Sunday, March 2, 2025

Happy Homemaker ~ 3/2/2025

Hosted by Diary of a SAHM.

Happy March, everyone!!!

I am beyond excited to be done with January and February.  I'm even more excited that we get to Spring Forward Saturday night!

Sickness has really hit our household hard this Winter.  I'm much improved but now my Mom and Dad are down with whichever virus it is.  I can't wait to open the windows and air the house out.  Fresh air does wonders for the body and mind.

Let's get on with it, shall we?


The weather outside is:

We had a few really nice days last week and I was actually able to go outside for my walk on 2 different days. go cold again.  16F was the temperature when I left for Church this morning.

On the to-do list:

This morning was Church.  I spent the afternoon just relaxing and not getting much done except talking to the hubby.  In a bit, I'll be leaving for Sunday evening Bible Study.  I didn't get the laundry folded or the floors mopped like I wanted to.  OH well, they'll keep for another day...

Happening this week:

Monday (3/3) ~ I work 10am-5pm.  Maybe I'll get to that laundry in the evening.

Tuesday (2/25) ~ I'm off work and will be working on market prep items.  The Spring Fling Market is only 1 month away.  I'm getting nervous/excited.  I can't tell which one, really.  I'll also be posting my Weekly Weigh In Post by Tuesday (possibly Monday).

Wednesday (3/5) ~ I work 10am-5pm.  Prayer Meeting and Bible Study is at 6:30pm so I have just enough time to get home, eat and head out again.

Thursday (3/6) ~ I'm off work on Thursday's so I'll be trying to get some things done around the house such as making a menu, grocery shopping, bills, errands etc. (Hopefully the floors were mopped earlier in the week!)

Friday (3/7) ~ Work 10am-5pm. I might participate in some Reading Sprints with Paperbacks and Ponytails a booktuber I follow.  I think she starts them at 7pm but I could be wrong. 

Saturday (3/8) ~ Saturday's are the only day I get to "sleep in" and I always wake up early anyway.  Go figure!  I plan on spending the day working around the house.  Cleaning and laundry (again) and also make sure my planner is all filled in and ready to go for the next week.

Currently reading:

I'm listening to "Beyond Ivy Walls" by Rachel Fordham, the March selection of the Good for the Soul Women's Book Club.  March 27th at 8pm EST is our Zoom Chat about the book.

We had our discussion this past Friday evening for "You're Not Enough (and that's okay)" by Allie Beth Stuckey.  We had a great time and it was so encouraging talking to other Christian women with similar interests.

Listening to:


I haven't watched any TV this week...again...

In the Kitchen:

I spent more time in the kitchen this week.  I made homemade strawberry shortcake for dessert one night.  I also threw together a Crock Pot Garlic Beef and Potato recipe I found on Facebook.

In the Craft Basket:

I made a few more turtles and am almost done with another octopus.  I'm starting to fizzle out on the crochet frenzy but I only have 1 month to create more items for the market.  Hopefully, I'll renew my vigor this week.  My list of to-makes is getting smaller so that is good :)

Picture(s) from the Camera

I got this super pretty, Spring-y mug at the Dollar General for $3.  I love it and have been drinking my tea from it every evening :)

Prayer Requests

~My Dad has to have a heart valve replacement.  I would appreciate your prayers that they can replace the valve using the minimally invasive procedure and that they won't have to do open heart surgery.

~My weight loss journey.

~As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all school/college kids.  (continued)

~Our Country, our Leaders.  (continued)

Bible Verse

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

Philippians 4:6

Have a great week!


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