12/17
Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:



1. When was the last time you chatted with a neighbor? About what? (sharing that last bit is optional)

We live in the boondocks so we don't really have close neighbors.  However, if you count people in neighboring offices, then it would be today! :)  It was about me being sore from starting back to the gym...

 2. River, lake, ocean, or waterfall...which one are you most like and why?

I prefer lakes but I think I'm most like the ocean.  Sometimes calm; sometimes stormy!

 3. July 13 is National Delaware Day. Ever been to Delaware? Delaware is called 'the first state' because it was the first to declare independence from the British. What's your state's nickname and does that moniker make sense to you? If you were in charge, what nickname would you give your home state?

I've never been to Delaware.  My state is Pennsylvania and it is called the Keystone State.  It makes sense to me because it was the middle state when the country started.  I can't really think of anything else to nickname PA.

 4. What dish did you contribute to the last pot luck meal you attended? Do you have a go-to recipe for pot luck suppers?

I had a potluck last night and took mashed potatoes to go with the main dish:  Chicken.  My usual go-to is homemade mac-n-cheese.

 5. What is your number one tip for a brand new parent?

Teach them to sleep in their own bed and STICK TO IT!!!

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of new parents...  My cousin (who is more like a sister) is getting ready to have her baby boy any day.  Her actual due date is August 2nd but she is measuring 3 weeks early.  I can't wait to hold little Damon and smell sweet baby smells :)

I'd love to return the visit!  Please leave a comment and a link!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Teaser Tuesday ~ The Best Yes ~ 7/11/17

My teaser for this week is from:

~"Dive thru ordering and my youngest daughter are a bad combination.  Brooke can do many things in life.  She's an amazing, beautiful, talented, witty, kind-hearted girl.  Who is amazing.  I believe I might have mentioned that already.  But she panics at the drive-thru box."~

What do you think?

Also linking up to:

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/10/17


Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::

It has been hot and humid with some thundershowers thrown in the mix. 

On my breakfast plate:

Special K Cinnamon Pecan Cereal
As I look around the house::::
Well, I "feel" heat!  Having no AC is different for us.

On today's to do list::::

Bible reading
Blog writing/visiting
Atlanticus CAL
Girls' checkup

Happening this week::::
Monday.... Work 8am-1pm, Atlanticus CAL, Girls' Checkup.
Tuesday...  Work 8am-1pm, Laundry, Ross CAL starts, Ladies Meeting at Church.
Wednesday... Work 9am-2pm, Schedule for next week, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday... Work8am-1pm, Bills, Menu and Grocery List,
Friday...  Off work, Groceries, Laundry.
Saturday...  Weigh-in.

Currently reading::::


I was getting nowhere with desiring to read again this week.  Ughh!  I'm getting so behind on my Goodreads Challenge...

So, I decided to try a non-fiction read.

This is a book I had to have as soon as it was published...3 years ago.  It has been sitting on my shelf ever since.  I picked it up off the shelf last night and have been reading away :)
On the TV::::

Pirates Baseball
On the Radio:::

A mix of Country and KLOVE.
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Ham, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday - Baked Ravioli, Garlic Bread
Wednesday -  Pork Chops, Baked Potatoes
Thursday - Kielbasa, homemade fries
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I finished up Part 6 of Atlanticus this week but didn't even look at Part 7.  Part 8 comes out today so I'm falling a bit behind.

The Pippin Crochet Club on facebook is also starting the Ross CAL this week.  I think I'll wait until I'm finished with Atlanticus before starting Ross.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Stacking the Shelves ~ 7/8/17

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
This week I added the following to my shelf:

 A quilt becomes a labor of love for a lonely wife mysteriously separated from her young husband.

After her fiancé returns from the Klondike gold rush in 1897, Florence Harms sets about building a new life in her new marriage—even though the lingering effects of illness have left her weak and vulnerable. She and her young husband, Will, work tirelessly to clear the land around their Northwest cabin, content with their modest life.

But then a stranger comes knocking and Florence suddenly senses a restlessness in Will’s spirit that she had never seen before. When he leaves her with only a note that tells her he will return before their baby’s birth, she is devastated, and the illness that stiffened her joints returns. Counting the days until Will walks back through her door, Florence busies herself with a Tree of Life quilt displaying a map of the farm they call home. Doubts claw at her heart as Florence struggles to believe Will’s promise to return to her. Will her labor of love—and faith in God—sustain her as she waits to see her beloved once again?
Also linking up to: The Sunday PostMailbox Monday

Happy Reading!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Tea Time ~ 7/7/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~We took a mini-vacation this past weekend to Pittsburgh.  We left on Friday afternoon and stayed in a hotel overnight.  Saturday morning, we went out for breakfast and then to the Carnegie Science Center.  I hadn't been there in years!  The kids had a great time but then we had to leave to get to PNC Park for the PIRATE GAME!  I thought we were going to win but the game went into extra innings and the Giants pulled out the win :(  Bummer, but we had a great time :)

~My Dad turned 70!!!  Monday was my Dad's 70th birthday :)  He is now in a new decade.  We celebrated with his choice of dinner and a sugar-free jello/poke cake.  It was delicious!  Happy Birthday, Dad!

~The 4th of July!  I know I just started back to work but it was nice to have a day to spend with all the family.  We didn't do much.  In fact, I did the laundry and cleaned the bedroom.  We did put off our own little fireworks display, though :)

~Kittens!  We're looking for a couple of kittens for the girls.  We went to a farm that had some the other day but they all scattered and ran away when we looked at them!  EDITED TO ADD:  We got a kitten!  It is black and tan and so cute.  Laken named her Raspberry :)

~My first full week back at work!  I mentioned that I started a part-time job a few posts ago.  I'm back at the local College working as an assistant in the Nursing Department.  I know most of the people and am familiar with the work so it has been a very nice start back.  It was good to see some friends from the past :)

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Hodgepodge ~ 7/5/17
Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:

1. When and where were the best fireworks you've ever seen? Speaking of you know your hot buttons? The things people can say and/or do to set you off? When was the last time someone pushed one of your hot buttons?
I don't know if they were the best fireworks or not but the best 4th of July I had was 17 years ago in 2000 when my husband and I were newly engaged and so very much in love!  We're still very much in love, btw :)

 2. Have you hosted any outdoor summer parties this year? Attended any? What makes for a great outdoor party?
We haven't hosted any summer parties this year as we're in the middle-ish stages of building on to the house.  I've attended a few though and I think the best outdoor parties involve a pool or water of some sort.  It has been SO hot lately!

 3. What does freedom mean to you?
Wow, deep question!  I guess to me freedom means salvation.  Whether religious or political, both apply.

 4. July is National Cell Phone Courtesy month...what annoys you most about people's cell phone habits?
I absolutely hate when people stop their face-to-face conversation to look at or answer their phone or text!  So rude!  It also really rubs me the wrong way when I see someone driving while on the cell phone.  So dangerous!

 5. What's your current summer anthem?

 6.  Insert your own random thought here.

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!  Before long we'll have to start thinking about back-to-school shopping!


I'd love to return the visit!  Please leave a comment and a link!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/3/17


Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

Today is my dad's 70th Birthday!!!!


The weather outside is::::


I haven't looked at the forecast for the week ahead yet, but I think Summer is in full swing :)

On my breakfast plate:

Special K Bar and Diet Dr. Pepper:)
As I look around the house::::
The foundation for the addition is DONE!  Well, all but painting the sealant on the blocks.  I am so excited!

Now, we have to call and have the building inspector come inspect the foundation before we move onto the next step.

On today's to do list::::

Bible reading
Blog writing/visiting
Atlanticus CAL
Celebrate Dad's Bday

Happening this week::::
Monday.... Work, Atlanticus CAL, Celebrate.
Tuesday...  Laundry, 4th of July!, Fireworks.
Wednesday... Work, Schedule for next week.
Thursday... Work, Menu and Grocery List, Girls' Well check-up.
Friday...  Work, Groceries.
Saturday...  Weigh-in, Laundry.

Currently reading::::


I didn't read a single page this week!  I'm hoping to get into a routine soon and find time to sit down with this book!
On the TV::::

Pirates Baseball
(on TV and at the STADIUM!)

On the Radio:::

A mix of Country and KLOVE.
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Fish Filets, Homemade Mac-n-cheese
Tuesday - Cook out
Wednesday -  BBQ Ribs, Fried Potatoes
Thursday - Chicken and Rice
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

Part 7 of Atlanticus comes out today but I'm still finishing up Part 6.  I'm hoping to get it done today so that I can stay up-to-date on at least my pink and green Atlanticus.  The Beachy Atlanticus is still on part 2 or 3.