
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/26/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

The first week of Laken's Senior Year is in the books!  I feel kind of old.

I was looking at all the obligatory first day of school pictures that everyone was posting on Facebook.  There were a lot of Seniors and even College students but I also saw lots of little ones getting on the school bus or outside their school for the first time.

I guess I've just always seen myself as a young mom.  I have to come to the realization that I'm old enough (more than old enough) to be a ,,,  GRANDMOTHER!  Settle down!  No one is pregnant.  (to my knowledge ).  I have to move on or I'm going to get super depressed about my babies being grown!

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

Summer is back.  That is all.

On today's to-do list:

I'm off work at my job today so I get to be a Happy Homemaker all day!  I got most of my to-do list done on Friday, my last day off as I had to work both Saturday and Sunday.  My list for today will be to wash my work shirts, fold laundry, take Laken to and from school, practice driving with Laken in the afternoon, alter a few dresses I got at the thrift shop and anything else that comes my way.  I might even take a nap.  Wouldn't that be glorious!?!

Happening this week:

I work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.  I work the early shift which is good for taking Laken to school in the mornings.

I have hopes of it being a fairly quiet week with just the normal activities.  We don't have any appointments this week which is a good thing.

Currently reading:

Only my devotional and Bible.

I just watched a movie about a Book Club (more about that later) and it really has me missing the Kindred Readers Book Club that I used to co-host on Facebook.  Does anyone belong to a good Book Club that you could point me to?  I need a REALLY good book to get me hooked and back in to reading.

Listening to:



My babies grow up!  Here is the First Day of Kindergarten Picture next to the First Day of Senior Year picture.


As I mentioned above, we watched "Blind Date Book Club" and it was so cute!  It was about a bookstore owner who hosted a "mystery" book club by wrapping the books with paper and just putting a blurb on the front to intrigue people into reading the book.  If they liked the book (or not) they could come share their thoughts on the book.  Erin Krakow was the leading lady and I really enjoy her movies.  Let me know if you saw it or if you're going to go watch it now that you've heard about the movie :)

I've also been watching some new YouTube channels featuring "sewists" which have me itching to get my sewing machine out!

In the Kitchen:

Friday I had supper in the oven and decided while the oven was hot to try a second variation of the cinnamon roll "cobbler".  A few week ago I made one with apple pie filling and it was SO very good!

This time I had picked chocolate chips and pecans!

I cut the cinnamon rolls in fours, melted a stick of butter, added brown sugar and cinnamon plus about half a bag of chocolate chips and stirred it all together.

I only put the pecans on half the cobbler because not everyone in the house likes them (Laken).  It turned out so delicious!  I might have over-done it with the stick of butter because there was a lot of oeey gooey goodness.  I was going to wipe it off the plate to make the picture look more professional but decided to leave it as is to show the yumminess!

I haven't decided what to make this week.  Any suggestions?

In the Craft Basket:

I'm e...v...e...r so slowly working on Japanese Fields blocks.

I also want to alter a few dresses I got at the thrift store as I mentioned above.  The first dress is just too big and shapeless.  I think I'll take the sides in and maybe add a belt.  The second dress has straps and peekaboo shoulders that hand WAY too low on my shoulders.  I'm thinking of just cutting off the peekaboo shoulders and wearing a shrug over top of it as I wouldn't feel comfortable without one.  

Picture from the Camera

Prayer Request

Please keep my work situation in your prayers.  I absolutely do not like having to work on Sunday morning but it seems like they keep scheduling me to work then.

Laken is now taking 4 college courses.  Please pray that she does well with them and that she stays healthy.

As always, prayers for the safety and well-being of all those going back to school.

Bible Verse

"First of all then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity."  I Timothy 2: 1-2  NASB

Have a great week!



  1. I like the sound of "Blind Date Book Club". I'll look out for it. I went to a Book Club for years in my local town, though am currently taking a break from it.
    Also, we could use some of your prayers over here right now.
    Visiting from #MMBC

  2. Children grow up so quickly. Time flies. I like the look of your baked goods. #MMBC

  3. Those cinnamon rolls do look awesome, now I want one as well.
    Found your post on A pinch of Joy. My entries this week are numbered #61+62
    Hope you will join/share M-Sat at

  4. Wow your girl sure has grown. She is lovely. Hoping the work situation works out. Have a great week

  5. Good luck to Laken in her senior year.
    We're expected to have some more summer like weather after a chilly few days.
    I love your to do list, especially the nap part. hehehe
    I like the sound of the Blind Date Book Club movie and cinnamon roll "cobbler looks so good.

  6. Oh, do enjoy this last year with Laken! If you read my post I posted here you will see at one part I mentioned regarding this time of year since I no longer have a student at home. It is bittersweet. I do have time to do others things though and that is very good. That Cinnamon Roll Cobbler looks delicious.

  7. Wishing Laken a wonderful senior year! Your cinnamon roll cobbler sounds amazing.

  8. The years pass so quickly. Keep on enjoying the days!

  9. I am about to write a post about the lament of our babies being grown - it hit me in the most unexpected of ways this week...

  10. Wishing Laken an awesome senior year! --I'm happy you decided to join us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #53. We're always so happy to have new bloggers join us. :)


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